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警告大家不要買Bitcoin虛擬貨幣 BTC❓唔走會後悔⭐️明天第二輪繼續放貨💢如何處理買入賣出報稅申報大家一條船🐾
Bitcoin, BTC, ETH, SOL, Altcoins, Memecoins 警告大家不要現在購買 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Patreon 平台 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ * BNO 5+1 180天計算機 * 抵達英國清單Master Class 優惠碼 * 香港英國着數輕鬆報稅Master Class 優惠碼 * Life in the UK Master Class 優惠碼 * 問我英國生活或BNO問題 * 精明消費Smart Spending Great Living訊息 * 影片文件下載,影片presenta
Patreon 會員可以取得稅局批核的港幣英鎊兌換率 2021-2022 及 2022-2023 登入 https://bit.ly/3vjJd0P 着數1 GoSimpleTax 稅務系統 https://bit.ly/3gf85Sc 着數2 全英國唯一 BNO VISA 5+1計算機 https://bit.ly/BNO5plus1 着數3 Life in the UK test (免費登記數量有限) https://bit.ly/3w6Zk1C 其他財務資訊影片: https://felix051.w
(English 中文Sub) 在這三年以來,究竟梅根和哈利做咗什麼,令到英國人憎恨他們?
We talk a bit about the UK's views on Harry and Megan World Wide Privacy Tour | South Park | Comedy Central https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N8_5LDkZwY Chris Rock Selective Outrage https://www.netflix.com/title/80167499 #梅根哈利 #英國皇室
第二輪10件超筍貨品,最後兩日,平價貨品好快冇貨,即刻order⚡ Amazon Black Friday ⚡
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Patreon ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 去 Patreon 新片預告,2分鐘心靈雞湯系列,獨家Patreon視頻,取得視頻 presentation link,文件download。此視頻的下載文件亦可在Patreon內即時下載。 https://bit.ly/3vjJd0P ⭐️如果需要和其他會員交流香港及英國資訊⭐️可登入新開設
一年一度的大型購物節, Black Friday預埋你⚡由即日起至25/11/2022 Amazon搶購,很多產品數量售完即止
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Patreon ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 去 Patreon 新片預告,2分鐘心靈雞湯系列,獨家Patreon視頻,取得視頻 presentation link,文件download。此視頻的下載文件亦可在Patreon內即時下載。 https://bit.ly/3vjJd0P ⭐️如果需要和其他會員交流香港及英國資訊⭐️可登入新開設
英國人怎用俗語和諷刺語 . How to use English Idioms
Learn English with Lingoda Sign up link: https://try.lingoda.com/MovingSocks_Nov Use discount code: MOVINGSOCKS50 to get a 50 euro discount! #英國人怎用俗語 #英國人怎用諷刺語 Check out our other channels! Stevo's Hobbies https://www.youtube.com/chan
分享巴黎shopping後退稅VAT過程。阿菲在法國巴黎春天百貨, Louis Vuitton, Goyard, etc
We went shopping in Paris, find out about all the ins and outs with claiming VAT etc....to get a bargain. Come and join us! #巴黎shopping #稅VAT #法國買名牌
為食Stevo和阿菲試味英國製造流心月餅。Featured: Under The Same Moon and Too.MuchSugar 流心月餅。
We are having some mooncakes whilst reliving our childhoods during mid-autumn festival! Come and join us Too.muchsugar https://www.instagram.com/too.muchsugar/?hl=en Underthesamemoo https://www.facebook.com/UnderTheSameMoon.UK https://instagram.com/unde
[Eng Subtitles] 曼城街頭訪問, 生活指數樓價平? 治安? 倫敦或曼城? Why are Hong Kongers deciding to reside in Manchester?
When heard a lot of people from HK are settling in Manchester, we decided to go to Manchester to see how they are doing! Come and join us! #曼城街頭訪問 #Manchester 街頭訪問 #英國日常 Kayztyle Check out their online shop! https://kayztyleuk.boutir.com/
點解雷丁Reading 咁多香港人?雷丁好唔好住?買嘢方便嗎?食嘢多啲選擇嗎?
We went to Reading to have a look around and spoke to a few Hong Kongers who have just arrived. Come and join us! #雷丁街頭訪問 #Reading 街頭訪問 #英國日常
We heard alot of people from Hong Kong are settling down in Sutton! We go and find out why?! #台灣大塊雞 #Sutton香港人 #街頭訪問香港人
分享英國即食食品介紹: 拉麵, pizza, 腸仔, etc
We look at some unhealthy options when sometimes you are feeling too lazy too cook! Come and join us. #英國即食食品 #英國飲食