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Live: Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell speaks after bank holds interest rates steady
Watch live as chair of the US Federal Reserve Jerome Powell speaks as the bank holds interest rates at between 5.25 and 5.5 per cent. Watch more on Independent TV: https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/editors-picks Click here to subscribe to The Independent: h
美起草援俄制裁措施,中資行迎金融核彈?黃金拖累黃金股,特斯拉關鍵時刻到來! | 北京仍能獲得英偉達AI晶片,漏洞在哪裡?【財經早報】
內容提要: 特斯拉關鍵時刻即將到來 瑞銀擱置推出中國共同基金業務計劃 瑞銀下調美國6大科技股股價評級 大陸黃金價格一夜跌14元,拖累黃金股回調 北京仍能獲得英偉達AI晶片,漏洞在哪裡? 美起草援俄制裁措施,中資行迎金融核彈? 茶百道香港IPO 掛牌首日股價暴跌近4成 準備干預匯市?日本發出迄今最強警告 💟捐助我們 ►https://donorbox.org/soh-tv 🌻🎈尊敬的觀眾朋友,請留下您的電子郵件,以便有需要之時我們於聯繫您:https://landing.mailerlite.com/webf
Japan Says No Options Ruled Out After Yen Drops Past 153
The yen fell as low as 153.24 against the dollar, a level not seen since 1990, on Wednesday, and Japanese authorities are saying they will consider all their options for the market. Paul Jackson reports on Bloomberg Television.
Jim Bullard: Three Rate Cuts This Year Is ‘Base Case’
“At this point, you should probably take the committee and chair at face value — their best guess right now is still three cuts this year.” Former Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard discusses the central bank's policy and the state o
小米汽車賺錢不靠車,退訂率成敏感詞 | 無處安放的資金,擁抱熊貓還是黃金?【財經漫談】
主要內容: 小米汽車賺錢不靠車,退訂率成敏感詞 贾跃亭「飄洋過海」,怒批小米汽車「山寨文化」 中資電動車大躍進,領跑世界還是曇花一現? 匪夷所思的繁榮,黃金和美元齊飛 無處安放的資金,擁抱熊貓還是黃金? #小米汽車 #黃金 #贾跃亭 💟捐助我們 ►https://donorbox.org/soh-tv 🌻🎈尊敬的觀眾朋友,請留下您的電子郵件,以便有需要之時我們於聯繫您:https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/l1l7p9 🚗捐車網址 ► https:/
行情突變,人民幣跌穿紅線 | 美30年抵押貸款利率升至6.87% | 特斯拉削減在中國產量【財經早報】
內容提要 行情突變,人民幣跌穿紅線 特斯拉銷售乏力 削減在中國產量 人民幣匯價閃崩,中共國家隊進場維穩 外資駐港只剩1300多家、創11年新低 庫克訪問上海之際,美司法部起訴蘋果壟斷 美30年固定利率抵押貸款利率上升至6.87% 日本通脹溫和成長 升息前景備受關注 中國太陽能產業陷破產危機 硅片1週暴跌7.7% 💟捐助我們 ►https://donorbox.org/soh-tv 🌻🎈尊敬的觀眾朋友,請留下您的電子郵件,以便有需要之時我們於聯繫您:https://landing.mailerlite.com
LIVE: Bank of Japan's Governor Proposes Ending Negative Interest Rates | Central Bank Policy | IN18L
LIVE: Bank of Japan's Governor Proposes Ending Negative Interest Rates | Japan's Interest Rate | CNBC TV18 Bank of Japan Governor Kazuo Ueda has proposed ending negative interest rates as chair of the policy-setting board, public broadcaster NHK reported o
ECB Unlikely to Cut Interest Rates Before Fed, Holzmann Says
European Central Bank Governing Council member Robert Holzmann said he doesn’t see interest-rate cuts in the euro area before the US. “If the Fed changes its policy hiking, then I assume it will have the same conditions like in Europe, because these curren
China Economy: New Year Travel and Spending Top Pre-Covid Levels
Travel and consumer spending in China during the Lunar New Year holiday exceeded levels from before the Covid-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, foreign businesses’ direct investment into China last year increased by the lowest amount since the early 1990s. And Chine
Japan Slips Into Recession, Clouding Central Bank Rate Path
Japan’s economy unexpectedly slipped into recession. Gross domestic product shrank at an annualized pace of 0.4% in the final three months of last year, following a revised 3.3% contraction in the previous quarter. The result will complicate the central ba
中國新年前A股反彈,市場瘋狂堪稱地獄 | 億萬富翁阿克曼擬推面向普通投資者的基金 | 全球頂級零售商對中國市場前景感到悲觀【財經早報】
內容提要: 阿里巴巴2023年裁員近2萬 中國新年前A股反彈,市場瘋狂堪稱地獄 億萬富翁阿克曼計劃在美國推出面向普通投資者的基金 全球頂級零售商對中國市場前景感到悲觀 中國物價創金融海嘯後最大降幅,通貨緊縮壓力加劇 研究:全球100多個假媒體背後是中資公關公司 紅海危機致英美以貨船保險飆升五成 💟捐助我們 ►https://donorbox.org/soh-tv 🌻🎈尊敬的觀眾朋友,請留下您的電子郵件,以便有需要之時我們於聯繫您:https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms
黑色星期五,A股現股災走勢 | 外資1月繼續逃離中國股市 | Meta宣布首次派息,華爾街大吃一驚【財經早報】
💟捐助我們 ►https://donorbox.org/soh-tv 🌻🎈尊敬的觀眾朋友,請留下您的電子郵件,以便有需要之時我們於聯繫您:https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/l1l7p9 🚗捐車網址 ► https://donatecarsoh.org ☎️捐車熱線:855-578-0088 🤝廣告合作洽談 ► SOHTV2022@gmail.com ㊙️ 爆料郵箱 ► sohtv99@gmail.com 🍀自動翻牆APP ► https://x.
