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Call of the Day: Uber
1 天前
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Bill Baruch, founder & president at Blue Line Capital, joins CNBC's "Halftime Report" to explain why he bought more Uber.
【on.cc東網】【南方東英資產管理 CSOP:ETF指南】美股、港股強勢 上望空間有幾大?減息預期升溫 買美債勝算高?比特幣更值博?(16.05.2024 李溢琳Barbara、王榮昆James)
【@南方東英資產管理 CSOP:ETF指南】 周四中午12:30開始直播 美國通脹放緩,加上零售銷售數據遜預期,令市場對減息預期升溫,隔晚美股創歷史新高,前景繼續看俏? 受減息預期帶動,美債價格回升,比特幣亦急彈,邊樣值博?南方東英富時美國國債20年+指數ETF(03433)以及南方東英比特幣期貨ETF(03066)都值得留意? 龍頭科企本周輪流放榜,打頭陣的騰訊(00700)及阿里巴巴(09988),績後走勢高下立見,如何左右港股走勢? 內地將於明日(17日)起分段發行超長期特別國債,有分析認為人行會適時
Mitrione: Markets could move higher if CPI comes in line with estimates
RaeAnne Mitrione, Investment Management Partner at Callan Family Office, discusses the consumer, inflation, and the market's record run.
OpenAI launches new flagship model
3 天前
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CNBC's Steve Kovach joins 'Squawk on the Street' to report on the latest products from OpenAI.
The 2024 CNBC Disruptor 50: OpenAI becomes first back-to-back No. 1 company
AI dominates the 12th annual CNBC Disruptor 50 list. CNBC's Julia Boorstin has the details.
Experts react to April’s PPI report
3 天前
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Peter Earle, senior economist at the American Institute for Economic Research; Kitty Richards, senior fellow at Groundwork Collaborative; and CNBC's Rick Santelli join 'Squawk Box' to react to April's PPI data.
Solus' Dan Greenhaus: A positive CPI surprise could push stocks up to record highs
Dan Greenhaus, Solus Alternative Asset Management chief strategist, joins 'Closing Bell' to discuss the market's resiliency, sector winners, and more.
Economy's soft landing isn't looking as soft anymore, says SoFi's Liz Young
SoFi’s Liz Young and JPMorgans’ AJ Oden, join 'Closing Bell' to discuss the markets, today's PPI report and the Fed's reaction to the data and what it all means for the Fed's next moves.
Woods: Stocks are most volatile around CPI than any other data point
Jay Woods, Chief Global Strategist at Freedom Capital Markets, discusses the new trading week ahead.
GameStop shares surge: Here’s what you need to know
CNBC's Kate Rooney joins 'Squawk on The Street' to report on the dramatic rise of GameStop shares.
Barclays' Venu Krishna: S&P 500's 'sensitivity to CPI remains high'
Venu Krishna, Barclays head of US equity strategy, joins CNBC's 'Squawk on the Street' to discuss markets, inflation, the Fed, earnings, and more.
‘Very little fear' in market ahead of CPI report, CBOE’S Mandy Xu finds
Mandy Xu, CBOE, joins 'Fast Money' to talk volatility in the market and upcoming inflation read.
Apple faces backlash for iPad ad
1 週前
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CNBC's Steve Kovach and Jennifer Elias join 'Power Lunch' to discuss Apple's iPad ad criticism and pushback from consumers.
Honeywell CEO: We 'absolutely' see demand for energy transition with our customers
Vimal Kapur, Honeywell CEO, joins 'Closing Bell Overtime' to talk the state of the global economy, the green energy transition, the future of aviation and more.
【on.cc東網】車Cam直擊:尖沙咀女子疑遭綁架擄上車 晚上馬鞍山尋回無受傷 | 東呼即應:最低工資隔靴搔癢 刻薄人哋闊佬自己
【車Cam直擊:尖沙咀女子疑遭綁架擄上車 晚上馬鞍山尋回無受傷】 完整新聞:https://tinyurl.com/mvfpwu9b 【東呼即應:最低工資隔靴搔癢 刻薄人哋闊佬自己】 完整新聞:https://tinyurl.com/5n85xbre --------------------------------------- FB: https://www.facebook.com/onccnews/ IG:https://www.instagram.com/hk.on.cc/ YT:https://w
Rivian is reportedly partnering with Apple
1 週前
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CNBC's Phil LeBeau and Big Tech's Alex Kantrowitz join 'Power Lunch' to discuss reports that Rivian is partnering with Apple.
【on.cc東網】每周新聞精選 | 元朗山下路落雹 冰粒霹靂啪喇散布一地 | 大老山公路遇3車串燒鼓譟 趕首航巴士迷與乘客爭執險動粗
詳細新聞內容: 0:06【元朗山下路落雹 冰粒霹靂啪喇散布一地】 https://buff.ly/3wfGUzb 0:29【大老山公路遇3車串燒鼓譟 趕首航巴士迷與乘客爭執險動粗】 https://buff.ly/3UAkAcW 0:40【東呼即應:安老院拒收九旬翁 「壽則多辱」無陰功】 https://buff.ly/3JIRQIM 9:49【兩岸:梅龍高速公路疑因暴雨路陷】 https://buff.ly/4b5SgF1 11:06【財經:港負資產飆至3.2萬宗 廿年新高】 https://buff.l
【on.cc東網】將軍澳山泥傾瀉嚴重水浸 多處汽車死火被圍困
本港今日(4日)早上受雷雨帶影響,天文台先後發出黃色及紅色暴雨警告信號,西貢區的雨勢特別大,在上午7時35分的過去兩小時,西貢區的將軍澳及清水灣已錄得超過150毫米雨量。將軍澳區內多處出現大範圍水浸,不少車輛死火被水圍困,其中環保大道數據中心對開的露天停車場,全部被泥水淹浸,水深約30厘米,逾百輛汽車受影響。在昭信路佛頭洲村,天后廟及露天停車場被洪水淹浸。在將藍隧道往油塘方向的管道,部分地方出現水浸,職員在場指示司機駛過水氹。 ---------------------------------------
The Fed is doing the right thing by signaling inflation is still sticky, says Roger Ferguson
Former Fed Vice Chair Roger Ferguson discusses the latest monetary policy decison.