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我们都是星尘: 宇宙中元素的形成之旅 | 核科学与技术前沿课堂
Title:我们都是星尘: 宇宙中元素的形成之旅 | 核科学与技术前沿课堂 Time:Sunday, March 05, 2023 9:00-11:30 am Organizer:复旦大学核科学与技术系 Abstract: 自电子发现以来,物理学对世界的探索深入到原子及原子内部的领域。近百年来,原子物理、原子核物理、高能粒子物理引领着物理学最前沿的方向,由此发展出来的核技术也深刻地影响到了我们生活的这个世界。本课程由复旦大学核科学与技术系暨现代物理研究所马余刚院士领导十余位活跃在核科学与核技术前沿领域的教授
Gemini is Here - Is this the End of ChatGPT?
3 個月前
 • 25 次觀看
🤖 My NEW Course 👉 https://youtu.be/uhyMqbZI6rM Courses for Data Nerds ================================== 📜 Google Data Analytics Certificate 👉🏼 https://lukeb.co/GoogleCert 🐍 Python for Everybody 👉🏼 https://lukeb.co/PythonForEverybody 💿 SQL for Data Science
專攻資安的白帽駭客帶你看懂:暗網是什麼?駭客也分黑白兩道?|名人專業問答|GQ Taiwan
白帽駭客青山桃子在日文版的 Tech Support 中揭秘有關駭客、資安等問題。她作為日立集團數位業務核心之一的日立集團安全精英團隊的成員,並被選為「全球活躍在網路安全行業的 50 名女性領導人」之一,輕請觀賞由她為我們帶來的白帽駭客問題解答。 Timecode: 00:00 intro 00:27 會像電影演的那樣 即時抵禦駭客嗎? 01:26 「駭客」「怪客 」「白帽駭客」之間有什麼分別? 02:14 跟「怪客」之間的貓捉老鼠 是要玩到什麼時候呢? 02:47 有哪些事情是日常活中應該要注意做好的?
Gemini - Google's Competitor to ChatGPT
5 個月前
 • 46 次觀看
📊 My Course - ChatGPT for Data Analytics: https://lukebarousse.com/chatgpt Courses for Data Nerds ================================== 📜 Google Data Analytics Certificate 👉🏼 https://lukeb.co/GoogleCert 🐍 Python for Everybody 👉🏼 https://lukeb.co/PythonForEver
Grok: Elon Musk's Revolutionary AI Bot Takes on ChatGPT!
In this exciting video, we have the privilege to witness the groundbreaking debut of Elon Musk's latest creation, 'Grok' - an awe-inspiring AI bot that aims to challenge the popular ChatGPT! Dive into the future of artificial intelligence as Musk unleashes
Elon Musk's GROK AI Bot Will Revolutionize Chat Technology
In this exciting video, we have the privilege to witness the groundbreaking debut of Elon Musk's latest creation, 'Grok' - an awe-inspiring AI bot that aims to challenge the popular ChatGPT! Dive into the future of artificial intelligence as Musk unleashes
#矽谷 #工程師 #轉職 取得獨家 Surfshark 優惠!立即點擊 https://surfshark.tw/partner/aliceyang 輸入優惠代碼 [aliceyang] 即可獲得雙十一專屬優惠加額外5個月免費! ═══════════════════════════════ 0:00 預告 0:23 我的背景 1:10 學習程式的第一步 3:11 工商時間 4:05 我的第一堂程式課 8:43 絕望的轉捩點 11:03 初學者該怎麼開始學程式 13:18 喜歡我的影片也記得訂閱喔
AutoGPT: An Interesting Autonomous GPT-4 Experiement #coding #programming #ai
Auto GPT-4 is an “autonomous GPT-4 experiment”, or in other words, just letting GPT-4 do whatever it wants by giving it access to things like the browser, code interpreters, and a lot of other things. Of course, you have to provide a basic description of t
AI 幫忙寫程式!? ChatGPT 會取代軟體工程師嗎? | 在地上滾的工程師 Nic
ChatGPT 能夠完成各式各樣的工作 連軟體工程師的守備範圍 程式碼也能透過 AI 快速產出 更不用說他還可以講解程式設計的細節給你知道 面對這一波 AI 強勢來襲 軟體工程師真的會逐漸沒落嗎? 在這支影片分享我的看法,一起來看看吧 (上片太久,結果現在出 ChatGPT-4 了 XD) ━━━━━ 相關連結 ━━━━━━━ ChatGPT 生活應用臉書社團 https://www.facebook.com/groups/2152027081656284 ChatGPT JB 越獄指令 https://g
A Day in the Life of a Software Engineer at Meta (previously Facebook)
Hiii! Come along to see what it's like to work at Meta, Menlo park office (headquarters) situated at the heart of Silicon Valley. Hope you have fun watching this video! Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel to get more videos from me! 😉 Connect with me o
