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Can Tesla FSD V12 Avoid A Child Mannequin?
2 天前
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Use discount code DirtyTesla to save 5% off premium Accessories from Jowua! https://www.jowua-life.com/dirtytesla ☀️Ordering Tesla Solar or vehicle? Use a referral code! https://ts.la/chris41676 My favorite Tesla and YouTube Accessories: https://www.amazon
Tesla FSD Update 12.3.5 First Drive and Initial Impressions!
Get 20% off DeleteMe US consumer plans when you go to http://joindeleteme.com/DIRTYTESLA and use promo code DIRTYTESLA at checkout. DeleteMe International Plans: https://international.joindeleteme.com/ Here's the full uncut drive: https://youtu.be/rZ6EKckS
Tesla Cyber Truck Drives Through New Orleans Flooding
Severe storms caused flash flooding across New Orleans, Louisiana, on Wednesday, April 10, prompting the National Weather Service (NWS) to declare “a flash flood emergency” for the entire city. The NWS and police urged people to stay inside and avoid drivi
【CYBER TKU】2024數位轉型暨淨零轉型觀摩展 63行政單位秀成果 | 淡江大學
拍攝:賽博團隊 剪輯:邵恩傑 旁白:陳慶圓 為呈現本校各行政單位,應用Microsoft 365、Azure、Power Platform及AOAI ChatGPT等雲端工具,在數位轉型及淨零轉型的成果。資訊處以「ESG+ AI=∞ AI +SDGs=∞」為主題,於3月21日在學生活動中心舉辦「2024淡江大學行政單位數位轉型暨淨零轉型成果觀摩展」。校長葛煥昭、黃文智主任秘書、馬雨沛秘書長、3位副校長,各一、二級單位主管、教職員生,與大同大學黃維信副校長,現場超過340人參與。 葛煥昭校長表示,「AI +S
Staying in a CyberTruck for 24 Hours!
1 個月前
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Staying in a CyberTruck for 24 Hours! 🔥 FOLLOW ME 🔥 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/matthewjgl TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@matthewjgl
灰色地帶作戰|中國渾水摸魚?|#李廷盛 #矢板明夫 #汪浩|@華視三國演議|20240310
近年來,中國透過「灰色地帶」衝突的策略,軍機、軍艦逾越海峽中線,在台灣周邊海域警巡、演訓、模擬封鎖台灣,逐次加大對台軍事威懾力道。企圖造成台海「內海化」的「新常態」。這個問題有多嚴重?共軍是否已逐漸完成其轉型目標,朝「多領域、全方位」聯合作戰模式發展。國軍有什麼應對方法?李廷盛將軍最近代表國防安全研究院、受邀去新加坡參加英國智庫國際戰略研究所(IISS)舉辦的「香格里拉對話雪巴會議」。這次會議情況如何?它為什麼重要?精彩訪談內容,請鎖定@華視三國演議! 本集來賓:#李廷盛 #矢板明夫 主持人:#汪浩 以上言
灰色地帶作戰|中國渾水摸魚?|#李廷盛 #矢板明夫 #汪浩|@華視三國演議|20240310
近年來,中國透過「灰色地帶」衝突的策略,軍機、軍艦逾越海峽中線,在台灣周邊海域警巡、演訓、模擬封鎖台灣,逐次加大對台軍事威懾力道。企圖造成台海「內海化」的「新常態」。這個問題有多嚴重?共軍是否已逐漸完成其轉型目標,朝「多領域、全方位」聯合作戰模式發展。國軍有什麼應對方法?李廷盛將軍最近代表國防安全研究院、受邀去新加坡參加英國智庫國際戰略研究所(IISS)舉辦的「香格里拉對話雪巴會議」。這次會議情況如何?它為什麼重要?精彩訪談內容,請鎖定@華視三國演議! 本集來賓:#李廷盛 #矢板明夫 主持人:#汪浩 以上言
透過 D_Gen Web 3.0 入口網站上的自動化網路交換,為網路未來產業帶來難以置信的機會!
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桌子:智芯掌控者旗舰版 椅子:Steelcase世楷Karman人体工学椅 音箱:真力G1 显示器:莫比乌斯EX3415R/红米27寸4K 显示器增高架:Hexcal Sudio 显示器支架:松能T9-2X 键盘:吉客精英Lio87 奇光板/星座灯:Nanoleaf 键帽/键帽盒:ZOMO 游戏手柄:飞智冰原狼2 洞洞板/耳机支架:松能 熊猫玩偶:熊猫工厂5月萌兰
Tesla Cybertruck Assembly Line Tour!
5 個月前
 • 42 次觀看
☀️Ordering Tesla Solar or vehicle? Use one of my Patron's referral codes! Sergey: https://ts.la/sergey71896 Jasper: https://ts.la/jasper53116 Chris: https://ts.la/christopher82090 Shanglin: https://ts.la/shanglin55928 Frederick: https://ts.la/frederick7659
Tesla Cybertruck Livestream!
5 個月前
 • 14 次觀看
Live at the Tesla Cybertruck Production Line!
5 個月前
 • 43 次觀看
☀️Ordering Tesla Solar or vehicle? Use one of my Patron's referral codes! Sergey: https://ts.la/sergey71896 Jasper: https://ts.la/jasper53116 Chris: https://ts.la/christopher82090 Shanglin: https://ts.la/shanglin55928 Frederick: https://ts.la/frederick7659
Tesla Cybertruck First Look!
5 個月前
 • 40 次觀看
☀️Ordering Tesla Solar or vehicle? Use one of my Patron's referral codes! Sergey: https://ts.la/sergey71896 Jasper: https://ts.la/jasper53116 Chris: https://ts.la/christopher82090 Shanglin: https://ts.la/shanglin55928 Frederick: https://ts.la/frederick7659
Cyber Monday deals to look out
5 個月前
 • 30 次觀看
ABC News' Alexis Christoforous joins ABC News Live anchor Diane Macedo with what you need to know about the best Cyber Monday deals. WATCH the ABC News Live Stream Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_Ma8oQLmSM SUBSCRIBE to ABC NEWS: https://bit.ly/2vZb
Tesla Features Owners Didn't Know They Had! Model S 3 X Y
Join the Anker SOLIX F3800 on Kickstarter and get up to a 35% discount. Enjoy exclusive benefits: https://ankerfast.club/1790c21 #AnkerSOLIX #LIVEINPOWER #Anker #AnkerSOLIXF3800 Check out Rich's referral to save $250 on your Tesla: https://ts.la/richard186
Arm®-based Video
7 個月前
 • 38 次觀看
Learn Hacking (ad): https://hextree.io/ Buy my font (ad): https://shop.liveoverflow.com/ Leg Assembly: http://leg-assembly.com/ Azeria on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Fox0x01 Arm® trademark guidelines: https://www.arm.com/company/policies/trademarks/guidel
Power Tip For Professional LinkedIn Profile: Tips for Securing a Cybersecurity Job
Quick Tips to Level Up Your LI Profile👇 Would you hand a resume that had crossed out text on it? HECK NO❌ Polish Your Professional LinkedIn Profile: Tips for Securing a Cybersecurity Job Pro tip shorts video #canva #linkedinprofile #resume #skills-and expe
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