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《胡萝卜卷子》新疆特色美食,一道新疆人的下午茶,这道小吃我妈一直是用新疆独有的奶皮子做的,因为小时候我特别不爱吃肉,每天都期待妈妈能做不加肉的饭,每天中午放学回家路上我就一路祈祷希望妈妈今天做的是胡萝卜卷子! 一碗烫烫的奶茶里放点奶皮子,一块胡萝卜卷子,这可
我把香菇种到山里啦!I planted shiitake mushrooms in the mountain!丨Liziqi Channel
Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx 我们这没有野生香菇,于是就自己种了。 这次是在之前打的树孔里加菌丝, 季节合适的话小半年之后就陆续开始出菇啦。 藏在山顶上, 一来山顶温度低,二来避免被别人摘走! 挑选好的香菇做了酱!夏天也能有得吃! We don't have wild shiitake mushrooms here, and I d
( maimai wine) 农忙时节,围一块儿喝点家酿啤酒消暑又解馋丨Liziqi Channel
Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx #李子柒#Liziqi#lýtửthất#ChineseCuisine #chinesefood In mid-May, I attended the conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations. One line in President Xi's op
每个夏天一定要做的事情就是——吃青梅!Green plums丨Liziqi Channel
Liziqi Channel——每个夏天一定要做的事情就是—吃青梅 Green plums ripen so fast. The pea-size friuts days ago are round and full and almost turn yellow. There aren't enough plums grown in my yard. And I get another basketful from the neighbor. Green plums wine, green plums de
(笋)Best Time of Year to Comsume Juicy and Tender Bamboo Shoots; Pick As Much As You Like|Liziqi
Liziqi Channel——Bamboo Shoots 嫩生生的笋子正值最好吃的时候,拔一背篓都不嫌多 院儿里最美的时候到了呀, 花都开好了呀! 锅仔也该剪羊毛了呀! 剪完羊毛就该拔笋子了呀! 笋子好好吃呀! 呀呀呀呀~~~呀!!!!么么哒 The garden is embracing the best time of the year with an idyllic scenery. Flowers are blossoming. Ready to shear some lambswool! Whe
蛋黄酱:起沙滋油,咸鲜酥软How to make Salted Duck Egg Yolk Sauce(Chinese Mayonnaise)|Liziqi Channel
Liziqi Channel—— Salted Duck Egg Yolk Sauce(Chinese Mayonnaise) 小时候家里的鸭苗都是孵蛋的母鸡在孵, 一个月的样子出壳, 养个半年就该下蛋啦! 做了些咸鸭蛋, 又拿咸鸭蛋做了蛋黄酱啥的一堆~ When I was little, the ducklings at my home were hatched by hens. Hatch for about one month, and raise them for half a year, the
( Wild vegetables)又到了一日三餐吃野菜的时候 | Liziqi Channel
Liziqi Channel——Pick Wild Herbs 春天是菜园子的尴尬期, 都腾出来种夏天的蔬菜和育秧了 于是就有了理由做作的去折腾野菜! 一日三餐,这样也好! The yard has little to offer in spring. All the land is used for raising summer vegetables and seedlings. I can’t find any better time looking for wild vegetables! Perfe
(羊羔毛斗篷)Weave a lamb wool cape for the freezing winter|Liziqi Channel
Liziqi Channel—— Cloack with Fluffy and Soft Lambswool Days ago, I traded my remaining silk pockets for some lamb wool. Spinning and coloring it, I wove a cape. I simplified the braiding and sewing techniques, for my fair ladies with little patience. Now y
A special program on New Year snacks 年货小零食特辑 -花生瓜子糖葫芦,肉干果脯雪花酥 | Liziqi
Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx #李子柒#liziqi#lýtửthất#ChineseFood#liziqicooking#Chinesecooking#ChineseCuisine#chinafood Liziqi channel——snacks for Spring Festival 花生瓜子糖葫芦,肉干果脯雪花酥——年货小零食
(铜锅涮肉)the soup base to blanch sliced mutton in freezing days|Liziqi channel
Liziqi channel—— hotpot 红辣的菜叶豆腐乳,架上铜锅涮点肉就能捱住整个冬 清水一盏,葱姜二三。 这就是铜锅涮肉全部的锅底了! 天寒地冻,得围着火炉子涮上新鲜的羊肉 沾上自己做的秘制酱料才算满足! A pot of plain water, with several shreds of scallion and ginger, That’s all you need for the soup base. to blanch sliced mutton in freezing days.
古老的东方蚕桑文化,治愈每一个怕冷的人——蚕丝被 winter bedding from double-cocoon silk|Liziqi Channel
Liziqi Channel——Silk quilt 蚕丝被 中国是世界上最早发明养蚕缫丝的国家, 而丝绸也是东方古老文化的象征。 从小我们家里都有养蚕, 看着快要过冬了, 把这季晚秋蚕的双宫茧拿来做床被子, 给奶奶过冬!! Chinese people invented sericulture and silk reeling, And silk is treasured as a symbol of Chinese culture. It’s a family tradition to raise si
吊柿饼|It’s a red mountain, and in the fall, it’s natural to make some sweet persimmons.|Liziqi channel
Liziqi channel——sweet persimmons 又是漫山红遍,秋天自然要做些吊柿饼尝下丰收的甜 又见满山红, 一颗颗小果子染遍了秋。 摘上一背篓涩柿子, 削皮 晾干 美味的吊柿饼今年就又有了~ See also the mountain, A small fruit dyed all over the autumn. Pick a persimmon, Peeling Delicious dried persimmons have another year~ ---------------
Bamboo Sofa竹沙发 | 为生活添一抹淡雅绿意,用砍下的竹子制些物件儿 |Liziqi channel
Liziqi channel 老早就想买一套沙发,看得上眼的都得万把块。上个礼拜翻到爷爷以前做的竹沙发,就想动手做一套!这个季节砍竹子做背篓 椅子 蚕架都不会生蛀虫。背篓 扇子 簸箕都做过就是没做过沙发,整了很多冤枉。好在最后一整套的罗汉床,太妃椅,茶几都折腾出来了,开心开心,来自省钱达人的微笑~ I’ve long wanted to buy a sofa set, but the desired ones cost over 10,000 yuan. Last week, I found a bambo
the passion fruit 吃法一抓一大把,浸润夏天的沁凉果味——百香果 | Liziqi channel
Liziqi channel——passion fruit 还记得去年我种的百香果吗?就是那个别人4月开花它10月才开,果子才鸡蛋大就被霜打掉的那个磨人精!所以去年深秋就连根带泥挖进盆放温室里人工升温。今年气温过20度才挪出来连盆埋地里搭上架,等天凉又得搬回去。真的当小祖宗一样护着今年才算勉强正常挂果!第一次吃到藤上自然熟的百香果!也是不容易~ Remember the passion fruits I grew last year? Others’ flower in April whereas mine