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#google #bard #chatgpt #gpt4 #gpt3 #gpt #Openai #NVIDIA #輝達 #黃仁勳 #jensen #台積電 #TSMC 【資料來源】 Google為何在AI大戰中失利? https://www.cw.com.tw/article/5129947
新一代個人助理AI Pin表現不佳!你會買嗎? #shorts
#aipin #humane #iphone #googleglass #openai 【資料來源】 Humane Ai Pin首批評論出爐:難用 https://www.ithome.com.tw/news/162250
免費 Pinokio AI 簡單安裝多種AI開源軟體 - 本集示範 一鍵安裝換臉程式 Facefusion Mac/Win - Pinokio 顛覆您的想像
如何使用Pinokio AI 輕鬆安裝Facefusion換臉程式,歡迎來到GOGO的技術分享頻道!在今天的視頻中,我們將探索AI技術的一個令人興奮的應用——Facefusion換臉程式。我們知道,許多朋友在嘗試安裝這類換臉軟體時遇到了各種挑戰,特別是Mac使用者,因為軟體對不同的系統架構支援不盡相同。 但別擔心,我們為你帶來了解決方案——Pinokio!Pinokio是一個基於流覽器的AI工具,它可以自動幫你處理安裝過程中的複雜環節,讓Mac、Windows甚至Linux的用戶都能輕鬆享受到AI換臉技術的
黃仁勳在 GTC 大會說的 GPT-MoE 是 GPT-5 嗎?MoE 又是什麼?|泛科學院
看到 GPT-MoE 只想到 MoE 是啥?還沒意識過來這可能是 GPT-5 因為這樣跑去查了 MoE 才有了這集內容 這集還在生病,下集就會好了(? https://www.youtube.com/live/Y2F8yisiS6E?si=onvZibAPdjMFxdya https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvqFAi7vkBc LM studio 教學 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fblH6jyXT_w 歡迎加入頻道會員 ➤ https:/
#張忠謀 #黃仁勳 #蘇姿丰 #梁見後 #台積電 #輝達 #超微 #美超微 #tsmc #nvidia #amd #supermicro #morris #jensen #lisa #Charles #人工智慧 #ai #生成式人工智慧 【資料來源】 美媒:AI引領第四次工業革命最夯企業家都來自台灣 https://udn.com/news/story/6811/7788554
SORA 生成的影片夠逼真嗎 !? 目前的AI懂物理嗎 !? NVIDIA的做法是 !? 更逼真的未來在...
SORA 生成的影片夠逼真嗎 !? 目前的AI懂物理嗎 !? NVIDIA的做法是 !? 更逼真的未來在... 目前的AI懂物理嗎!? 主要是和大家聊聊目前的SORA 懂物理嗎? NVIDIA目前是如何生成影片? 更逼真的未來是...? 歡迎大家一起進來討論喔!
샘 올트먼은 왜, 어떻게 세계 반도체 판을 흔들려고 하나?
샘 올트먼 오픈AI CEO가 7조달러, 한화 9300조원에 달하는 투자금을 모아 AI 제국을 세우려 한다는 보도가 있었죠. AI 반도체를 시작으로 AI 인프라 밸류체인을 재편해보겠다는 구상이었습니다. 실제로 샘 올트먼이 AI 반도체 기업을 창업하려는 시도도 있었고요. 하지만 올트먼의 행적을 따라가보면 그의 구상이 아직 반쪽짜리가 아닌가 합니다. 수십 년에 걸쳐 쌓인 거대한 반도체 밸류체인을 올트먼 혼자 개편하기는 어렵기 때문이죠. 그래서 결국 ‘탈 엔비디
#Openai #samaltman #altman #NVIDIA #輝達 #黃仁勳 #jensen #台積電 #TSMC #主權基金 【資料來源】 Sam Altman 募資「7兆美元」要蓋十間半導體廠,全程委託台積電管理生產 https://www.blocktempo.com/sam-altman-aims-to-raise-7-trillion-to-build-a-semiconductor-factory-entrusting-tsmc-with-managing-chip-productio
台積電漲到歷史新高該買還是該賣?蘋果、特斯拉成空頭標的?NVIDIA、美超微一路狂飆是否被高估?暴漲有持續性?【Yahoo TV #風向龍鳳配】
近期科技股市場持續熱度不斷,各大科技巨頭紛紛創下歷史新高。NVIDIA、美超微等知名公司的股價,一路狂飆。這波科技浪潮是否還有持續成長的空間?究竟應該如何應對這股市場變局?Yahoo TV #風向龍鳳配 主持人#陳鳳馨 全面解析。 #風向龍鳳配 現在也可以用聽的! 讓你的眼睛空出來👉🏻 Apple Podcast|https://apple.co/2C5oX9O Google Podcast|https://bit.ly/2YTvkGe Spotify | https://spoti.fi/2Bw4dIs
【AI換臉教學3】AI換臉一次替換多張臉孔 支援Mac與Window免費下載 | rope | ai換臉教程 | 剪映 | 剪映專業版
在上一集的 AI換臉教程 中,我們專注於基礎的單人換臉技術,目的是為了讓初學者能夠在不感到壓力的情況下輕鬆上手。為了避免一開始就遇到複雜操作導致退卻,我們簡化了教學步驟,僅需選擇一張圖片和一段影片即可開始換臉過程,整體操作流程非常簡單,只需耐心等待結果生成。(本影片剪輯工具為剪映專業版) 然而,隨著技術的深入和學習者的逐步熟練,我們認為是時候提升一些難度,進行更進階的應用探索。在這一集 AI換臉教學,我們將挑戰在一個包含多人的影片中進行個別AI換臉。想像一下,影片中有四個人,其中戴口罩的人保持原樣,而其他三
【AI換臉教學2】免費精通AI換臉技術: Face Fusion終極指南! Roop | Swapface | AKOOL
我們深入探討AI換臉技術。這項技術在被稱為"DeepFakes",意指透過深度學習技術進行的高度仿真偽裝。該術語源自2017年,首次被提出。而最廣為人知的作品就是…..螞蟻牙黑 但是當時的AI換臉除了娛樂,總歸沒有什麼商業價值,到了2023年ChatGPT帶動的AI爆發的年代,DeepFakes AI換臉再次被大眾所認識,因為自媒體的盛行,也在商機這一塊嶄露了頭角,尤其影片、直播、線上教學等等,可以說是看到了無限商機,而這一集是換臉教學第二集,我將介紹目前所知到換臉軟體,以及先挑一款無任何難度換臉軟體教學如
