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#新聞挖挖哇 #父子 #渣夫 #鄭弘儀 #夫妻 #婚姻 #夫妻相處 比八點檔還要扯的大反轉真實故事!人間家庭悲劇為何讓人心碎...? 老公離家消失了整整20年...兒子一直以為自己的爸爸早已過世! 沒想到最終的真相震撼全場... 【完整版老公20年沒回家?】►https://youtu.be/KX136rKx0Ts ⭐為買房吃盡苦頭?台灣年輕人未來該何去何從! ►https://youtu.be/ac6u4Wf8TvE ⭐呂文婉前夫變街友?為何年輕人不工作甘願路上行乞? ►https://youtu.be/
柯文哲又使出君悅會那招? 邀藍綠龍頭人選"赴黨團"說明想法 柯擁8席擺高姿態? 韓國瑜: 釋出最大誠意團結在野|【直播回放】20240127|三立新聞台
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于北辰戳穿柯又用君悅會那招"最後通牒"!喊話藍綠"向白報告"爭龍頭?于:一個女兒是要嫁幾個新郎?斷言韓最討厭密室協商將不出席...|許貴雅主持|【新台灣加油 PART1】20240126|三立新聞台
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結婚現場丈母娘逼新郎喝洗腳水,新郎直接暴走……The mother-in-law forced the groom to drink foot wash, the groom went berserk
結婚現場丈母娘逼新郎喝洗腳水,新郎直接暴走……At the wedding scene, the mother-in-law forced the groom to drink foot wash, and the groom went berserk…… #wedding #bride #china #society #love #marriage #movement #moving #wedding #shorts #short #groom #sing #singer #horse #matchmak
新郎接親找婚鞋,新娘猛使眼色,奈何新郎就是沒看懂啊!The groom found the wedding shoes and the bride glared fiercely!
新郎接親找婚鞋,新娘猛使眼色,奈何新郎就是沒看懂啊!The groom found the wedding shoes and the bride glared fiercely, but the groom didn't understand! #wedding #bride #china #society #love #marriage #movement #moving #wedding #shorts #short #groom #sing #singer #horse #matchmaker #w
女孩執意要嫁給癱瘓男友,沒想到結婚當天奇跡發生了!The girl insisted on marrying a paralyzed boyfriend, a miracle happened!
女孩執意要嫁給癱瘓男友,沒想到結婚當天奇跡發生了!The girl insisted on marrying a paralyzed boyfriend, but on the day of her marriage, a miracle happened! #wedding #bride #china #society #love #marriage #movement #moving #wedding #shorts #short #groom #sing #singer #horse #matchma
【スカッとする話】新郎新婦は付き合って半年のスピード婚。結婚式当日3歳の新婦の姪っ子がスピーチ「けっこんできてよかったね」親族一同「どういう事…?」→新郎父が物凄い剣幕で激怒し… 他の子猫ちゃんのお話一覧はこちら⇒ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9EihzHHnNQ&list=PLtrEd7EVkmpwjnVwbqPUvJIfQ1_vVsWQ0 ※動画の再生速度は右上の設定から変更が可能です。 ・動画を違う再生速度で再生する方法 1、動画をタップし、画面右側の“︙”か“⚙
父親再婚現場:女兒大鬧婚禮給母親出氣!Father's remarriage scene: Daughter causing a big fuss to vent anger on mother!
父親再婚現場:女兒大鬧婚禮給母親出氣!Father's remarriage scene: Daughter causing a big fuss to vent anger on her mother! #wedding #bride #china #society #love #marriage #movement #moving #wedding #shorts #short #groom #sing #singer #horse #matchmaker #wife #husband #couple
結婚現場,一小夥拿塑料袋準備婚鬧,被新郎一腳踹開!A man prepared for a wedding horseplay, but was kicked open by the groom!
結婚現場,一小夥拿塑料袋準備婚鬧,被新郎一腳踹開!At the wedding scene, a young man prepared for a wedding horseplay with plastic bags, but were kicked open by the groom! #wedding #bride #china #society #love #marriage #movement #moving #wedding #shorts #short #groom #sing #singer
惡毒雙胞胎妹妹冒充姐姐穿婚紗嫁給總裁,不料婚禮當天被揭穿!The malicious twin sister marry a CEO, was exposed on the wedding day!
