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好喇對不起嘛 對不起喇,總之我先道歉。 你一定會喜歡我的內容,聽了你不會後悔喇ㄏㄏ。 拜託幫我五星刷起來! 我們的社群 IG:https://www.instagram.com/imsorryla064/ FB:https://www.facebook.com/imsorryla 在哪裡可以收聽🔻 🎧 KKBOX: https://reurl.cc/Gr4Zk3 🎧 Spotify: https://reurl.cc/k0rNdq 🎧 Apple Podcast: https://reurl.cc/0O9g
3 週前
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香蕉叔叔半夜說故事 每周一的00:00 會更新故事,提供未眠的人們聽故事 Powered by Firstory Hosting https://open.firstory.me/user/clovjsjla00nw01u760r9agnj Sun, 12 Nov 2023 14:05:17 GMT 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 說書的第21天 香蕉叔叔第二十一天說故事 https://open.firstory.me/user/clovjsjla00nw01u760r9agnj/comments Powered
4 週前
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內湖小羅漢 每週一更新,之類的。 Powered by Firstory Hosting https://open.firstory.me/user/achopodcast Tue, 23 Jun 2020 04:13:31 GMT 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 燒臘店小感 燒臘店小感、焦點之夜回顧、隨機遇到的演員 Powered by Firstory Hosting https://open.firstory.me/story/cluqi41x2018w01vpelto3gid Mon, 08 Apr 202
【全本免费】宠爱|完美|重生|上门|春节|繁花逃爱 春节假期,催婚?无聊?来听精品短剧《宠爱》吧,解压,放松,让你一次听个爽,然后相信属于你的爱情一定会重现......你相信重生吗?柯基小宠的重生?2024年贺岁精品都市言情短剧,欢迎入坑!点赞,投票,关注,更新早知道!春假假期还想听啥?评论~~~留个言吧,为你上菜咯~~~~ https://www.ximalaya.com/album/80439219 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 大年初五迎八方财神,恭喜发财!(关注主播,好剧马上来!) https://www
Much Ado About Nerding
1 個月前
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Much Ado About Nerding A brother sister Nerdcast that discusses everything from Courageous Comic Characters to Wondrous Wizarding Worlds and back to Sinister Sith Scoundrels and Fictitious Frightful Fiends! Join Us! as siblings with delusions of grandeur c
Tales from the Stinky Dragon
2 個月前
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Tales from the Stinky Dragon A D&D actual play podcast in the midst of its second campaign! Join us in the world of Grotethe —a dark domain ruled by vampires, ghosts, and other monstrosities. Four adventurers get tangled up in a murderous mystery that not
2 個月前
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秀山感情交流所 你有酒 我有故事 話題沒有設限,只有秀下限 不管白天黑夜 我們開的車從來不踩煞車 同理心,沒有 羞恥心,沒有 各類合作請寄至taigun168@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting https://open.firstory.me/user/cljfoj0e6005e01xs1q0ids8a Wed, 28 Jun 2023 12:15:00 GMT 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 EP10.老祖母不傳的手藝 俗話說:「飯可以亂吃,話可不能亂講。」,但是飯真的可
3 個月前
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唠嗑讲故事之聊斋 东北味东北人,喝着茶水,唠嗑讲故事之聊斋,今天讲讲聊斋的故事。欢迎关注我,在评论区,和我一起唠唠嗑。 https://www.ximalaya.com/album/77592635 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 唠嗑讲故事之聊斋,考城隍 唠嗑讲故事之聊斋,考城隍,播讲人:东北贼大王,欢迎分享、订阅、投票、收藏、点赞、关注,听后续。如果想唠唠嗑,评论区见。 https://www.ximalaya.com/sound/657024700 Wed, 16 Aug 2023 20:10:00 GMT
Lulu’s Laber Podcast
4 個月前
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Lulu’s Laber Podcast Ich werde über Gott und die Welt reden. Ich werde Interviews führen, Spannende Themen diskutieren und vieles weitere…. Also, seid gespannt https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lulu_del_rey 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Sad poems Manchmal hat man so T
泰腐小時光 Thai BL Time
4 個月前
