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TESLA - Charged Up
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TESLA - Charged Up This is a captivating podcast series that explores the pioneering world of Tesla, delving into its innovative electric vehicles, groundbreaking energy solutions, and the vibrant culture surrounding the brand. Each episode provides a deep
1 天前
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Everyone's Talkin' Money
1 天前
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Everyone's Talkin' Money You can feel good about your money and ditch the stress, and Shannah Game will show you how! Welcome to Everyone's Talkin' Money (formally Millennial Money), your go-to money podcast where we explore personal finance, money, goals,
The Game w/ Alex Hormozi
1 天前
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The Game w/ Alex Hormozi Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to k
Girls That Invest
23 小時前
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Girls That Invest Join Sim, a young millionaire investor, as her friends and her break down the intimidating and not-so-well-taught world of investing and growing wealth, minus the jargon.Monday = we share our thoughts on your deepest, darkest money secret
1 天前
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區塊勢 說人話的區塊鏈內容。讓你戴起耳機,就能進入區塊鏈的世界。由區塊勢的作者許明恩邀請業界創新人物,聊聊他們的產業觀點與應用。 區塊勢是訂閱制媒體,讓你最高效地掌握全球的區塊鏈發展趨勢。付費會員能閱讀網站上所有過往文章,並加入專屬討論區。免費讀者可以收聽區塊勢 podcast 節目,以及偶爾公開的文章。 ★ 區塊勢:blocktrend.substack.com ★ 線上課程:hahow.in/cr/blockchain-use-cases ★ 文章列表:blocktrend.pse.is/archive
Krypto Podcast - Bitcoin, NFTs, web3, DeFi und Metaverse - News, Analysen und Interviews zu Bitcoin, Ethereum, NFT Kollektion
Krypto Podcast - Bitcoin, NFTs, web3, DeFi und Metaverse - News, Analysen und Interviews zu Bitcoin, Ethereum, NFT Kollektionen und anderen Kryptos Der Krypto Podcast ist ein täglicher Podcast welcher die wichtigsten Nachrichten und Persönlichkeiten aus de
Real Talk NFT
2 天前
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Real Talk NFT Dive deep into NFTs and Web 3.0 every week with Joe Chui and Brian McNutt. Joe flipped a six-figure debt into a $700,000 portfolio within a year. Brian, an early discoverer of CryptoPunks, has secured six-figure profits from a single NFT and
NFT Morning, Decouvrez tous les projets NFT et Crypto-art
NFT Morning, Decouvrez tous les projets NFT et Crypto-art Decouvrez tous les projets NFT et Crypto-art sur Clubhouse, en newsletter et en podcast et rejoignez la french communauté. www.nftmorning.com https://www.nftmorning.com/podcast 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 #698 | Le
2024.04.23【股市帝國】#INTEL、#AMD大破半年線隱藏玄機,#保瑞、#鴻海、#矽統 - 張志誠分析師 台股解盤#大華國際投顧
1對1持股相關問答 LINE@( ID: @morehappy1688 ) https://qr-official.line.me/gs/M_bjo8410i_GW.png?oat_content=qr 每日台股盤勢分析時段 #張志誠 #財經一路發 下午5:00--5:30 特邀來賓 #股市帝國 下午16:00首播 主講人 掌握趨勢漲跌關鍵 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCe4ROy5DoIHyvpKD961PuA #晟銘電 #曜越 #大立光 #威盛 #矽智財 #聯鈞
M觀點 | 科技X商業X投資
3 天前
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M觀點 | 科技X商業X投資 M觀點是一個討論數位科技趨勢、投資理財觀念、與熱門時事分析的節目。想要增長見識,加強自己的商業思考與投資能力嗎?那M觀點就是為你製作的節目。 Podcast by Miula -- Hosting provided by SoundOn https://player.soundon.fm/p/b8f5a471-f4f7-4763-9678-65887beda63a 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 EP91. 輝達暴跌 AI 要崩了嗎、Meta 發表 Llama 3、谷歌內部文化戰開打
Invest Like the Best with Patrick O'Shaughnessy
2 天前
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Invest Like the Best with Patrick O'Shaughnessy Conversations with the best investors and business leaders in the world. We explore their ideas, methods, and stories to help you better invest your time and money. Hear stock market and boardroom insights yo
The Daily Bone (Formerly The Nifty)
2 天前
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The Daily Bone (Formerly The Nifty) Welcome to The Daily Bone: your source for hot takes on the crypto markets and financial world. Formerly known as the Nifty Morning Show. Airs live EVERY weekday at 9AM EST. https://thenifty.com 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Exploring Mem
每日聽管理|三星「大企業病」發作!日經:創新停滯、業務力下滑,高管被迫每周上六天班,真的有救?/聯電退出聯詠董事會!背後可能是來自台積電、中系廠商的競爭壓力?/基隆 60 年老店阿華麵店熄燈
經理人 AI 主播何立惟,為您播報 2024 年 4 月 23 日「每日聽管理」重點新聞與商業觀點。 00:00 開場 00:13 震撼|聯電退出聯詠董事會!背後可能是來自台積電、中系廠商的競爭壓力? https://www.managertoday.com.tw/articles/view/68456 三星「大企業病」發作!創新停滯、業務力下滑,高管被迫每周上六天班,真的有救? https://www.managertoday.com.tw/articles/view/68450 基隆 60 年老店阿華麵
Earn & Invest
3 天前
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Earn & Invest Join us for thought-provoking conversations that empower you to Earn and Invest wisely, shaping your future while making informed decisions today. Every Monday, our wide-ranging panel discussions explore various financial topics, fostering en
The Energy Gang
3 天前
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The Energy Gang Bi-weekly discussions on the latest trends in energy, cleantech, renewables, and the environment from Wood Mackenzie. Hosted by Ed Crooks. https://art19.com/shows/the-energy-gang 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Rising electricity demand in Texas: the canary in
Edge of NFT Podcast
3 天前
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Edge of NFT Podcast Edge of NFT Podcast brings you not only the top 1% of what's going on with NFTs today but what will stand the test of time. We explore the nuts and bolts and the business side, but also the human element of how NFTs are changing the way
EP457 兩個 #美國 主管教我的事:難搞主管,卻是我職涯中最大的貴人!|大人的Small Talk
你有遇過讓你印象深刻的 #主管 嗎?有些主管雖然跟他們共事充滿挑戰與磨練,但回頭卻是收穫滿滿。本集節目中 #Bryan 要分享他在紐約工作時,遇到的兩位性格迥異卻同樣讓人印象深刻的主管:娜姐和凱姐。即使經過多年,和她們共事時學習到的,工作上、職場人際上、管理上的經驗,至今依舊深深受用。歡迎一起收聽本集,也歡迎你一起分享那些讓你印象深刻的主管!(本集節目在海外錄音,音質請多包涵。) 【本集節目由大人學與MOFT合作播出】 大人的Small Talk 專屬賣場:https://www.moft.tw/pages
2024.04.22【股市帝國】早就出現空方吞噬訊號的股票為何要避開;我的三低股真不一樣 - 張志誠分析師 台股解盤#大華國際投顧
1對1持股相關問答 LINE@( ID: @morehappy1688 ) https://qr-official.line.me/gs/M_bjo8410i_GW.png?oat_content=qr 每日台股盤勢分析時段 #張志誠 #財經一路發 下午5:00--5:30 特邀來賓 #股市帝國 下午16:00首播 主講人 掌握趨勢漲跌關鍵 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCe4ROy5DoIHyvpKD961PuA #矽統#鴻海 #晟銘電 #廣達#力旺#華泰#萬潤 #大