惡毒雙胞胎妹妹冒充姐姐穿婚紗嫁給總裁,不料婚禮當天被揭穿!The malicious twin sister disguised herself as her sister wearing a wedding dress to marry the CEO, but was exposed on the wedding day! #wedding #bride #china #society #love #marriage #movement #moving #wedding #shorts #short #
新郎婚前三天抗洪救災時遇難,新娘抱著新郎遺像舉行婚禮!The groom died and the bride held the groom's portrait for the wedding!
新郎婚前三天抗洪救災時遇難,新娘抱著新郎遺像舉行婚禮!The groom died three days before marriage during flood relief efforts, and the bride held the groom's portrait for the wedding! #wedding #bride #china #society #love #marriage #movement #moving #wedding #shorts #short #groom #sin
婚禮進行時,前女友穿婚紗求婚新郎,新娘當場發飆……The ex girlfriend wore a wedding dress to propose to the groom, the bride……
婚禮進行時,前女友穿婚紗求婚新郎,新娘當場發飆……During the wedding, the ex girlfriend wore a wedding dress to propose to the groom, and the bride went berserk on the spot……#wedding #bride #china #society #love #marriage #movement #moving #wedding #shorts #short #groom #sing #sin
兒媳改口叫爸媽,公婆給的巨額改口費驚呆眾人,重得新娘都抱不動了!The huge change fee given so heavy that the bride couldn't move!
兒媳改口叫爸媽,公婆給的巨額改口費驚呆眾人,重得新娘都抱不動了!The bride called groom's parents Mom and Dad, and the huge change fee given stunned everyone, so heavy that the bride couldn't even move! #wedding #bride #china #society #love #marriage #movement #moving #wedding #shorts #sh
婚禮當天,新郎居然想落荒而逃,新娘請的伴娘竟然全是新郎的前女友?The groom wanted to run away, the bridesmaids were his girlfriends?
婚禮當天,新郎居然想落荒而逃,新娘請的伴娘竟然全是新郎的前女友?On the wedding day, the groom actually wanted to run away, and the bridesmaids invited by the bride were all the groom's ex girlfriends? #wedding #bride #china #society #love #marriage #movement #moving #wedding #shorts #sho
兩老太在新人面前大打出手,互相撕扯頭發,新娘反而笑得花枝亂顫!The two old ladies had a big fight in front of the new couple!
兩老太在新人面前大打出手,互相撕扯頭發,新娘反而笑得花枝亂顫!The two old ladies had a big fight in front of the new couple, tearing each other's hair, and the bride actually laughed wildly!#wedding #bride #china #society #love #marriage #movement #moving #wedding #shorts #short #groom
婚禮現場,只因新娘一句話,婆婆當場取消婚禮!Due to the bride's words, the mother-in-law cancelled the wedding on the spot!
婚禮現場,只因新娘一句話,婆婆當場取消婚禮!At the wedding, due to the bride's words, the mother-in-law cancelled the wedding on the spot! #wedding #bride #china #society #love #marriage #movement #moving #wedding #shorts #short #groom #sing #singer #horse #matchmaker #wife #hu
公公重病住院,兒媳攜新郎執意到醫院給公公行禮!Bride insist on going to the hospital to salute groom's father!
公公重病住院,兒媳攜新郎執意到醫院給公公行禮!Groom's father is seriously ill and hospitalized. Bride insist on going to the hospital to salute groom's father!#wedding #bride #china #society #love #marriage #movement #moving #wedding #shorts #short #groom #sing #singer #horse #m
婚禮現場主持人讓新人父母互相擁抱,沒想到……這個爸爸也太調皮了!The host asked the newlyweds' parents to hug each other, but……
婚禮現場主持人讓新人父母互相擁抱,沒想到……這個爸爸也太調皮了!The host at the wedding asked the newlyweds' parents to hug each other, but unexpectedly... this father is too mischievous! #wedding #bride #china #society #love #marriage #movement #moving #wedding #shorts #short #groom #si
兩人洞房花燭夜,新娘說自己不是姑娘了,新郎的做法簡直絕了!The bride said she was no longer a girl, groom's behavior was amazing!
兩人洞房花燭夜,新娘說自己不是姑娘了,新郎的做法簡直絕了!On the wedding night of the two, the bride said she was no longer a girl, and the groom's behavior was absolutely amazing! #wedding #bride #china #society #love #marriage #movement #moving #wedding #shorts #short #groom #sing #