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中国女孩遭遇外国恐怖分子绑架 中国特战队展开火线救援!《狼群行动》/ Rebels Trump 3【电影预告 Trailer】Highlight
《狼群行动》/ Rebels Trump 3 https://youtu.be/AF3yopNtu1U 医疗志愿者遭遇恐怖袭击沦为绑匪俘虏 父亲带领特战队深入敌营火线营救! 【内容简介】 影片讲述了医疗志愿者李瑶在某国艾都力的某个村落给当地村民提供医疗帮助时,突遭绑匪袭击成为俘虏,其父亲得知消息后联系以张震、吴优为成员的安保小队前往,成功救出李瑶后因仍有同胞被困,潜入敌营并夺取交通工具去往高地寻求救援信号。在这个过程中,安保队员与绑匪之间展开了一场轰轰烈烈的绝地追逐…… #狼群行动 #RebelsTrump
【Fighting movie!】Strongest Sniper vs Kung Fu Master!最强枪手VS中国拳手| 群雄争霸巅峰对决 尽在爱奇艺大电影!
🔫🔫最燃最热门的动作电影都在这里!!!🔥🔥🔥 年轻巡捕vs变异蜥蜴人 破军特调局破旧立奇! 《破军X档案致命异变》/ Legend of Alkaid https://youtu.be/ASIuWrRfiBI 林则徐虎门销烟遭遇官匪勾结 谢苗带领中华少年围捕毒枭重拳出击 《血战虎门》/ Destruction of Opium at Humen https://youtu.be/PofnHpW_sbU 酷飒女特警绝地反击 击碎国际金融犯罪阴谋 《我是女特警》I am A Female Special Wea
东方顶级保镖大战东南亚地下拳击手 拳拳到肉爽度爆表!《护卫者2》/ Bodyguard 【动作 古装 | 电影精编 | iQIYI大电影】
成家班弟子倾情出演 老戏骨云集 不容错过🤩🤩 【内容简介】 电影《护卫者2》讲述的是国际保镖高天在得到前任雇主的求救电话后立即前往救援。在毫无线索且孤掌难鸣的情况下,高天找到曾经的前辈,在其帮助下组建起一支临时的救援队伍。但救援任务一波三折,情报混淆,是非难辨,究竟谁才是最后的不法分子…… #护卫者2 #Bodyguard #缅北 #护卫者 #犯罪 #冒险 #护卫者 #诈骗 #不法分子 #动作 #救援任务 #保镖 #打手 #情报 #职业拳手 #聂荣鑫 #于荣光 #郭冬临 #Crime #Adventure
【Fighting movie!】Strongest Sniper vs Kung Fu Master!最强狙击手VS中国功夫| 群雄争霸巅峰对决 尽在爱奇艺大电影
🔫🔫最燃最热门的动作电影都在这里!!!🔥🔥🔥 【内容简介】 爱奇艺热血动作季超燃来袭👊👊👊,最强洪拳!最强狙击手!最强保镖!最强护卫者,都在这里。缅北诈骗,超燃对决,无尽飙车,火辣女特工,关注热血动作季,为最强王者榜助力!! The strongest sniper! The strongest bodyguard! The strongest bodyguard, it's all here. Maine North Fraud, Super Burning Duel, Endless Racing, H
GRAMMYs: Was Miley Cyrus In DANGER?! | #shorts
2 個月前
 • 21 次觀看
GRAMMYs: Was Miley Cyrus In DANGER?! Pat Gray pulls no punches, restoring common sense to a senseless world. Tune in Monday-Friday to Pat Gray Unleashed for unique analysis, insight, and fun. ►Click HERE to subscribe to BlazeTV: https://www.blazetv.com/Pat
The lucky protector and the kind hearted CEO #BenEagle #MartialArts #Kungfu #MartialArtsLife #trend
EAGLES ACADEMY Eagles Cinematic Martial Arts And Action Acting Academy Main Specialization: - Training in Cinematic Martial Arts, Action Acting, Real Combat Self-Defense. - Providing personnel to perform action movies: Director, Action Director, Martial Ar
Steve Wilkos reflects on the life of Jerry Springer | NewsNation Live
“The man, other than my father, meant more to me than anybody.” Steve Wilkos, the former bodyguard on “The Jerry Springer Show” who went on to have his own show, says he owes his career to the late comedian. #JerrySpringer #SteveWilkos #TalkShow Get a fast
【完整版】人家怕怕!!我需要你的保護!! 女藝人的身邊怎麼可以少了他!!| @StudentsComing 2023.01.04
女藝人需要被保護!誰才是他們的理想保鑣?英雄救美不怕惹禍上身?守護你的安全也能守護你的胃?型男魔術師讓你天天ㄑㄧㄡˋ嗨嗨?猛男保鑣絕對能讓你安心!更多精彩內容就在同學來了! 來賓:短今、張文綺、楊繡惠、巫苡萱、Sting、Evan、簡暐哲、Luke 《同學來了》 ►播出頻
Rodrigo De Paul Reaction On Why He's Always With Lionel Messi In Argentina | Foot X
