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🔴 (LIVE) Abrams, HIMARS, Aid to Gaza | Combat Footage Review
At 6pm EST Funker Host @ronnieadkins discusses: - #israel - #gaza - #ukraine - #iran Our Intro Music is provided by @KILLSTREAKUS ------- Ways to Support Us: Download the Mobile App: https://funker530.app.link/3M7FXz8jGhb Funker530 Pro: https://funker530.c
环球旅行1584天:这国家小,人口少,历史博物馆真没啥东西可以看(上) #白俄罗斯 #白俄罗斯旅游 #鞋底骑车环球旅行 #穷游 #旅游攻略 #环球旅游 #旅行
我是创作者鞋底,从2019年7月12日开始旅行,旅行超过50个国家~ 😎欢迎大家订阅我的YouTube唯一官方频道http://bit.ly/3Mt6bKS #白俄罗斯 #白俄罗斯旅游 #鞋底骑车环球旅行 #穷游 #旅游攻略 #环球旅游 #旅行 每天8PM(GMT+8)更新视频,追剧粉们可以主动进入主页观看最新视频,记得点赞评论一下哟! 🩴播放列表里有按照旅行国家分类好的往期精彩视频! 🩴 鞋底旅行大合集 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNpwppAUZbJUgTBA
环球旅行1583天:俄罗斯和蒙古的电子签证都有啦,可以火车回家咯 (下)#鞋底骑车环球旅行 #穷游 #旅游攻略 #环球旅游 #旅行
我是创作者鞋底,从2019年7月12日开始旅行,旅行超过50个国家~ 😎欢迎大家订阅我的YouTube唯一官方频道http://bit.ly/3Mt6bKS #鞋底骑车环球旅行 #穷游 #旅游攻略 #环球旅游 #旅行 每天8PM(GMT+8)更新视频,追剧粉们可以主动进入主页观看最新视频,记得点赞评论一下哟! 🩴播放列表里有按照旅行国家分类好的往期精彩视频! 🩴 鞋底旅行大合集 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNpwppAUZbJUgTBAlFuXDvS06iZzCl
环球旅行1577天:张哥请大家吃中餐,晚上我们几个坐火车离开首都(下) #白俄罗斯 #belarus #白俄罗斯旅游 #鞋底骑车环球旅行 #旅游攻略 #明斯克 #俄罗斯留学生
我是创作者鞋底,从2019年7月12日开始旅行,旅行超过50个国家~ 😎欢迎大家订阅我的YouTube唯一官方频道http://bit.ly/3Mt6bKS #白俄罗斯 #belarus #白俄罗斯旅游 #鞋底骑车环球旅行 #旅游攻略 #明斯克 #俄罗斯留学生 每天8PM(GMT+8)更新视频,追剧粉们可以主动进入主页观看最新视频,记得点赞评论一下哟! 🩴播放列表里有按照旅行国家分类好的往期精彩视频! 🩴 鞋底旅行大合集 每周五/六更新 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=P
环球旅行1578天:我们在格罗德诺住了一家布局好奇葩的公寓型酒店 (上) #白俄罗斯 #belarus #白俄罗斯旅游 #鞋底骑车环球旅行 #旅游攻略 #明斯克 #俄罗斯留学生
我是创作者鞋底,从2019年7月12日开始旅行,旅行超过50个国家~ 😎欢迎大家订阅我的YouTube唯一官方频道http://bit.ly/3Mt6bKS #白俄罗斯 #belarus #白俄罗斯旅游 #鞋底骑车环球旅行 #旅游攻略 #明斯克 #俄罗斯留学生 每天8PM(GMT+8)更新视频,追剧粉们可以主动进入主页观看最新视频,记得点赞评论一下哟! 🩴播放列表里有按照旅行国家分类好的往期精彩视频! 🩴 鞋底旅行大合集 每周五/六更新 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=P
Ukrainian general takes captured Russian tank for a test run
ONE of Ukraine’s top generals, Serhiy Naiev, took a captured Russian T-72 tank for a ride on Friday (September 8) during regular exercises in the North of Ukraine. Naiev complimented the T-72 for having comfortable controls and for being a good tank overal
Lukashenko says he could launch Russian nuclear weapons - BBC News
The President of Belarus has suggested that he could use tactical nuclear weapons, which are being deployed in his country by Russia. Alexander Lukashenko is a close ally of the Russian President Vladimir Putin and his country served as a launchpad for Rus
Where is Russian President Vladimir Putin? – BBC News
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s whereabouts remain unknown following the short-lived rebellion from the Wagner mercenary group. There has been speculation that the Russian leader fled Moscow during the crisis after his presidential jets were tracked lea
G7 tira sarro de Putin! Kiev volta a ser at@cada; Russia anuncia calote (Default) e Belarus arm@
Na reunião do G7, os países membros fizeram questão de tirar sarro do Putin para demonstrar poder frente aos russos, além de sanções ao ouro do país. Rússia anuncia default (calote) e isso pode gerar pane nos mercados; Belarus receberá arm@mento
Putin Fails To Win CSTO Allies’ Support On Ukraine War l Another Setback Amid NATO Expansion?
