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英國BLACK FRIDAY電子產品編🎉〡廚房電器 & 家廳電子用品〡黑色星期五購物節攻略🎊〡吃貨伴旅🇬🇧
Black Friday 推介下集🎊 我哋拍呢個系列,先計返條數,襯Black Friday買嘢係慳好多💰 今次分享由生活必需品、到工作需要, 再到輕鬆娛樂嘅電子好物推介都有吖😍👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 📌Subscribe.👍🏻Like.💬Comment.🤗Share 謝謝大家支持 ❤️ ❝ 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚟𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚘 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚍𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢 吃貨伴旅 ❞ #吃貨伴旅在英國 #英國購物 #BlackFriday _________________________________________
英國BLACK FRIDAY購物推介🎉冬季必備品〡床褥〡梳化〡傢俬〡注意事項❗️〡黑色星期五購物節🎊〡吃貨伴旅🇬🇧
Black Friday 係咪真係抵買?有咩好物推介? 有冇嘢要小心?值得留意?有咩必買? 📌Subscribe.👍🏻Like.💬Comment.🤗Share 謝謝大家支持 ❤️ ❝ 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚟𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚘 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚍𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢 吃貨伴旅 ❞ #吃貨伴旅在英國 #英國購物 #BlackFriday ____________________________________________________ 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚄𝚜 IG ▸ https://instagram.com/Eat
【港爸球場遊記】香港人移民|英國南倫敦睇英超|直擊水晶宮大戰李斯特城|塞爾赫斯特球場|Crystal Palace VS Lecister City|Selhurst Park Stadium
#水晶宮 #李斯特城 #英超 。 。 。 喜歡的朋友請幫忙【訂閱】【分享】和【按讚】~記得開啟小鈴鐺🔔收取新片通知喔!👆全方位追蹤即時動態================================================ ► 📢港爸Gilbert行街GUIDE YouTube👇:https://www.youtube.com/hkgilbertguide MeWe👇:https://mewe.com/i/hkgilbertguide Facebook粉絲專頁👇:https://www.face
[English 中文Sub] 復活節可以煮什麼?阿菲與你分享整英國金華火腿大餐做復活節慶祝。
今日阿菲介紹整金華火腿, 和復活節大餐! 大家復活節快樂!
【港爸球場遊記】英國曼徹斯特睇英超|直擊曼城大戰愛華頓|阿提哈德球場|Manchester City VS Everton|Etihad Stadium 31 Dec|香港人移民英國
#manchestercity #everton #premierleague 。 。 。 喜歡的朋友請幫忙【訂閱】【分享】和【按讚】~記得開啟小鈴鐺🔔收取新片通知喔!👆全方位追蹤即時動態================================================ ► 📢港爸Gilbert行街GUIDE YouTube👇:https://www.youtube
Kingston大排檔有正嘢食!炸雞,德國腸,法國crepes, 越南湯粉,等等. 第一集 Episode 1
Stevo擔枱擔櫈在街邊食好嘢!Kingston大排檔有正嘢食!炸雞,德國腸,法國crepes, 越南湯粉,等等. 大家可以去睇吓Kingston Christmas Market 開咗 Idea of this video was from Rate My Takeaway: https://www.youtube.com/c/ratemytakeaway #Kingston大排檔 #kingston #街
分享巴黎shopping後退稅VAT過程。阿菲在法國巴黎春天百貨, Louis Vuitton, Goyard, etc
We went shopping in Paris, find out about all the ins and outs with claiming VAT etc....to get a bargain. Come and join us! #巴黎shopping #稅VAT #法國買名牌
為食Stevo和阿菲試味英國製造流心月餅。Featured: Under The Same Moon and Too.MuchSugar 流心月餅。
We are having some mooncakes whilst reliving our childhoods during mid-autumn festival! Come and join us Too.muchsugar https://www.instagram.com/too.muchsugar/?hl=en Underthesamemoo https://www.facebook.com/UnderTheSameMoon.UK https://instagram.com/unde
[Eng Subtitles] 點解麥當勞唔食漢堡包…why doesn’t Stevo eat burgers in MacDonald's
This is a short compilation of clips when we went to various restaurants around London. Hope you will be trying these yourselves! #倫敦出街食飯 #移英生活 #出街食飯 Links to the restaurants: Cafe Yolk http://www.cafeyolk.com/ Poppy's 2 https://www.faceboo
[Eng Subtitles] 曼城街頭訪問, 生活指數樓價平? 治安? 倫敦或曼城? Why are Hong Kongers deciding to reside in Manchester?
