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几年几时几分 (How Many Years, Hours, and Minutes) - 金玟岐 (Jin Wenqi)《承欢记 Best Choice Ever》Chi/Eng/Pinyin
Song Name (歌名): 几年几时几分 (How Many Years, Hours, and Minutes) Singer (歌手): 金玟岐 (Jin Wenqi) Translations By: Peachey Blossom Drama Name (电视剧名字):《承欢记 Best Choice Ever》 📌Best Choice Ever Playlist 承欢记 歌曲合集: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLaG0k-PXfnflU8D
《侦心侦意新春演唱会》第1场 完整版:何炅SOLO表思念“破防”落泪 王鸥魏晨深情对唱终“成全”? 《大侦探7》Who's The Murderer S7丨Mango TV
侦心侦意虎力全开!下载芒果TV国际APP → https://bit.ly/2U0ML7S ,更多爆款内容第一时间抢先看,精彩配音、多语言字幕等你来pick!PC用户可登陆芒果TV国际官网 → https://bit.ly/3gFnJmm 【或】成为侦探团成员👉http://bit.ly/MXDZTVIP ,2月2日-2月3日尊享《侦心侦
【八零九零 Octogenarian and the 90s】歌曲合集(動態歌詞 lyrics)【泥豆音樂Nido Music】
▶關於泥豆:https://lihi1.cc/Lal28 ▶與泥豆聯絡:nidomusical@gmail.com 00:00 人生啊 - 摩登兄弟劉宇寧 04:15 陪伴 - 金玟岐 07:25 糖 - 劉惜君 10:41 牽掛 - 劉美麟 14:36 放過 - 馬頔 🔽請泥豆音樂Nido Music喝咖啡🔽 by me a cup of coffee~ 綠界:https://lihi1.cc
【八零九零 Octogenarian and the 90s】陪伴(電視劇 片尾曲)- 金玟岐(動態歌詞 lyrics)【泥豆音樂Nido Music】
【八零九零 Octogenarian and the 90s】陪伴(電視劇 片尾曲)- 金玟岐(動態歌詞 lyrics)【泥豆音樂Nido Music】 ▶關於泥豆:https://lihi1.cc/Lal28 ▶與泥豆聯絡:nidomusical@gmail.com 🔽請泥豆音樂Nido Music喝咖啡🔽 by me a cup of coffee~ 綠界:https://lihi1
劉惜君《糖》【八零九零 Octogenarian and the 90s OST電視劇插曲】官方動態歌詞MV (無損高音質)
♬訂閱頻道聽更多好歌 Subscribe to our channel 👉 https://goo.gl/a0I1IG ✨ Chinese/English/Thai/Vietnamese subtitles were already added in Subtitles/CC on Settings. ✨ Besides, you can use Auto-translate after turning on subtitles to choose the languag
馬頔《放過》【八零九零 Octogenarian and the 90s OST電視劇插曲】官方動態歌詞MV (無損高音質)
♬訂閱頻道聽更多好歌 Subscribe to our channel 👉 https://goo.gl/a0I1IG ✨ Chinese/English/Thai/Vietnamese subtitles were already added in Subtitles/CC on Settings. ✨ Besides, you can use Auto-translate after turning on subtitles to choose the languag
劉美麟《牽掛》【八零九零 Octogenarian and the 90s OST電視劇插曲】官方動態歌詞MV (無損高音質)
♬訂閱頻道聽更多好歌 Subscribe to our channel 👉 https://goo.gl/a0I1IG ✨ Chinese/English/Thai/Vietnamese subtitles were already added in Subtitles/CC on Settings. ✨ Besides, you can use Auto-translate after turning on subtitles to choose the languag
金玟岐《陪伴》【八零九零 Octogenarian and the 90s OST電視劇片尾曲】官方動態歌詞MV (無損高音質)
♬訂閱頻道聽更多好歌 Subscribe to our channel 👉 https://goo.gl/a0I1IG ✨ Chinese/English/Thai/Vietnamese subtitles were already added in Subtitles/CC on Settings. ✨ Besides, you can use Auto-translate after turning on subtitles to choose the languag