Leaders of the Russia-led Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) met on May 16 amid the Ukraine crisis. Russian President Vladimir Putin tried to use the summit to strengthen the bloc of ex-Soviet states against the West. The CSTO is viewed
Lukashenko tells CSTO that 'nobody can hole up' when facing West's intention of weak
Lukashenko, speaking at a summit of the leaders of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) in Moscow, said "hellish sanctions" against his country and Russia could have been avoided if the group had spoken with one voice. "Without a united f
Cập Nhật Nga Tấn Công Ukraine Tối 3/4: Ukraine ra luật thưởng 1 triệu USD lấy máy bay, tàu chiến
#tintuc24hol #tintuc ▶ TIN TỨC 24H ONLINE là kênh Youtube chia sẻ các nội dung tin tức, bản tin cập nhật 24h online, những nội dung giải trí hấp dẫn được phát sóng trên các kênh chương trình đài truyền hình, các tin tứ
Putin’s Next Move & AMC’s Dynamic Pricing | The Daily Show
Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko accidentally reveals Vladimir Putin’s invasion plans, Major League Baseball cancels games over a labor dispute, and AMC rolls out a variable fare system for movie tickets. #DailyShow Subscribe to The Daily S
BLITZOFFENSIVE GEGEN UKRAINE: Putins Panzer stehen kurz vor Kiew | WELT Newsstream
Russische Truppen sind nach Angaben des ukrainischen Grenzschutzes in den nördlichen Teil der Hauptstadtregion Kiew vorgedrungen. Den Angaben zufolge griffen die russischen Streitkräfte ukrainische Stellungen am Donnerstag mit Raketen an. Einer Jour
CNN military analyst breaks down Russia's Ukraine strategy
Retired Major General James "Spider" Marks explains the origins of the current Russia-Ukraine crisis and the military strategies at play today. #CNN #News
EarthCam Live: Kyiv, Ukraine
2 年前
 • 54 次觀看
EarthCam is bringing you another timely and globally relevant live-streaming view of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine! Check out Rusanivka, a man-made island and residential neighborhood in Kyiv. Viewers can also see the canal that surrounds Rusanivka, the
白俄羅斯 SILK SHOW 處女秀 [公開表演] #白俄羅斯美女 #白俄羅斯舞者 #minsk #gomel #slavic #easterneurope #belarus #silksho
Silk Show 東夢絲路藝術劇場表演活動,我們籌備和策劃快一年了,從舞者,歌手,音樂家,唱片製作,編舞,服裝,道具,舞台背景,音樂創作…全部從零到有。將在2021年7月29日正式啟動Silk Show 處女秀藝術劇場表演,將在白羅斯明斯克舉行。 想起2020年7月時製作人尼克FFP找我
238集 俄式冰火兩重天!探秘戰鬥民族的奇葩娛樂生活【白俄羅斯】| 冒險雷探長Lei's adventure
戰鬥民族的娛樂生活是什麼? 世界上最著名的俄羅斯浴有著怎樣的特色? 在女多男少的白俄羅斯,白俄女生會擔心婚姻問題嗎? 白俄美女對中國又有著怎樣的不一樣的看法? 和雷探長一起走進明克斯,帶你了解最真實的白俄羅斯。 ▶◀ 探險傳送門: 【黎巴嫩冒險之旅】 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrVKx-I9kvCSUhGyT-GZ6J_MbsYJQORaN 【敘利亞冒險之旅】 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrVKx-I9
237集 去白俄羅斯娶老婆?走進白俄女孩的跨國愛情生活!【無刪減版】 | 冒險雷探長Lei's adventure
全球美女比例最高?找個白俄女友是種怎樣的體驗 白俄羅斯作爲斯拉夫三兄弟之一,被認爲是血統最純正的俄羅斯人, 如今的白俄首都明斯克,不但充滿了前蘇聯的懷舊氣息,這裏的人民也親切自然, 俊男美女成了白俄羅斯的國際代名詞,可當地人又是怎樣理解當下的白俄羅斯的呢? 這一集雷探長將走進明斯克,帶你瞭解華人與斯拉夫民族的民間情誼。 ▶◀ 探險傳送門: 【黎巴嫩冒險之旅】 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrVKx-I9kvCSUhGyT-GZ6J_MbsYJQORaN 【敘