When heard a lot of people from HK are settling in Manchester, we decided to go to Manchester to see how they are doing! Come and join us! #曼城街頭訪問 #Manchester 街頭訪問 #英國日常 Kayztyle Check out their online shop! https://kayztyleuk.boutir.com/
點解雷丁Reading 咁多香港人?雷丁好唔好住?買嘢方便嗎?食嘢多啲選擇嗎?
We went to Reading to have a look around and spoke to a few Hong Kongers who have just arrived. Come and join us! #雷丁街頭訪問 #Reading 街頭訪問 #英國日常
We heard alot of people from Hong Kong are settling down in Sutton! We go and find out why?! #台灣大塊雞 #Sutton香港人 #街頭訪問香港人
We have been going out and about trying out various different eateries! Come and join us! #倫敦港式茶餐廳 #倫敦FoodCourt Links to the restaurants and food court: https://mercatometropolitano.com/ https://flamingcow.co.uk/ https://www.yimchai.com/
#英國拉麵 #英國牛扒 #英國壽司 #英國魚生 #英國飲食 #英國餐廳 Shoryu Ramen https://www.shoryuramen.com/ Kanada Ya https://www.kanada-ya.com/ Steak & Co https://www.steakandco.com/ Burger and Lobster https://www.burgerandlobster.com/ Sushi Atalier https://
【BNO英國生活】陪我在家工作一天 | 英國工作辛唔辛苦? | 英國放工後的娛樂 | GIVEAWAY
🥟GIVEAWAY🥟機會嚟啦🥢 (28/6 - 2/7) 今次香源送出三包水餃俾一位幸運兒🍀大家要做嘅嘢好簡單🧚🏻‍♀️ 1️⃣Like 呢個post 2️⃣Follow @freshasia_official & @callmeabywong 3️⃣再喺下面tag☝🏻個朋友 (一個朋友一個comment, 冇限次數) Dumplings 🥟 Gi
【BNO英國生活】Brighton 白禮頓一日遊 | 英國人度假勝地
( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛) INSTAGRAM / @callmeabywong ( ❛ ͜ʖ ❛ )ENQUIRY / callmeabywong@gmail.com ❤️ (✿˵•́ ᴗ •̀˵)❤️ 👋 希望大家都鍾意睇我嘅片,歡迎比啲鼓勵同支持~全數收入將會用作提升Channel質素 ☕ 💕 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/abywong 上網📡 Hyperoptic 👍🏻 如果想要refer code 可以inbox 我呀☺️ Music by Dan and Drum -
Lockdown is easing up on the 17th of May, restaurants are opening for indoors once again. Let's take a look at some our recommendations! #英國拉麵 #英國牛扒 #英國壽司 #英國魚生 #英國飲食 #英國餐廳 Bread Ahead Cookery School https://www.breadahead.com/ Bo
英國治安差?在英國街頭要注意!| 英國移民 | 英國生活小貼士 | BNO | 個人分享
《英國生活 101》是個分享英國移民,文化,生活小貼士,教育的視頻。 希望這個視頻提供的資料可以幫想移民和幹到英國的人更了解英國。 如果你喜歡這個的Channel,請你 Like and Subscribe。 想了解多一點英國? 請收看以下: BNO英國移民經LOTR入境FAQ | 包括 保險 良民證