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【瑞士旅遊 2023】8个瑞士必去景点介绍,来一次说走就走的瑞士之旅!| european travel 2023 | 瑞士自由行 | 阿爾卑斯山 | 瑞士旅遊景點
【瑞士旅遊 2023】8个瑞士必去景点介绍,来一次说走就走的瑞士之旅! |european travel 2023 |瑞士自由行 | 阿爾卑斯山 | 瑞士旅遊景點 ⭐嗨,歡迎來到「視界MeetWorld」⭐ 這裏是一個專門分享全球美景的欄目,我們將每週為你帶來不同的世界各地美景以及豐富的旅行攻略。訂閱我們,帶你足不出戶走遍世界🌏 在本次影片,請跟著我們一起遊覽瑞士各大必去景點 ▼ 國家介紹 ▼ 瑞士地理位置優越;北邊是德國,南邊是意大利,西邊是法國,東邊是奧地利。 如果想去國際大都市,喜歡購物和夜生活,那麽
#日本#北海道#函馆#女子修道院#japan#hokkaido #hakodate #ourladyoftheangelstrappistineabbey#travelvideos#旅游景点
White Christmas 北海道雪景 ~ https://youtu.be/x1iFBi6E9rQ Hokkaido Christmas Fantasy ~ https://youtube.com/shorts/2ueQBP_kwH8 Otaru Canel 小樽运河 ~ https://youtu.be/TMZoXsiEEOo Sapporo Hitsujigaoka 札幌羊之丘展望台 ~ https://youtu.be/hC67_Lpg6E0
冬季漫游北海道 #goryokaku#tower#hokkaido#japan#函馆#北海道#日本#五稜郭公园#travelvideos #旅游 #beautifulscenery #snowy
White Christmas 北海道雪景 ~ https://youtu.be/x1iFBi6E9rQ Hokkaido Christmas Fantasy ~ https://youtube.com/shorts/2ueQBP_kwH8 Otaru Canel 小樽运河 ~ https://youtu.be/TMZoXsiEEOo Sapporo Hitsujigaoka 札幌羊之丘展望台 ~ https://youtu.be/hC67_Lpg6E0
First Time in Tesla Car! (Self Driving)
1 年前
 • 131 次觀看
On our first day in Los Angeles, we rent out a red coloured Tesla Model 3 and I test out its self driving mode. How good does it really work? ---------------------------------------------------- JOIN MY COURSE: ✏️Want to become more efficient at yo
Travelling to Worlds Most Famous City!
1 年前
 • 178 次觀看
We begin our new trip to the famous New York City in USA. Join us as we explore the streets here, the Central Park and the Times Square! Wow Life Science Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Drink - Wow Health - https://bit.ly/3R87XC7 Amazon-https://amzn.to
Travelling to Maldives with both our Families!
2 年前
 • 205 次觀看
This is our first trip that we do which has both mine and Juli's families. We go for some scuba diving Download Kuvera App: https://bit.ly/3vzWwe8 It was great to travel with @Pickyourtrail again on this amazing Maldives adventure! For any travel plans
Traveling to Mexico! (Is it Dangerous?)
2 年前
 • 160 次觀看
We visit the central America region for the first time. In the country of Mexico, we visit Cancun. But how dangerous it really is? Join Vested and get a $10 bonus after funding your account: https://app.vested.co.in/signup?state=referral_code:TVDRVES1
Dusty Chérie 甜心蜜語 | Dusty Chérie 甜心蜜語
Traveling has always been my number one passion. Each adventure is an ultimate challenge! Let me share the world with you through my vision, my albums, and my thoughts. I am thrived to share with you what I've discovered! This is my first test video. I h