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Arduino IoT Cloud Fundamentals | 2024 Step-by-Step Guide
We’re back in the Cloud today, looking at all the updated features of the Arduino IoT Cloud! Check out what’s new for 2024 and build your first cloud project using Uno R4 WiFi and ESP32 DevKit boards. Article with step-by-step guide https://dronebotworksho
【簡単】マイクから音声認識可能なWebアプリ作成!streamlitとpythonで作る音声変換アプリ!#python #streamlight #chatgpt #音声認識
今回は、Streamlitを使用して、音声変換アプリを作成します。マイクから音声認識も可能で、多言語話すことが可能です! 電子工作では、プログラムを作成することが一つ躓くポイントですが、現在はChatGPTに作成・修正などすべて対応可能ですのでやりたいことがある人であれば、だれでもエンジニアになれます。ぜひ便利さを共感いただけたらと思います。 ぜひ最後までご視聴下さい ■関連リンク https://enjoy-life-fullest.com/ 上記ブログでPython、ESP32・Arduinoなどの工作
Raspberry Pi 5: First Insights
7 個月前
 • 39 次觀看
The Raspberry Pi 5 is finally here! Elektor’s Brian Tristam Williams takes a look. @raspberrypi First review: www.elektormagazine.com/articles/raspberry-pi-5-a-first-look Subscribe to our Newsletter to get upcoming news about Raspberry Pi 5: https://www.el
Unboxing the New Raspberry Pi 5 - Faster, Smarter, and Packed with Features!
Welcome to our exciting unboxing video of the highly anticipated Raspberry Pi 5 from @raspberrypi ! First review: www.elektormagazine.com/articles/raspberry-pi-5-a-first-look Subscribe to our Newsletter to get upcoming news about Raspberry Pi 5: https://ww
Lançamento Raspberry Pi 5 | Conheça
7 個月前
 • 294 次觀看
Conheça a Raspberry Pi 5, o mais novo modelo da single board computer mais popular do mundo. Ela conta com maior poder de processamento, conector PCI Express 2.0, 2 conectores MIPI (DSI/CSI) e finalmente um botão Liga/Desliga! Neste video, vamos mostrar as
piccola ma... Cambia tutto! 🤯 Insta360 Go 3
10 個月前
 • 19 次觀看
Insta ha lanciato la nuova Go3, un gioiellino piccolissimo ma super potente! Il suo nuovo case é rivoluzionario, in questo video scopriamo il perché! Scopri la nuovissima Insta360 Go 3! 👉🏼 https://www.insta360.com/sal/go-3?insrc=INRAX9V ###################
Intelligenza Artificiale per i video? 🤯 nuovo Insta360 Flow POTENTISSIMO!
Nuovo prodotto Insta360, ma non è una cam! Infatti oggi lanciano il loro primo gimbal, ed è una figata con intelligenza artificiale, super portatilità e prezzo contenuto! Nel video di oggi lo proviamo a Berlino, a Roma... e partiamo per il Borneo in Malesi
New Arduino, Pi and Adafruit, ChatGPT Codes Arduino, and More!
#Arduino #raspberrypi #Maker #diyelectronics #electromaker Welcome to the Electromaker Show episode 101! This week we look at new products from Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and Adafruit, as well as look forward to some upcoming online Maker events! ▬ Support us!
ChatGPT & ESP 32 had a baby… this is the future!
Want to learn more? Check out our courses! https://bit.ly/ChatGPTuino_Sneak_Peak __/\\\\\\\\\\\\\_____\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\_____/\\\\\\\\\____ _\/\\\/////////\\\_\___\\\///////////_______/\\\\\\\\\\\\\__ _\/\\\_______\/\\\__\/\\\____________/\\\/////////\\\_ _\/
DJI Avata è il DRONE FPV PERFETTO? 😍 - (con DJI Goggles 2 🤯)
È appena uscito il nuovissimo DJI Avata, un drone FPV incredibile: il primo Cinewhoop di casa DJI che però arriva come ecosistema completo. Inoltre sono usciti i nuovi DJI Goggles 2, gli occhiali FPV di nuova generazione! Piccoli, leggeri, luminosi
3D Printed SUP thruster (Summer Project, DIY, FreeinSUP)
A simple 3d printed propulsion for SUPs using a battery drill Sponsor FreeinSUP coupons and links: For EU: Coupon code: FS35BL: 35€ off (min order 269€) FS70BL: 70€ off (min order 538€) Product link: blue kayak 10': https://www.freeinsup.de/FSK
直流變頻風扇故障能修嗎 試試看用Arduino來取代主機板(mcu)也是可以的 海賊王diy日記
海賊王英文頻道 也需要您的支持喔(下方超連結進入) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfE1z1VlQyg55E9sXFi4a4A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 背景音樂 Jason Piano https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l
用Arduino ESP32計算防疫場地人數(台灣社交距離APP)
安信可AI-Thinker ESP-C3-12F(ESP32-C3F)單核低價支援BLE5概觀
今天順豐小哥送來一個奇怪的包裹,之所以奇怪是因為我大部分左岸的商品都是透過一路發,怎麼會有順豐直發給我的呢?我領了以後就關門上樓想馬上查看一下,沒想到小哥卻又一直按門鈴,是還有其他包裹沒領嗎? 一開門小哥就說要收140元運費,原來對方竟然沒付運費。 打開包裹一看
ESP32CAM 五百萬畫素ov5640 AF鏡頭測試
3 年前
 • 87 次觀看
ESP32CAM雖然最高能支援OV2460的兩百萬畫素鏡頭,但是感覺畫質不是很好,無法滿足朋友想要製作一些品質檢測的應用,去年有嘗試安裝OV5640,卻發現無法支援,所以作罷。 後來在網路上發現有人安裝OV5640測試成功,就Google一篇文章說ESP32CAM可以支援OV5640:Framerates
Battery Portable Soldering Iron | Power, Tests, Thermocouple, Amplifier
$2/5pcs 2Layer & $2/5pcs 4Layer PCBs: https://jlcpcb.com 🔥In this video I show you my tests before starting a first prototype. In this case for a portable iron that works with an internal battery and has a charger. I had to test some 5V soldering iron
I Let a Twitter Bot Decorate My Room
4 年前
 • 168 次觀看
Thanks to Skillshare for sponsoring! Use this link to get a 2 month free trial of Skillshare Premium: https://skl.sh/michaelreeves4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/michaelreeves08 Thanks to everyone for sending me a literal mountain of garbage. I'll remember