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SA Today with Jennie Lenman
1 年前
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SA Today with Jennie Lenman Join journalist Jennie Lenman as she explores the great state of South Australia; from its food and wine, to its events, attractions, sports, politics and real estate. https://audioboom.com/channels/4819258-sa-today-with-jennie-
Matt and Doree's Eggcellent Adventure: An IVF Journey
6 個月前
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Matt and Doree's Eggcellent Adventure: An IVF Journey Matt Mira and Doree Shafrir spent two and a half years, a lot of money, and nearly 100 episodes of this podcast trying to get pregnant through IVF. Now that they're actually pregnant, welcome to Season
Food Heaven Podcast
2 年前
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Food Heaven Podcastwendy lopezjessica jones Join BFF’s and registered dietitian nutritionists Wendy Lopez and Jessica Jones as they talk to different health & nutrition experts about how we can live healthier, more balanced lives. Each week they deep dive
Not Skinny But Not Fat
1 年前
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Not Skinny But Not Fatamanda hirsch Amanda Hirsch, @notskinnybutnotfat on Instagram, shares her hot takes on entertainment news, celebrities & pop culture, and interviews your faves! http://notskinnybutnotfat.libsyn.com/website Tue, 14 Feb 2023 08:00:00 +0
Joyful Courage - A Conscious Parenting Podcast
1 年前
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Joyful Courage - A Conscious Parenting Podcast The Joyful Courage Podcast is a place for inspiration, education and entertainment on the parenting journey. You are not alone, and this podcast exists to remind you of that... I am your host, Casey O'Roa
The Bellas Podcast
1 年前
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The Bellas Podcast Sisters, mothers, WWE Hall of Fame Inductees, TV personalities, best-selling authors, and entrepreneurs; Nikki and Brie Bella pick up the mics to give you uncensored access to their lives like never before. Welcome to The Bellas Podcast
Anna Faris Is Unqualified
4 個月前
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Anna Faris Is Unqualified Relationship advice from completely unqualified Hollywood types. New episodes every week! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. http://www.unqualified.com 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Kaitlyn Bristowe (Re-release) In this fl
Radio HITS Radio -GUEST ARCHIVE- | Fm yokohama 84.7(FMヨコハマ)
Radio HITS Radio -GUEST ARCHIVE- 洋楽、K-POPの新曲、ヒット曲、最新アルバムの紹介、そして80年代、90年代の名盤など、音楽ファンに届けるプログラム「Radio HITS Radio」。番組DJ今泉圭姫子が、来日アーティスト、海外とリモートで繋いでのインタビューは、番組の人気コーナーとなっている。その貴重なインタビューをPodcastプログラムとしてお届けします。 【番組概要】毎週木曜日26:30〜放送中「Radio HITS Radio」DJ 今泉圭姫子 https:/
The Downfall Of Diddy | The Case Against Sean 'Puffy P Diddy' Combs
The Downfall Of Diddy | The Case Against Sean 'Puffy P Diddy' Combs In "The Downfall Of Diddy," Tony Brueski, renowned host of the Hidden Killers Podcast and True Crime Today, delves into the tumultuous saga of Sean 'P Diddy' Combs, a figure whose life of
