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#墮落吧超致命惡女 《盤絲洞》一部異常珍稀的黑白默片,約莫近百年前(1927年)由中國導演 但杜宇 執導,改編自中國經典小說《西遊記》,描述唐僧前往西方取經途...
#墮落吧超致命惡女 《盤絲洞》一部異常珍稀的黑白默片,約莫近百年前(1927年)由中國導演 但杜宇 執導,改編自中國經典小說《西遊記》,描述唐僧前往西方取經途中,遭七名蜘蛛精幻化成女人誘惑入洞的故事,他取經成功與否取決於他是否能掙脫蜘蛛精以情慾編織成的情網;來到半個世紀多之後,徐克經典作品《青蛇》(1993)將情慾再次化為妖女,作為人類能否戰勝動物性昇華至神佛境界的最後關卡。 電影《青蛇》最經典的一幕是法海(趙文卓 飾)主動向小青(張曼玉 飾)提出要求幫助他修行,透過對抗青蛇的誘惑來否定自己的動物性,逐步確
石啟峰評《可憐的東西》為本年度荷里活的奇葩,由母親Victoria遭受丈夫施加的心理壓迫和虐待,到女兒Bella險被剝削身體和性的自主權,兩母女的前世今生面臨同樣的性別不平等。但他認為Bella的視野還要更加廣闊,讓觀眾遊歷了一場貴族少女的壯遊,隨著Bella漫遊各地,了解維多利亞時代的運作方式,接受一場又一場的震撼教育,看她整個人生砍掉重來的學習歷程,本質上是驗證了英國經驗主義。 (閱讀全文請點擊個人檔案連結) #可憐的東西 #女性主義 #經驗主義 #影評 #石啟峰 ◤ 自己文學自己養,請加入文學館PAT
'24.02.23【幸福號列車】張曼娟 ╳ 許皓宜:『可憐的東西』
主持人:張曼娟 來賓:諮商心理師 許皓宜 主題:電影『可憐的東西』 節目時間:週五 01:00pm-03:00pm 本集播出日期:2024.02.23 #幸福號列車 #張曼娟 #許皓宜 ----- ▍九八新聞台@大台北地區 FM98.1 ▍官網:http://www.news98.com.tw ▍粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/News98 ▍線上收聽:https://pse.is/R5W29 ▍APP下載 • APP Store:https://news98.page.link/
觀影前,聽人說《可憐的東西》女主角很瘋狂,但看完後,我覺得貝拉或許可以說是天真無邪(她的心智是一個兒童),但她一點都不「瘋狂」。 當我們說一個人「瘋」,其實是下...
觀影前,聽人說《可憐的東西》女主角很瘋狂,但看完後,我覺得貝拉或許可以說是天真無邪(她的心智是一個兒童),但她一點都不「瘋狂」。 當我們說一個人「瘋」,其實是下意識拿我們主觀認定的「正常」去比較,但我們所謂的「正常」並非「真理」,而是一連串後天性社會化的產物—— 例如,鄧肯教導貝拉餐桌禮儀,要她照著「正常的社交劇本」演出,用「真好」、「太棒了」、「這個派皮烤得真脆啊」三個句子(實際台詞是哪些字我忘了,但意思差不多)去應對同桌用餐者的談話,當貝拉不願配合、我行我素「脫稿」演出,在鄧肯或某些人眼中,就會顯得很「
#春晚 #賀歲片 #芭比 #barbie #ken #父權制 #女性主義 #女權 #gosling #奧斯卡 #oscar #末路狂花 #波伏娃 #第二性 #身材焦慮 #樣貌焦慮 #男性凝視 #生育 #生存危機 「北靜 不靜音」第416期
【FULL】林阚开启调查事件真相 赵寻对父母说出实情 | 不完美受害人 Imperfect Victim EP03 | 爱奇艺华语剧场
👉观看更多精彩剧集在iQIYI国际版APP:https://bit.ly/huayuapp2022 📌找到更多精彩活动在iQIYI国际版网站:https://bit.ly/huayuweb2022 💕加入会员,获取更多独家内容和福利:https://bit.ly/JoinSuperKiwi! 该剧由一起第三方匿名报警的案件展开,讲述了律师林阚接受嫌疑人成功委托,凭借出色的职业素养和前置调查,推翻受害人赵寻的刑事指控,但法律事实与个人情感立场产生的冲突令林阚面临前所未有的职业伦理挑战的故事。 爱奇艺华语剧场精
Zhao Xun Goes Home and is Blamed by His Father | Imperfect Victim EP02 | 不完美受害人 | iQIYI
▶️Watch more episodes on iQIYI App: https://bit.ly/iQIYIapp2022 👉Find the best iQIYI march on iQIYI Website: https://bit.ly/iQIYIweb2022 Join membership for more exclusive titles and perks: https://bit.ly/JoinSuperKiwi! 【Introduction 】"Imperfect Victim" is
Zhao Xun Finally Opens the Door to Meet Lin Kan | Imperfect Victim EP04 | 不完美受害人 | iQIYI
▶️Watch more episodes on iQIYI App: https://bit.ly/iQIYIapp2022 👉Find the best iQIYI march on iQIYI Website: https://bit.ly/iQIYIweb2022 Join membership for more exclusive titles and perks: https://bit.ly/JoinSuperKiwi! 【Introduction 】"Imperfect Victim" is
Lin Kan Turns his Face at the Dinner Table | Imperfect Victim EP01 | 不完美受害人 | iQIYI
▶️Watch more episodes on iQIYI App: https://bit.ly/iQIYIapp2022 👉Find the best iQIYI march on iQIYI Website: https://bit.ly/iQIYIweb2022 Join membership for more exclusive titles and perks: https://bit.ly/JoinSuperKiwi! 【Introduction 】"Imperfect Victim" is
Cheng Gong Insists that Zhao Xun is Sober | Imperfect Victim EP02 | 不完美受害人 | iQIYI
▶️Watch more episodes on iQIYI App: https://bit.ly/iQIYIapp2022 👉Find the best iQIYI march on iQIYI Website: https://bit.ly/iQIYIweb2022 Join membership for more exclusive titles and perks: https://bit.ly/JoinSuperKiwi! 【Introduction 】"Imperfect Victim" is