#Argentina #Messi #worldcup The Paris Saint-Germain superstar is already guaranteed a place in the GOAT debate regardless of what happens this winter, but adding the World Cup to his collection might just be what it takes to tip the balance in his favo
洪尧本人笑嘻嘻但是保镖装逼 Hong Yao laughs, but the bodyguard is forced.
洪尧本人笑嘻嘻但是保镖装逼 Hong Yao laughs, but the bodyguard is forced.
Designated Survivor: Season 3 | Trailer Resmi | Netflix [HD]
Peperangan baru saja dimulai. Designated Survivor Season 3 akan hadir pada tanggal 7 Juni, hanya di Netflix.
Designated Survivor: Season 3 | Official Trailer | Netflix [HD]
The fight has just begun. Season 3 of Designated Survivor arrives June 7, only on Netflix.
《貼身風暴》| 正式預告 [HD] | Netflix
為保護女繼承人不被訓練有素的綁匪得逞,隻身一人的維安專家(Noomi Rapace 飾)必須揭開一樁邪惡的陰謀,同時想辦法活命。這部剌激的動作劇情片以女性為主體,由 Vicky Jewson 兼任編劇和導演。
Close | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix
5 年前
 • 31 次觀看
To protect an heiress from highly trained kidnappers, a lone security expert (Noomi Rapace) must unravel a sinister plot -- while striving to stay alive in this thrilling, female-driven action drama written & directed by Vicky Jewson. Trained to protect. B
《內政保鑣》| 正式預告 [HD] | Netflix
《內政保鑣》以政府權力核心為題材,講述英勇無畏、性情暴烈的軍人戴維·伯德(Richard Madden 飾)退伍後加入倫敦市警察局反恐指揮科,擔任要員保護警官,並被指派保護雄心勃勃的內政部長朱麗亞·蒙提格(Keeley Hawes 飾)。無奈地,警官職務與他心中信念背道而馳,使伯德萬分掙扎。負責保護蒙提格人身安全的他,會反倒變成她最大的威脅嗎?《內政保鑣》將於 10 月 24 日在 Netflix 上線。
Bodyguard | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix
5 年前
 • 26 次觀看
Set in and around the corridors of power, Bodyguard tells the story of David Budd (Richard Madden), a heroic, but volatile war veteran now working as a Specialist Protection Officer for London’s Metropolitan Police Service. When he is assigned to protect t
The sniper scene that shocked fans! | Bodyguard - BBC
Subscribe and 🔔 to the BBC 👉 https://bit.ly/BBCYouTubeSub Watch the BBC first on iPlayer 👉 https://bbc.in/iPlayer-Home After courageously neutralising a terrorist threat, troubled war veteran Police Sergeant David Budd is assigned as a principal protection
Wild Card Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Jason Statham, Sofia Vergara Movie HD
Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn Like us on FACEBOOK: http://goo.gl/dHs73 Follow us on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/1ghOWmt Wild Card Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Jason Statham, Sofia Ver
Saving Lincoln Official Trailer #1 (2013) - Tom Amandes Movie HD
Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn Like us on FACEBOOK:http://goo.gl/dHs73 Saving Lincoln Official Trailer #1 (2013) - Tom Amandes Movie HD The almost entirely true story of Abraham Lin