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Beauty Queen For Human Rights #shorts #trailer
This is the story behind Miss World contestant Anastasia Lin using her most powerful weapon, her beauty to stand up to an oppressive regime. www.youtube.com/@Moconomy SUPPORT US! ✘ Membership - https://bit.ly/3q5XPBh MORE DOCS! ► Gold: https://bit.ly/2IRZ0
America's Surveillance State #shorts #trailer
2 週前
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America's Surveillance State - This film dissects the United States' present surveillance condition. www.youtube.com/@Moconomy SUPPORT US! ✘ Membership - https://bit.ly/3q5XPBh MORE DOCS! ► Gold: https://bit.ly/2IRZ0OA ► World Economy: https://bit.ly/36Qlh
Australia's Dirty Secret #shorts #trailer
3 週前
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Australia's Dirty Secret - Exploring offenses practiced by popular media, big business, police forces and Governments helping the Australian 225 year campaign of genocide continue against Aboriginal Australians. https://youtu.be/xJzc1xFgEM8 SUPPORT US! ✘ M
A New Economy #shorts #trailer
3 週前
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A New Economy - About people making a fresh start towards building a new economy. https://youtu.be/t6PcP1l_hLM SUPPORT US! ✘ Membership - https://bit.ly/3q5XPBh MORE DOCS! ► Gold: https://bit.ly/2IRZ0OA ► World Economy: https://bit.ly/36QlhEM ► All Playlis
Corruption in Andorra | Scandal | Bank Systems
1 個月前
 • 17 次觀看
Corruption in Andorra - If you have never heard of the country of Andorra, you will now. A private bank in Andorra was assassinated by Spanish, American, and Andorran governments in their efforts to destroy the Catalonian Independence Movement-leaving doze
'Euphoria' actor Angus Cloud has died at age 25
10 個月前
 • 48 次觀看
Euphoria actor Angus Cloud has died at 25. Stay Tuned is an NBC News brand dedicated to bringing the trusted, accurate, premium journalism to Gen Z News consumers. We think like our audience and highlight the stories that resonate and are relevant to them.
法國系列人文旅行紀錄片《不可思議的旅程 Les Routes de l’impossible》講述他們冒着巨大的風險,通過駕駛車輛(汽車,卡車,輪船…)艱難謀生。提起坐火車買掛票,相信很多人首先想到的是印度。但大家可能不知道的是,與之相鄰的另外一個神奇國度,開掛技能也絲毫不輸三哥。在車頂人群中自由穿梭的賣貨小販,會趕在火車提速前迅速下車。他們整日徘徊在危險的邊緣,依靠微薄的收入養家糊口。來自貧民窟的孩子們早已輟學,他們整日混跡於喧鬧的集市。在這裡他們依靠揀拾破菜爛果來裹腹,如果時機成熟也會順走一些,大人們對
法國系列人文旅行紀錄片《不可思議的旅程 Les Routes de l’impossible》講述他們冒着巨大的風險,通過駕駛車輛(汽車,卡車,輪船…)艱難謀生。本期內容帶大家走進索馬里蘭,這裡是世界上錢最多的地區,地上隨意擺放着成捆的鈔票,這裡的居民個個出手大方,出門辦點事都是扛着整編織帶的錢,沒有保險柜,沒有驗鈔機,連保安的身影也未曾見到,老百姓家裡除了鈔票簡直就是一無所有。在國內的眾多自媒體平台,如果搜索索馬里蘭這四個字,充斥眼帘的大多是一些這樣的描述。比如說索馬里蘭窮的只剩下錢了或者說它是非洲鈔票天
你可能不會相信,交通如此便利的今天,在世界的某些偏遠地區,依然存在着難以跨越的距離。亞馬遜雨林700公里的客運線路,走了4天4夜才抵達終點,平均時速不到10公里,對於長期在該地區跑運輸的司機來說,他們的每一此旅程都是一個奇蹟。歡迎大家來到邊緣紀錄片,本期內容讓我們走近巴西北部城鎮烏邁塔... #紀錄片 #紀錄片解說 #documentary #纪录片解说 #纪录片解说 #万物有光 #非洲纪录片 #非洲 #秋田早上好 #纪录频道 #不可思议的旅程 #Documentary #世间放映厅 #人间易拉罐 #见世君
🇸🇬新加坡香港人日程 引自 Instagram singaporefilmsociety : Good news! We have sought approval...
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Oscar Predictions: Documentary and Foreign Language | Alicia's Picks
In our first of five Oscar specials, Alicia Malone delves into the Best Documentary and Best Foreign Language film categories. Plus, in theaters see the indie horror 'Like Me,' and at home 'The Florida Project' or 'Professor Marston and the Wonder Wo
Princes of the Yen | The Hidden Power of Central Banks
Princes of the Yen | The Hidden Power of Central Banks Michael Oswald's film “Princes of the Yen: Central Banks and the Transformation of the Economy” 『円の支配者』reveals how Japanese society was transformed to suit the agenda and desire of powerful interest gr