Microsoft hires Sam Altman after he's ousted as CEO of OpenAI
The tech giant announced that Altman will join the company to “lead a new advanced A.I. research team” after he was unexpectedly fired as OpenAI’s CEO by the board of directors on Friday. SUBSCRIBE to ABC News on YouTube: https://bit.ly/2vZb6yP Latest upda
Sam Altman to launch new AI firm? | World Business Watch
What's next for Sam Altman - the human face of generative AI? That's the question on everyone's mind after he was sacked as the CEO of OpenAI on Friday. While one report, citing sources, suggests that hectic parleys are underway to bring back Altman as Ope
OpenAI Appoints Mira Murati as Interim CEO after Sam Altman's Sudden Exit | OneIndia News
OpenAI, creator of ChatGPT, undergoes leadership upheaval in 2022. Sam Altman was ousted as CEO due to communication issues with the board. Mira Murati, a driving force behind ChatGPT, was appointed interim CEO. Her diverse background from Tesla to OpenAI
BREAKING: CEO Of Chat GPT Sam Altman Fired
5 個月前
 • 41 次觀看
OpenAI, the company behind the viral chatbot ChatGPT, fired its CEO and founder, Sam Altman, on Friday. His stunning departure sent shockwaves through the budding AI industry. The company, in a statement, said an internal investigation found that Altman wa
OpenAI co-founder Greg Brockman quits hours after CEO Sam Altman sacked | Oneindia News
Greg Brockman, the co-founder and president of OpenAI, has quit, barely a few hours after the ChatGPT maker said it fired CEO Sam Altman, sending shockwaves across the tech world. #SamAltman #GregBrockman #OpenAI #ChatGPT #SamAltmanSacked #GregBrockmanQuit
OpenAI sacks Sam Altman after deliberative review process | WION World DNA
Sam Altman wanted to take his company OpenAI to the next level but in a twist of fate, he finds himself out of his own company. ChatGPT maker OpenAI has fired Altman the users sent shockwaves across the tech world which sees the OpenAI CEO as a "human face
Breaking News: Open AI Sacks Sam Altman, Board Says 'Lost Confidence In Sam' | Top News
Breaking News: In a significant development, Sam Altman, the co-founder and CEO of OpenAl, is stepping down from his position. The company's board has expressed concerns about Altman's lack of transparency and has consequently lost confidence in his leader
ChatGPT | Sam Altman Ousted By ChatGPT Creator OpenAI: 5 Facts About Him | English News | N18V
ChatGPT | Sam Altman Ousted By ChatGPT Creator OpenAI: 5 Facts About Him | English News | N18V OpenAI, the company that created the artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT, fired CEO Sam Altman on Friday. "The board no longer has confidence in his ability