@Shocking weather

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2024/05/12 週日下半天至週一晨鋒面影響 中北部 東北部留意較大雨勢
週日下半天至週一晨鋒面影響 中北部 東北部留意較大雨勢 週一鋒面通過後東北風增強 北部氣溫稍轉涼 留意氣溫變化 WeatherRisk官方粉絲團:http://www.facebook.com/WeatherRisk.Co WeatherRisk官網:http://www.weatherrisk.com 氣象達人彭啟明:http://www.facebook.com/weatherrisk 以上資訊由天氣風險管理開發股份有限公司提供. Copyright by WeatherRisk Co.
Saturday Thunderstorm Risk For Several Regions, Will Mother's Day Be Any Better?
Rachel Schoutsen has Canada's coast-to-coast forecast for Saturday, May 11, 2024, plus a look at how Mother's Day will shape up for the country. #forecast #mothersday #theweathernetwork #canada - - - Never miss a weather alert! http://www.theweathernetwork
ウェザーニュースLiveの切り抜きチャンネルです 箱推しなので特定のキャスターのみを扱ってるわけではありません ただし偏りは出ちゃうと思いますが… このチャンネルはウェザーニュースのガイドラインに沿って ガジェット通信様との契約により配信しております https://weathernews.jp/wnl/guideline/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hockey fans score a win with Canadian playoff weather this weekend #NHL #shorts #canada #weather
Hockey fans from coast to coast are hoping that one of the four Canadian teams skating into this season’s playoffs will bring the trophy north of the border for the first time in more than 30 years. Here’s a look at what fans can expect as they head out an
China sky turns dark in seconds as hurricane wind and hail rock Guangdong and Jiangxi
#china #flooding #storm Severe weather unleashed its fury across multiple regions encompassing Jiangxi, Guizhou, and Guangdong, among others, prompting the escalation of rainstorm warnings to yellow status. April 18th marked a day of tumult for Guangdong P
Another flash flood in UAE! Worst event in 10 years, flash floods in Sharjah
Another flash flood in UAE! Worst event in 10 years, flash floods in Sharjah The UAE witnessed a record breaking rainfall from late Monday until Tuesday night, with many neighbourhoods in the city getting severely affected. Not only Dubai, the city of Shar
Saudi Arabia disappeared in 2 minutes! Super storms, floods and hail ravaged Dammam
Saudi Arabia disappeared in 2 minutes! Super storms, floods and hail ravaged Dammam A wave of moderate to heavy strong storms began to fall on the governorates of the Eastern Region Saudi Arabia, according to the latest forecasts issued by the National Cen
State of emergency in UAE! Storms, strong winds and floods create chaos in Dubai
State of emergency in UAE! Storms, strong winds and floods create chaos in Dubai Strong storms rolling across the Plains on Tuesday are bringing heavy rain and strong winds, in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Al-Ain, UAE. Video footage surfacing on social media show
【 樂活農民曆 LIVE!穀雨 】
1 個月前
 • 7 次觀看
【 樂活農民曆 LIVE!穀雨 】 配合農民曆,直播告訴您天氣! ​ 穀雨節氣到來,代表春天不穩定的寒氣將結束,天候溫和、氣溫升高,並加上雨水的滋潤,是穀類蓬勃生長的好時期。 ​ 直播要來告訴您: 1️⃣ ​ 餘震頻繁,緊急避難包帶什麼?! 2️⃣ ​ 第一道梅雨 / 滯留鋒面大約落在什麼時候? 3️⃣ ​ 梅雨季雨量可觀嗎? ​ 農業氣象選單功能已開啟! 快來加入吧我們的官方帳號! https://lin.ee/oNyeKy9
7 minutes ago in UAE! Strong winds, flash floods and hail occurred in a short time