趙露思 Zhao Lusi《多麼願你是我恆久的歌 I Wish You Were My Lasting Song》【長歌行 The Long Ballad OST電視劇插曲】官方動態歌詞MV(高音質)
♬訂閱頻道聽更多好歌 Subscribe to our channel 👉 https://goo.gl/a0I1IG 🎧 原聲帶全輯播放清單 OST Playlist 👉https://reurl.cc/R6mXGD ✨ Chinese/English/Thai/Vietnamese subtitles were already added in Subtitles/CC on Settings. ✨ Besides, you can use Auto-translate after turning on
金玟岐《落砂》【長歌行 The Long Ballad OST電視劇插曲】官方動態歌詞MV (無損高音質)
♬訂閱頻道聽更多好歌 Subscribe to our channel 👉 https://goo.gl/a0I1IG ✨ Chinese/English/Thai/Vietnamese subtitles were already added in Subtitles/CC on Settings. ✨ Besides, you can use Auto-translate after turning on subtitles to choose the languag
薩頂頂《如若歸來》【長歌行 The Long Ballad OST電視劇深情主題曲】官方動態歌詞MV (無損高音質)
♬訂閱頻道聽更多好歌 Subscribe to our channel 👉 https://goo.gl/a0I1IG ✨ Chinese/English/Thai/Vietnamese subtitles were already added in Subtitles/CC on Settings. ✨ Besides, you can use Auto-translate after turning on subtitles to choose the languag
張碧晨《光的方向》【長歌行 The Long Ballad OST電視劇片頭主題曲】官方動態歌詞MV (無損高音質)
♬訂閱頻道聽更多好歌 Subscribe to our channel 👉 https://goo.gl/a0I1IG ✨ Chinese/English/Thai/Vietnamese subtitles were already added in Subtitles/CC on Settings. ✨ Besides, you can use Auto-translate after turning on subtitles to choose the languag
周深《繭》【長歌行 The Long Ballad OST電視劇片尾主題曲】官方動態歌詞MV (無損高音質)
♬訂閱頻道聽更多好歌 Subscribe to our channel 👉 https://goo.gl/a0I1IG ✨ Chinese/English/Thai/Vietnamese subtitles were already added in Subtitles/CC on Settings. ✨ Besides, you can use Auto-translate after turning on subtitles to choose the languag
落砂—金玟岐(《長歌行》電視劇插曲)『餘下的路啊 繼續笑著走吧 眼中的你落下 凝結成了砂』【動態歌詞Lyrics】
落砂—金玟岐(《長歌行》電視劇插曲)『餘下的路啊 繼續笑著走吧 眼中的你落下 凝結成了砂』【動態歌詞Lyrics】 订阅频道收听更多好听的歌 :https://bit.ly/3mPQii1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
金玟岐 - 星空下《愛在星空下》電視劇片尾曲【動態歌詞 | Pinyin Lyrics】
金玟岐 - 星空下《愛在星空下》電視劇片尾曲 | 2021新歌推送 |【動態歌詞 | Pinyin Lyrics】(大七文化)抖音歌曲排行榜 ▶︎郵箱:awalkmedia@gmail.com ▶︎微信:awalkmedia ▶︎訂閱AWALK MUSIC CHANNEL收聽更多好歌: ‣‣ https://bit.ly/2LtiTdl ▶︎音樂上架平
郁可唯 Yisa Yu【電梯 Love Passing By】Official Music Video
【ROCK HDMV】 歡迎訂閱#滾石唱片YouTube官方頻道→https://goo.gl/QpVluI #郁可唯 《電梯》 郁可唯最新專輯『00:00』第二波主打歌曲《電梯》, 是由作詞金玟岐、作曲佳旺、製作人陳子鴻 三人打造的動人抒情佳作。 「如果愛是座公寓 搭那班電梯人群中見過你 我的心高高低低 門開啟 再目送你離去」 電梯裡的你我他,有著什麼樣的關係,有著什麼樣的身分,是否我們都是熟悉的陌生人? 這首充滿人事時地物畫面的一首歌曲,描繪一部電梯承載的悲歡喜樂。隨著旋律的悠揚起伏,郁可唯唱出充滿戲劇