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【癒し音楽BGM│自然音】すーっと余計な力が抜けていく ヒーリング音楽 疲労回復音楽 脳の疲れを取る音楽 自律神経を整える音楽 心が落ち着く音楽 睡眠音楽 リラックス音楽 【特許取得の音色】
癒しの音楽プレイリストはここでは宣伝されていません ( Healing music is not advertised ) : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0w2COWY42B-oBHCh1K-3KQqobVvUUUoN 私たちのチャンネルを購読する: https://www.youtube.com/user/ALMIRANTEBROWN1985 -----
★50 Mins★ Water Element - Chinese Feng Shui Music (Increasing Happiness and Prosperity)
Increasing happiness and prosperity by adjusting the energy of your living space with appropriate music Feng Shui literally means wind and water, and it represents the understanding of energy flow in our environment and how it affects people. Good Feng Shu
★50 Mins★ Metal Element - Chinese Feng Shui Music (Increasing Happiness and Prosperity)
Increasing happiness and prosperity by adjusting the energy of your living space with appropriate music Feng Shui literally means wind and water, and it represents the understanding of energy flow in our environment and how it affects people. Good Feng Shu
★50 Mins★ Earth Element - Chinese Feng Shui Music (Increasing Happiness and Prosperity)
Increasing happiness and prosperity by adjusting the energy of your living space with appropriate music Feng Shui literally means wind and water, and it represents the understanding of energy flow in our environment and how it affects people. Good Feng Shu
★50 Mins★ Fire Element - Chinese Feng Shui Music (Increasing Happiness and Prosperity)
Increasing happiness and prosperity by adjusting the energy of your living space with appropriate music Feng Shui literally means wind and water, and it represents the understanding of energy flow in our environment and how it affects people. Good Feng Shu
★ 50 Mins ★ Wood Element - Chinese Feng Shui Music(Increasing Happiness and Prosperity)
Increasing happiness and prosperity by adjusting the energy of your living space with appropriate music Feng Shui literally means wind and water, and it represents the understanding of energy flow in our environment and how it affects people. Good Feng Shu