7 minutes ago in UAE! Strong winds, flash floods and hail occurred in a short time Residents and nationals in the UAE woke up to intense weather conditions on Tuesday, April 16 with thunderstorms, strong winds, flooding and hail taking the UAE by storm. Th
Dubai UAE destroyed in 2 minutes! Plane floating in water, flash flood in Dubai
Dubai UAE destroyed in 2 minutes! Plane floating in water, flash flood in Dubai Heavy rains caused flooding and blocked streets in some areas of Dubai, United Arab Emirates on Tuesday. Operations at Dubai International Airport were temporarily suspended fo
Texas USA destroyed in 2 minutes! Solar eclipse, storm and hail occurred in 1 day
Texas USA destroyed in 2 minutes! Solar eclipse, storm and hail occurred in 1 day Severe weather accompanied by large hail has hit several areas in Texas, causing chaos and some damage. In several videos circulating on social media, large hail and strong w
【最大震度5弱】​​2024年04月08日 10時25分頃発生 大隅半島東方沖 深さ39km M5.1【緊急地震速報(警報)】
この動画は、地震が発生した際のタイムシフトです。 基本的に、震度3以上を観測する地震・津波注意報以上が発表された地震についてアップロードします。 ~~~観測された震度~~~ 【震度5弱】日南市 【震度4】串間市 大崎町 錦江町 【震度3】宮崎市 都城市 三股町 高原町 鹿屋市 垂水市 志布志市 東串良町 南大隅町 肝付町 鹿児島市 霧島市 南さつま市 姶良市 【震度2】国富町 綾町 小林市 えびの市 西都市 新富町 川南町 椎葉村 宮崎美郷町 高千穂町 曽於市 指宿市 薩摩川内市 日置市 いちき串木野市 南
【今日各地天氣仍較不穩定 明日轉東北季風迎風雨】
【今日各地天氣仍較不穩定 明日轉東北季風迎風雨】 昨天受鋒面及華南雲雲系東移影響,各地普遍為陰沉天氣,不過白天期間中南部仍有顯著放晴,氣溫都較悶熱,最高溫普遍在27度以上,僅基隆高溫只有21.8度。而嘉義以北及東部都有較廣泛的短暫陣雨,午後於高雄山區受熱力作用加強,也一度有較顯著的對流發展帶來短暫雷陣雨。 而持續至今天仍受鋒面影響,天氣依舊較不穩定,至今早上仍有零散對流發展通過帶來些局部短暫陣雨,各地低溫則落在19-23度。預期今天整日仍容易有局部短暫陣雨或雷雨,中北部及東部降雨影響相對還是比較廣泛,而這樣
[週六鋒面接近降雨增多 收假日留意陣雨或雷雨]
[週六鋒面接近降雨增多 收假日留意陣雨或雷雨] 昨天鋒面東移後,臺灣附近轉為微弱東北季風環境,迎風面濕涼,中南部天氣大致穩定。但目前隨著中國大陸上新一波鋒面醞釀,水氣再度從西邊的海峽一帶移入,原本比較穩定的中南部地區雲量也跟著增多,山區因為地形舉升的幫助,開始有些小雨。預計今天白天隨著鋒面接近,西半部的降雨會逐漸擴展到平地,降雨的頻率也會越來越高;不過在降雨空檔時,可能會有陽光從雲縫中穿透,中午前後從北到南高溫還是有27-30度,中南部的內陸有局部30度以上的高溫。出門的話除了建議帶上雨具外,也因為濕度高,
A rare 4.8M earthquake shook the eastern U.S. on April 5, 2024 | #shorts #newyork #newjersey
A rare 4.8 magnitude earthquake shook the eastern U.S. on Friday leaving millions shaken, including those in New York City. Never miss a weather alert! http://www.theweathernetwork.com Captured a weather video or photo that you want to share? Join The Weat
Top 44 minutes of natural disasters caught on camera. Most hurricane in history. Germany , part 3
A selection of the most incredible moments ever caught on tape! Subscribe @ExtremeWeatherEvents There are some moments in life that are so incredible that nobody would believe it if it weren’t caught on camera. And even though bizarre moments happen every
📢 精彩直播 【請問老闆,今年給放空嗎﹖】 2024拒絕過勞腦 發呆、恍神、作白日夢…..2024一定學起來 美國最紅腦科學「放空」,告訴我們大腦休息時,正啟動暗能量,能激發創造力,想出好點子 所以,暫停一下又怎樣,「一起放空吧」! ​ 🎯學會放空,拒絕過勞腦!遇見你的「啊哈」時刻 🎯 台灣唯一放空學校,就是要你空懶耍廢 🧐《遠見》記者吳季柔,帶您深入解析最紅「放空課」找到「啊哈」時刻 ​ 🧨新年走春來台北書展,2024/2/20-2/25世貿一館,驚喜小禮等你 👉 一天只要$3.6元,訂閱《遠見》全年最優
Orcas trapped in ice off Japan get international attention | #shorts #orca #japan
A pod of orcas which appeared to be trapped in drift ice off the coast of Hokkaido in northern Japan have escaped, local media reported on February 7, citing town authorities. - - - Never miss a weather alert! http://www.theweathernetwork.com Captured a we