主要內容: 股市恐慌牽動中南海 救市效果曇花一現 北京充實國企錢袋子 市值與考核掛鉤 年關將至 北京敢不敢降息? 美國赴大陸航班僅恢復2成 背後真相是什麼? 💟捐助我們 ►https://donorbox.org/soh-tv 🌻🎈尊敬的觀眾朋友,請留下您的電子郵件,以便有需要之時我們於聯繫您:https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/l1l7p9 🚗捐車網址 ► https://donatecarsoh.org ☎️捐車熱線:855-578-0088
Jerome Powell speaks after Fed leaves interest rates unchanged | CBS News
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell held a news conference Wednesday after the central bank announced it's keeping its benchmark interest rate steady for a third consecutive time. #news #interestrates #federalreserve CBS News Streaming Network is the pr
中共被降級消息提前洩露,資金奪路而逃、人民幣遭拋售 | 中國龐大隱性債務已到緊要關頭 | 英偉達高管逢高賣股【財經早報】
穆迪信評週二將中國主權債券評級展望由穩定調降至負面,報告發出前,相關消息就已經在微信上流傳,週二,大陸A股持續走低;根據國際貨幣基金組織和華爾街銀行估計,中國各省市隱性債務總額約達到7兆至11兆美元,其中包括數千個地方政府融資平台發行的公司債券。 更多內容提要: 滬指悄悄跌穿3千點,外資繼續撤離 英偉達高管逢高賣股,套現1.8億美元 人民幣中間價下調116點,國有大行再賣美元撐人民幣 地方債危機,穆迪調降中國信用評級至負面 華爾街:中國龐大隱性債務已到緊要關頭 彭博:瀚亞與霸菱縮減中國對沖基金團隊 經濟發展
中植系暴雷數月之後,中植系終於發布官方數據,披露債務規模。11月22日,中植集團發布致投資者的公開信表示,集團總資產賬面金額大約為2000億元人民幣,負債本息規模大約為4200億到4600億元。也就是說,中植現在資不抵債的規模達到了2200億到2600億元。公告還說,由於集團資產集中在債權和股權投資,存續時間長,清收難度大,預計可回收金額低,流動性枯竭,資產減值情況嚴重。 更多內容提要: 黃金升破2000美元關卡,國際油價大幅下挫 巴菲特向4個家族基金會捐贈270億元股票 中植系資不抵債超過2000億 巴菲
Ex-UBS Chairman Weber: Fed Likely to Hike Rates in December
Axel Weber, former chairman of UBS who was also president of the German Bundesbank, discusses the policies of the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank, geopolitical risks, and the implications for financial markets. He also talks about UBS Group A
Fed Chair Jerome Powell speaks after leaving interest rates unchanged | full video
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell is speaking to reporters after the central bank announced it's leaving interest rates unchanged on Wednesday. The Fed said in September it will hold its benchmark interest rate steady after 11 rate hikes since March 2
Yen Breaches 150 Per Dollar Again, Raising Intervention Risk
The Japanese yen briefly weakened beyond 150 against the dollar again in early Asian trading, keeping traders on guard against possible intervention from authorities Japan. Paul Dobson has more on Bloomberg Television. -------- Follow Bloomberg for busines