【FULL】Imperfect Victim EP03: Lin Kan Investigates the Identity of the Caller | 不完美受害人 | iQIYI
▶️Watch more episodes on iQIYI App: https://bit.ly/iQIYIapp2022 👉Find the best iQIYI march on iQIYI Website: https://bit.ly/iQIYIweb2022 Join membership for more exclusive titles and perks: https://bit.ly/JoinSuperKiwi! 【Introduction 】"Imperfect Victim" is
Zhao Xun Denies being sexually assaulted | Imperfect Victim EP01 | 不完美受害人 | iQIYI
▶️Watch more episodes on iQIYI App: https://bit.ly/iQIYIapp2022 👉Find the best iQIYI march on iQIYI Website: https://bit.ly/iQIYIweb2022 Join membership for more exclusive titles and perks: https://bit.ly/JoinSuperKiwi! 【Introduction 】"Imperfect Victim" is
Cheng Gong Tries Hard to Save This Marriage | Imperfect Victim EP03 | 不完美受害人 | iQIYI
▶️Watch more episodes on iQIYI App: https://bit.ly/iQIYIapp2022 👉Find the best iQIYI march on iQIYI Website: https://bit.ly/iQIYIweb2022 Join membership for more exclusive titles and perks: https://bit.ly/JoinSuperKiwi! 【Introduction 】"Imperfect Victim" is
Chen Gong is Taken Away by the Police | Imperfect Victim EP01 | 不完美受害人 | iQIYI
▶️Watch more episodes on iQIYI App: https://bit.ly/iQIYIapp2022 👉Find the best iQIYI march on iQIYI Website: https://bit.ly/iQIYIweb2022 Join membership for more exclusive titles and perks: https://bit.ly/JoinSuperKiwi! 【Introduction 】"Imperfect Victim" is
Cheng Gong is Furious at the Public Security Bureau | Imperfect Victim EP02 | 不完美受害人 | iQIYI
▶️Watch more episodes on iQIYI App: https://bit.ly/iQIYIapp2022 👉Find the best iQIYI march on iQIYI Website: https://bit.ly/iQIYIweb2022 Join membership for more exclusive titles and perks: https://bit.ly/JoinSuperKiwi! 【Introduction 】"Imperfect Victim" is
【FULL】成功与辛路离婚 林阚决定与赵寻单独沟通 | 不完美受害人 Imperfect Victim EP04 | 爱奇艺华语剧场
👉观看更多精彩剧集在iQIYI国际版APP:https://bit.ly/huayuapp2022 📌找到更多精彩活动在iQIYI国际版网站:https://bit.ly/huayuweb2022 💕加入会员,获取更多独家内容和福利:https://bit.ly/JoinSuperKiwi! 该剧由一起第三方匿名报警的案件展开,讲述了律师林阚接受嫌疑人成功委托,凭借出色的职业素养和前置调查,推翻受害人赵寻的刑事指控,但法律事实与个人情感立场产生的冲突令林阚面临前所未有的职业伦理挑战的故事。 爱奇艺华语剧场精
Li Yi Suspects that Someone Behind the Scenes | Imperfect Victim EP03 | 不完美受害人 | iQIYI
▶️Watch more episodes on iQIYI App: https://bit.ly/iQIYIapp2022 👉Find the best iQIYI march on iQIYI Website: https://bit.ly/iQIYIweb2022 Join membership for more exclusive titles and perks: https://bit.ly/JoinSuperKiwi! 【Introduction 】"Imperfect Victim" is
【FULL】Imperfect Victim EP01: Cheng Gong Received an Anonymous Tip | 不完美受害人 | iQIYI
▶️Watch more episodes on iQIYI App: https://bit.ly/iQIYIapp2022 👉Find the best iQIYI march on iQIYI Website: https://bit.ly/iQIYIweb2022 Join membership for more exclusive titles and perks: https://bit.ly/JoinSuperKiwi! 【Introduction 】"Imperfect Victim" is
【FULL】Imperfect Victim EP02: Zhao Xun Declines to Press Charges | 不完美受害人 | iQIYI
▶️Watch more episodes on iQIYI App: https://bit.ly/iQIYIapp2022 👉Find the best iQIYI march on iQIYI Website: https://bit.ly/iQIYIweb2022 Join membership for more exclusive titles and perks: https://bit.ly/JoinSuperKiwi! 【Introduction 】"Imperfect Victim" is