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【英國冰島 VLOG|01】終於知道為何他們是世界第一航空公司了!此生最讚的經濟艙體驗
建議使用支援 HDR 播放設備觀看。 #新加坡航空 #SingaporeAirline #波音787 #A380 【本次旅遊實用資訊】依 1. 歐洲旅遊實體 SIM 卡、eSIM、Wi-Fi 機 Aerobile 翔翼通訊 / 歐洲跨國旅遊 Orange Holiday 卡(14 天 30GB 版) eSIM:https://bit.ly/4cP1BT7 實體 SIM:https://bit.ly/3vRFPgI - 全歐洲跨國使用;這次跨倫敦、冰島都不用換卡很像當地居民 =) - 即插即用很方便,下飛機直
阿聯酋航空商務艙初體驗 #Shorts
2 週前
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阿聯酋航空商務艙初體驗 #叔叔日常 #阿聯酋航空 #商務客位 #A380 #emirates
✈️又係曼谷 Bangkok ep 19🌻|香港機場阿聯酋貴賓室最新情況 HKIA Emirates Lounge|$49XX 阿聯酋A380商務艙初體驗 Business Class|SC
#曼谷 #曼谷旅行 #曼谷酒店 #曼谷美食 #曼谷自由行 #阿聯酋航空 拍攝日期:2024年4月 真係超級抵坐,我買嘅時候$49XX (官網買!)留意返Trip.com有幾隻價錢,有可能最平嗰隻唔包lounge😂 00:00 ep 19 01:19 香港機場阿聯酋航空貴賓室重開後最新情況 The latest situation after the reopening of the Emirates Lounge at Hong Kong Airport 05:08 阿聯酋A380商務艙初體驗 Emirat
A380s, A340s, & 747s: The Lufthansa Fleet In 2024
We last examined the large and diverse fleet of Lufthansa in 2022. Since then, the carrier has grown slightly while diversifying further with the addition of the Boeing 787. This video will cover the state of Lufthansa's fleet in early 2024, while highligh
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#airbus #msfs2020 #thrustmaster Thrustmaster Flight Sim Ambassador | https://fcld.ly/tcalinktreecc Want to grab some great scenery/airplanes for your sim? Use my link to great deals at the iniBuilds store! https://store.inibuilds.com/collections/iniscene?r
Panel blows off 737 Max 9 aircraft Alaska flight 1282 Pilot Audio ATC
Alaska flight 1282 from Portland Oregon has a panel covering where a door can be as an option on the aircraft was blown off it's 737 max 9 aircraft and asks to return to the airport for an emergency landing. Interesting ATC Audio from the pilot. Join as a
Door BLOWS OFF Alaska Boeing 737MAX 9 ALASKA 1282. REAL ATC
December 5, 2023. Alaska Airlines Boeing 737-9 MAX registration N704AL performing flight 1282 from Portland International Airport (KPDX) to Ontario International Airport (KONT). Shortly after takeoff, one of the factory-deactivated emergency exit doors on
往返杜拜、洛杉磯要80萬!他開箱全球最貴頭等艙 空中洗澡超奢華-全民話燒
影音中心/陳瑞婷報導 世界知名的阿聯酋航空,其私人包廂具有高私密性又舒適,且空服員的出色服務飽受好評,機上餐點更是豪華,龍蝦、鮑魚等高級食材應有盡有,因此機票價格相當昂貴。近日網紅JoeJoe,買了阿聯酋航空A380頭等艙機票,往返杜拜與洛杉磯,共花了80萬元新台幣,只見他在機上不僅享受了高級料理,還進行了空中洗澡,讓他不禁直喊:「一身清爽」,終於不用一身疲憊地走出飛機。 -- 看新聞:https://www.ftvnews.com.tw/news/detail/2024105W0068?utm_sourc
【シンガポール航空エコノミークラス】超大型機エアバスA380に搭乗!成田からシンガポールへ!2階建てスーパージャンボ #海外旅行 #シンガポール旅行 #シンガポール航空
2023年世界で最も素晴らしい航空会社No.1に輝いたシンガポール航空での空の旅! 成田↔︎シンガポール間には"スーパージャンボ"と呼ばれる世界最大の旅客機が運航しています! 2階建て超大型機エアバスA380はANAのフライングホヌでもお馴染み! シンガポール航空のA380の2階席にあるスイートクラスはいつか乗ってみたいですね! シンガポール航空はクリスフライヤーメンバーに登録するだけでWi-Fiが2時間無料らしいのですが、今回は全く繋がりませんでした😨 ➡️シンガポール入国に必要なSG Arrival C
Seoul to Hong Kong HK Express
6 個月前
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Join as a member to help with the live stream aspect: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNrHXvor-NMvRqMpVxYDm8Q/join Aircraft Plane spotting around the world. At some of the best and busiest airports as well as some less known airports.
阿聯酋航空A380旗艦客機回歸 台北-杜拜每日飛航
阿聯酋航空A380旗艦客機復飛台北-杜拜航線。 圖:阿聯酋航空/提供【旅奇傳媒/編輯部報導】睽違三年,阿聯酋航空 A380 旗艦客機於8/1再次飛抵桃園國際機場,重新執飛每日往返台北及杜拜的航班。許多民眾今日齊聚桃園機場周邊區域,爭相目睹巨無霸客機降落滑行的英姿,熱情迎接阿聯酋航空 A380 旗艦客機,桃園國際機場亦以水門禮歡迎阿聯酋航空A380客機重返台灣的天空。 阿聯酋航空此次將雙艙配置的 A380 客機重新帶回台北,除了提升客運運能滿足台灣持續成長的商務與旅遊需求,也展現其拓展台灣旅遊觀光市場的決心。
10 個月前
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Inaugural flights of Lufthansa at Boston. The first Lufthansa A380 at Boston.
Singapore Airlines A380 at Singapore🇸🇬
1 年前
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20 MINS LANDINGS & TAKEOFFS at MXP | 4K | Milan Malpensa Airport Plane Spotting (Airside)
4K Airside Plane Spotting from Milan Malpensa Airport MXP, Italy. Malpensa is the busiest of the 3 airports in the Milan area, handling nearly 29 million passengers in the year 2019. Serving as a major international airport, MXP also handles plenty domesti
RTX 4090 Q1 Sales Update: Nvidia’s Greed has Limits! (+ Intel / AMD CPU Update)
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Spectacular A380 takeoff✈️
1 年前
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RTX 4090 & A770 Margins Leak: Are Nvidia and Intel making big profits this Fall?
I have BOM costs for Alchemist, and street pricing info for the Nvidia RTX 4000 series! [SPONSOR: Get 25% off Windows Keys w/ “brokensilicon”, or 3% off other products w/ “dieshrink” here: https://biitt.ly/shbSk ] 0:00 Graphics Cards have very r
1 年前
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►Visit https://brilliant.org/GamerMeld/ to get started learning STEM for free, and the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium subscription. Nvidia's RTX 4000 GPUs are incredible, Gamers Nexus found tons of issues with ARC, Intel's ne