Finding Ana | This Disappearance of Ana Walshe
6 個月後
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Finding Ana | This Disappearance of Ana Walshe Get ready for a gripping true-crime podcast that delves deep into the mysterious disappearance of Ana Walshe, a devoted mother who vanished without a trace. We'll leave no stone unturned as we talk to investig
Beyond the Map: a World of Darkness Series
1 個月後
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Beyond the Map: a World of Darkness Series What if we told you everything you know about the world is wrong? What if we told you that all the things you believe to be impossible are in fact very much possible? Reality is not what you think it is. It is so
It's Super Effective: A Pokemon Podcast
4 天前
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It's Super Effective: A Pokemon Podcast It's Super Effective is a weekly Pokémon podcast that covers news and information on Pokémon GO, the Pokémon anime, and the video games (such as Pokemon Scarlet & Pokémon Violet, as well as, Pokémon UNITE and Masters
Game of Owns l House of the Dragon SZN
5 小時前
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Game of Owns l House of the Dragon SZN Podcasting through George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire/House of the Dragon and HBO's Game Of Thrones. Episodes sorted chapter by chapter at gameofowns.com https://gameofowns.com 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Dunk and Egg: The M
水雲端旗艦概念旅館|台中奢華藝術旅館推薦 千萬打造全新雲端饗宴廳早餐宵夜吃到飽 小孩玩水、歡唱KTV五星住宿
TOMY來推薦最適合親子入住的台中汽車旅館-水雲端旗艦概念旅館,座位於台中市西屯區的水雲端旗艦概念旅館,結合絕佳地理位置、現代藝術裝潢和無與倫比的優質服務,讓每一刻都充滿驚喜與感動。 從台中交流道下來約3-5分鐘就可以抵達,交通可以說是非常便利,周邊許多知名餐廳和景點,像是逢甲夜市或是台中歌劇院都在10分鐘的車程內,令人盡情暢遊台中的美妙之都。 水雲端旗艦概念旅館自身的奢華、頂級風格和全新設施,更是讓人讚嘆不已!舒適的客房、千萬打造全新雲端饗宴廳早餐宵夜吃到飽,為人締造出五星奢華住宿體驗。無論是情侶共度甜蜜
早鳥優惠最高6,000元!狂歡慕尼黑啤酒節 暢遊德瑞~雙景觀列車、少女馬特洪峰、哈德昆觀景台
「德國慕尼黑啤酒節」將於今年的9/21~10/6舉行,持續兩星期,是慕尼黑一年中最盛大的活動【禁止酒駕;未滿十八歲禁止飲酒】。 圖:Shutterstock/來源 【旅奇傳媒/編輯部報導】全球最盛大的啤酒狂歡活動「德國慕尼黑啤酒節(又稱「十月節」)」即將到來,是遊客引頸期盼的盛會!百威旅遊推出「狂歡德瑞12天~雙景觀列車、少女馬特洪峰、哈德昆觀景、慕尼黑啤酒節」,搭乘長榮航空直飛慕尼黑,走訪德瑞精華景點、遍嘗當地美食,全程入住重點城市4星以上飯店,更推出最高每人折扣6,000元的優惠,加碼送小費、Wi-Fi
央行第6波打房 民眾喊無感、房仲批:打錯人
#央行 #打房 #房仲 央行13號,召開理監事會,宣布政策利率不變,面對房市上漲,央行也祭出兩招,包括六都和新竹地區的、第二戶購屋族貸款,「最高成數上限,調降為六成」,「新台幣存款準備率,也升息1碼」。不過,想打房,房仲業者卻認為,效果不彰,是「隔靴搔癢」,民眾也認為,打房政策,很無感。 ✨歡迎收看並訂閱TTVNews台視新聞YouTube頻道✨ ◎【台視新聞網】👉https://news.ttv.com.tw/ ◎訂閱【台視新聞】👉https://www.youtube.com/@TTV_NEWS ◎訂閱
[NOWnews今日新聞] 立法院司法法制委員會昨初審《警察人員人事條例》修正草案,但因藍綠對警消人員每月退休所得的替代率,難有共識,國民黨立委翁曉玲憤怒表示,民進黨就是沒有意義的討論,「國民黨已經包容你們太久。」翁曉玲更一度罵民進黨團幹事長吳思瑤是神經病,遭主席、國民黨籍召委吳宗憲制止,不要人身攻擊。翁曉玲發言時說,國民黨不願意跟民進黨立委進行冗長而沒有意義的討論,國會改革時就是這樣,「國民黨已經包容你們太久,你們就是沒有意義討論、亂討論,還敢說這是沒有民主。」台下民進黨立委黃捷反嗆,「你有那麼大嗎?」翁
綠籬機鋰電池起火? 疑「棉被蓋火」擴大火勢|TVBS新聞 @TVBSNEWS01
新北市土城三死火警,一早家屬和檢方前往殯儀館相驗,火調人員查出,當時是綠籬機鋰電池,正在充電時突然起火,且屋主疑似蓋棉被試圖滅火,反而導致火勢擴大。其他工具行業者就表示,綠籬機本身危險性不高,但若是裝上未認證的雜牌鋰電池,就很容易發生危險。 #新北#土城#三死火警#綠籬機#鋰電池#充電起火 #TVBS新聞 #TVBS直播 #TVBS新聞網 ●TVBS新聞APP全新改版登場! 快來下載👉https://bit.ly/47n6SOm ●訂閱 T-Radio👉https://bit.ly/3vyzKVL ●加入【
106集预告:啼魂:坏了,冲我来的 #凡人修仙传 #国漫 #shorts 【加入会员专享最新集】
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