
1 天內
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1 年內
The Dating Game Killer
9 個月前
 • 191 次觀看
The Dating Game Killer In 1978, Rodney Alcala won a date on the popular TV show, The Dating Game. What no one knew was that he was a prolific serial killer in the middle of a cross-country murder spree. In this six-part series, co-hosts Tracy Pattin (Holly
4 週前
 • 64 次觀看
我在案發現場 |聲音直擊真實犯罪現場 |只聊真正經歷過的案件 我是突發記者陳豐德,我在案發現場 🎉Discord群組開張啦!快來加入一起聊天👉🏻https://discord.gg/GZts55RPuF 📢 好康訂閱方案 https://bit.ly/3pYILCc 🤝 邀約合作 podcast@ettoday.net ⭐ Apple求5顆星 https://apple.co/3uAwUtz 📣 抖內鼓勵豐德 https://bit.ly/2SK5P9G 🙋‍♂️ 來ig找我 https://bit.ly/
《殺手》| 正式預告 | Netflix
5 個月前
 • 269 次觀看
大衛·芬奇推出最新力作《殺手》,請到麥可·法斯賓達主演,現正於指定戲院上映,11 月 10 日登陸 Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/in/title/80234448 訂閱: https://bit.ly/39caHHE 關於 Netflix: Netflix 是全球首屈一指的娛樂服務事業,在逾 190 個國家與地區擁有超過 2.47 億名付費會員,內容包括影集、電影與遊戲等,橫跨多種類型和語言。會員可以隨時隨地不限時數盡情觀賞,更能輕鬆播放、暫停與接續播放,亦可隨時更換會
Scammer Stories
1 年前
 • 94 次觀看
Scammer Stories Scammers are targeting you and your loved ones. I know all too well. My mother spent $350,000 on a man she believed was her soulmate right before her death. The only way we can fight back is to arm ourselves with information. Scammer Warrio
🚨4個犯罪故事震驚台灣!女老師遭學生殺害|鐵路搞軌案|十大槍擊要犯滅門案|軍中刑求案|Taiwan Crime Stories
🔥台灣發生過4起震驚社會的命案,但你真的知道真相嗎? 🔥女老師的死,竟是因為學生的爸爸?兒子幫老父投保鉅額保險,老父卻死於出軌? 🔥十大槍擊要犯滅門案的生還者變成偵探?軍營中竟然會刑求逼供?新影片一次告訴你! Disney+精彩好戲看不完:http://bit.ly/3wPkkdk 喜歡聽故事、看戲劇的你應該聽過有一種特殊的作品類型叫做「真實犯罪True Crime」,作者藉由敘述真實發生過的刑事案件,鉅細彌遺地解析各種細節,無論是命案現場、媒體報導、相關人物訪談,甚至是檢調偵辦過程以及嫌犯人物側寫。有別於
食人魔達默 影評 Dahmer ep 6-10 【羅比】後半段 6-10 集解析
#食人魔達默 #dahmer #dahmernetflix #netflix影集 羅比頻道訂閱者募集中👉 http://goo.gl/4YzOjF 我的臉書粉專👉 羅比頻道 我的IG帳號👉 robbie_ins 成為我的line好友👉 https://lin.ee/ywu3eTz 商業合作邀請信箱👉 robbielintw@gmail.com 近期影片: 宿劫 影評 Barba
食人魔達默 影評 Dahmer ep 1-5 【羅比】前半段 1-5 集解析
#食人魔達默 #dahmer #dahmernetflix #netflix影集 羅比頻道訂閱者募集中👉 http://goo.gl/4YzOjF 我的臉書粉專👉 羅比頻道 我的IG帳號👉 robbie_ins 成為我的line好友👉 https://lin.ee/ywu3eTz 商業合作邀請信箱👉 robbielintw@gmail.com 近期影片: 黑亞當 影評 Bla
Searching for the Sons of Sam
1 年前
 • 116 次觀看
Searching for the Sons of Sam Filmmaker Josh Zeman wasn’t expecting to unearth a bombshell when he first met journalist Maury Terry. Obsessed with the infamous Son of Sam case, Maury had dedicated his life to its intricacies and had serious doubts about it
2 年前
 • 48 次觀看
那一夜 慢節奏的真實犯罪節目,慢活強叔帶你了解全世界的離奇懸案。不喜勿入:) 但是如果你喜歡如果你喜歡刑事案件,你就來對了地方!這裡是有著全世界的刑案與奇案的頻道。 https://www.thenightpodcast.com/podcast/ 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 第四十八夜 親切的老奶奶 一個智能障礙的街友住進了一個中途之家後卻離奇消失了,但是就因為她的失蹤挖出了一間連續殺人案….線上收聽:https://linktr.ee/thenightpodcast 支持那一夜,打賞強叔宵夜:https://
2 年前
 • 42 次觀看
藍鯨廣播 如果你喜歡我的節目,歡迎支持我 https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/68ef678f-87f9-4ea6-a7a8-6213d245bb0d 合作邀約 cfsxic3@gmail.com 山林、海洋、露營、野外生存 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn https://www.facebook.com/bluewhalebroadcasting-102494228255273/ 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 【你有看到我的頭嗎?】【九龍西酷刑食人案】-