軟體工程師等級!! 你對應的哪一階? 應該要領多少薪水? 職涯成長框架解析!! | 在地上滾的工程師 Nic
影片開頭的課程問卷連結,再麻煩各位幫忙填寫囉 http://bit.ly/3IqQEKj 自從接觸管理職之後 我更明白職涯等級規劃的重要性 也因為在這個位置學習挑戰這些事 必須得規劃團隊未來走向跟人員編排 目前我修改過後的版本在團隊內試行一陣子 基本上能夠給大家一個成長的方向跟等級認知 所以做了這支影片想分享給更多的軟體工程師 一起來看看影片 和我分享你自己在哪一個等級囉! == 影片中提及的連結 == Dropbox 職涯框架:https://dropbox.github.io/dbx-career-fr
It Took 53 Years for AMD to Beat Intel. Here's Why. | WSJ
Intel has ruled the market for central processing units since the 1980s. But rival AMD overtook Intel in market value last year, thanks in part to an expensive bet on chip design. WSJ’s Asa Fitch explains the companies’ battle for the brains of your c
Could Microsoft and OpenAI’s Partnership Challenge Google Search? | Tech News Briefing Podcast | WSJ
Microsoft is deepening its partnership with OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT and Dall-E. That has investors and analysts speculating whether Microsoft could challenge Google’s dominance in search. WSJ Heard on the Street columnist Dan Gallagher jo
Satya Nadella: Microsoft's Products Will Soon Access Open AI Tools Like ChatGPT | WSJ
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella discusses the company expanding access to OpenAI tools and the growing capabilities of ChatGPT at WSJ’s Journal House during the 2023 World Economic Forum. Photo: Richard King for the Wall Street Journal #Microsoft #AI #WSJ
What is ChatGPT: the Artificial Intelligence Chatbot - IN FOCUS | UPSC Current affairs |Drishti IAS
Artificial Intelligence (AI) research company OpenAI announced ChatGPT, a prototype dialogue-based AI chatbot capable of understanding natural language and responding in natural language. It has since taken the internet by storm, with people marvelling
What is ChatGPT: the Artificial Intelligence Chatbot - IN FOCUS | Drishti IAS English
Artificial Intelligence (AI) research company OpenAI announced ChatGPT, a prototype dialogue-based AI chatbot capable of understanding natural language and responding in natural language. It has since taken the internet by storm, with people marvelling
開始寫程式的契機!? 被趕出家門竟學會 C++ ? 第一個程式語言都學些什麼? 工程師大調查! 2022 SITCON | 在地上滾的工程師 Nic
大家起身動念寫程式的契機都是些什麼呢? 第一次參加學生計算機年會 SITCON,看著這些莘莘學子們 回想起自己學生時期也是熱情驅動興趣 也來順便問問這個世代的學生,第一個碰到的程式語言都是些什麼呢? 快來看看影片吧 特別感謝 學生計算機年會 SITCON 贊助媒體公關票 今年沒來的,明年等你相遇! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🙆‍♂️ 成為頻道會員的好處❓ ✔ 影片、直播留言優先回覆 ✔ 不定時在會員社群分享私有資源(學習資源、優惠卷等) ✔ 未來任何活動優先報名通道 一個月最低只要 45 元 立即加
Kanye 'Ye' West on the Holocaust
1 年前
 • 108 次觀看
Lex Fridman Podcast full episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AWLcxTGZPA Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get 14-day free trial - InsideTracker: https://insidetracker.com/lex to get 2
工程師如何提升表達能力? 10 分鐘學會技術演講! COSCUP 實戰 | 在地上滾的工程師 Nic
技術演講是個磨練自己的好機會,你必須要成為自己的軍師做沙盤推演 什麼主題符合今年的技術研討會? 如何有效的運用時間準備簡報? 工程師的表達能力就是你的軟實力 演講沒有你想像的難,難的是打破自己心裡的那一道牆 快來看看這支影片 讓我和你分享我是如何準備一場技術演講,從投稿到簡報、簡報到練習 感謝本集爸爸 GAME'NIR 電玩酒吧 真的有幫助我減輕外出設備的空間,如果大家有喜歡可以去下方連結逛逛喔 DOCK CHARGER 4:https://pse.is/dk4n 卡娜赫拉聯名款:https://pse.i