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泰腐小時光 Thai BL Time 泰國BL劇的深度心得隨便聊 歡迎來我的泰腐小時光粉絲專頁聊聊😎 https://www.facebook.com/ThaiBLTime Powered by Firstory Hosting https://open.firstory.me/user/thaibltime Sat, 02 Apr 2022 18:58:36 GMT 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 處男30歲變成魔法師🧙🏻‍♂️原來公司男神內心超級有病🙄濃濃泰國風超歡樂😝 Cherry Magic 泰版櫻桃魔法
EOS 10
4 個月前
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EOS 10 Doctors in space, a deposed alien prince, a super gay space pirate and a fiery nurse who'll help you win your bar fight. #audiofiction from @justinmclachlan and PlanetM. https://www.planetm.io/eos10 Mon, 11 Dec 2023 07:48:28 -0800 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 101 —
Aamai Curry Podcast
4 個月前
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Aamai Curry Podcast A தமிழ் Podcast about my opinion about Society, Culture and PoP culture. This Podcast is quite different from other podcasts by discussing different opinions in a Comical and Funny way. Let it be a place to listen funny conversations wi
1 個月前
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青春愛消遣 全台灣最荒謬Podcast上線啦!營養價值零,酸人指數滿點的溫腥惡魔小園地,消化餅、小部語不驚人死不休,你準備好拋開道德枷鎖享受最紓壓的幹話連發了嗎? Young Love Play: Taiwan's wittiest talk show, where hilarity meets razor-sharp opinions in a whirlwind of unapologetic, uproarious banter! Powered by Firstory Hosting https:/
2 週前
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不止读书 「不止读书」是魏小河发起的一档文化类播客。在这档节目里,我希望和所有听众一起,从读书开始,抵达更广阔的世界。每周五更新。你也可以在公众号「魏小河流域」或微博@魏小河找到我。 https://www.ximalaya.com/album/47548262 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 151 认识我的人慢慢忘了我,没落的生活才揭示生活 | 周慧x魏小河 最近床头放的书是周慧的《认识我的人慢慢忘了我》。这是周慧的第一本书,一本散文集。读它的感受,和之前读过的所有散文都不一样。书里收录的文章,篇幅不过千字而已
The Pulp Podcast
5 個月前
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The Pulp Podcast The official podcast of Portland-based theater company The Pulp Stage. Follow us for monthly original sci-fi/fantasy, horror, and other genre stories. https://www.buzzsprout.com/694438 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 That Damned Hotel Episode 28: Haunted Hyst
Two In The Think Tank
7 個月前
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Two In The Think Tank Listen as Andy and Al come up with five sketch ideas, without fail. Maybe seven if we don't think that the first five were very good. Follow us on twitter! Al - @alasdairtb Andy - @stupidoldandy Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy
Hachi Powaa - Parodie Harry Potter
8 個月前
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Hachi Powaa - Parodie Harry Potter Hachi est un orphelin recueilli par Harid pour aller à Jobard, l'Ecole des Otaku (les fans de culture japonaise). Il y apprendra bien au chaud les arts du pays du soleil levant tels que les mangas, le cosplay ou encore le
9 個月前
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宋江是怎么当上老大的 你知道宋江是怎么当上老大的?本书将为你解密手无缚鸡之力、相貌丑陋、资质平平的宋江,如何从一个底层小吏,步步为营,摇身成威震江湖的梁山集团的一把手。书中将巨幅呈现宋江当上老大的杀手锏——鸿鹄之志、扬名立万、手舞足蹈谨以这些弥经历史考验的职场上位秘诀,献给想当老大的你!这里有水泊梁山,这里有风云职场,这里更有你看了想学、学了能用的老大秘诀。智者之语,不容错过:钱理群教授倾情作序,洋洋三千言,与青年朋友畅谈他眼中的“宋江和宋江的上位之道”。 https://www.ximalaya.com/
Calling Darkness Podcast
9 個月前
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Calling Darkness Podcast Six women. One book. And a demon from hell. This is Calling Darkness, an audio drama that follows the mishaps of six girls who inadvertently summon a demon and have to deal with the chilling consequences. Calling Darkness is a horr