Monsters Among Us
2 年前
 • 74 次觀看
Are Monsters Real? True crime and paranormal obsessed? This podcast is for you . Every week I’ll talk about true crime cases or paranormal experiences. Since childhood we have been told that monsters aren’t real... As adults we know monsters walk among us.
Hidden Among Us
2 年前
 • 71 次觀看
Hidden Among Us Lock your doors and burn some sage as three best friends share hair-raising true crime and paranormal stories. Join us every Sunday, 12pm (SGT)! 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 46: The Survival of Elisabeth Fritzl Once again we get confused with
They Walk Among Us - UK True Crime
2 年前
 • 83 次觀看
They Walk Among Us - UK True Crime They Walk Among Us is an award-winning weekly UK true crime podcast covering a broad range of cases from the sinister to the surreal. Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/theywalkamongus. Hosted on Acast. See acas
Paper Ghosts
2 年前
 • 59 次觀看
Paper Ghosts Deep in America’s heartland, on a scorching July 4th weekend in 1981, an alarm went out––the massive farmhouse of an Ohio family was engulfed in flames. All four residents were found dead. But was it the fire that killed them? In season
Lights Out 熄燈之後
2 年前
 • 51 次觀看
Lights Out 熄燈之後 嗨,我們是Dylan&小宇宙。 這是一個談論真實犯罪的Podcast。 我們會在節目中討論凶殺案、懸案、綁架或邪教等真實案件。 如果你也像我們一樣,對真實犯罪案件深感興趣, 歡迎你,加入我們的行列。 http://linktr.ee/lightsoutpodcast Email: lightsoutpodcast2020@gmail.com -- Hosting provided by SoundOn http://linktr.ee/lightsoutpodcast 您的瀏
Le Coin Du Crime
3 年前
 • 175 次觀看
Le Coin Du Crime Crimes résolus ou meurtres sans réponses , ce podcast vous permettra de plonger au coeur des plus grandes histoires criminelles survenues dans le monde lors du siècle dernier . Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'infor
The Experience of the Unknown Podcast
3 年前
 • 72 次觀看
The Experience of the Unknown Podcast Hey all, Welcome to our page, here you can find discussions about stories and unknown experiences that have occurred through time. Some are local to us and some are not. Paul and I will cover anything and everything
3 年前
 • 55 次觀看
謎團說 ▐影音平台︱https://linktr.ee/tda_aov​ ▐ 都市傳說 ▐ 未解懸案 ▐ 奇聞軼事 ▐ 電影真實故事 ▐ 歷史事件整理 如果你也喜歡這類型的影片,那絕對要訂閱我們的Youtube頻道就不會錯過最新影片囉! Powered by Firstory Hosting https://open.firstory.me/user/ghost Fri, 19 Feb 2021 12:28:16 GMT 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 都市傳說︱這個動作會被阿飄跟.高雄三多凶宅...賣屋遇鬼真實事
The Fall Line
3 年前
 • 77 次觀看
The Fall Line The Fall Line® is a deep-dive true-crime podcast focused on missing people, unsolved homicides, and unidentified persons whose cold cases have gotten little—if any—media attention. Through narrative storytelling, primary and archival research