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⇛ AESPA 에스파 - 'Drama' ⇚ We are a k-pop cover dance group from Atlanta, Georgia! Thank you for watching! Make sure you subscribe to our channel for more dance covers! Follow our any of our social medias for more updates on dance covers, performances and mor
什麼都能讓他做 就是不要讓他進廚房🧑‍🍳🍳 1. #SEVENTEEN 淨漢 什麼都別做就是最大的幫忙 2. #Ren (崔珉起) 做了連自己都不敢吃 3....
什麼都能讓他做 就是不要讓他進廚房🧑‍🍳🍳 1. #SEVENTEEN 淨漢 什麼都別做就是最大的幫忙 2. #Ren (崔珉起) 做了連自己都不敢吃 3. #BTS #V 但經過瑞鎮家現在應該好很多了? 4. #DAY6 元弼 海帶湯殺手 哭著叫媽媽 5. #DreamCatcher 裕賢 意外總是來的很突然? 6. #SuperJunior 圭賢 無法一手掌握的煎餅… 7. #Twice 娜璉 切完草莓只剩一半..🍓 8. #BLACKPINK #Jennie 我做的真的是鬆餅不是銅鑼燒🥞 👩‍🚀Kag
Can Lilly Hit Those Notes? All I Want For Christmas Is You Cover by NMIXX LILLY Reaction.
We're graced by a very talented vocalist in her attempt to cover the very iconic Mariah Carey. Here's our reaction to All I Want For Christmas Is You Cover by NMIXX LILLY Reaction. How does Lilly handle the runs and the does she have those whistle notes? #
aespa 에스파 'Drama' MV reaction
5 個月前
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#aespa #aespadrama #에스파 // T I M E S T A M P S 00:00 Intro 00:18 Drama 11:35 Seven Forever // N E E D S O M E D I S C O U N T S ? ✨ https://ys.style/2GtW1C8I0fb CODE: ALIKERS3600 // F O L L O W 🍉 Differently Alike | http://instagram.com/differently.alike 🍉
(ENG SUB) 2023 ChangWon K-POP WORLD FESTIVAL ★Part1★(2023 창원 K-POP 월드 페스티벌 1부) | KBS WORLD TV 231121
#changwonkpopworldfestival #창원케이팝월드페스티벌 #changwonkpop 2023 ChangWon K-POP WORLD FESTIVAL ★Part1★(2023 창원 K-POP 월드 페스티벌 1부) | KBS WORLD TV 231121 '2023 Changwon K-POP World Festival' is the biggest K-POP festival around the globe. A total of 8 teams were se
storing photocards #17!! twice, nct, le sserafim & more!
TY FOR WATCHING!!! if ur reading this comment ur fav debut of 2023 (so far) follow me on instagram @svnaverse or with the link below https://instagram.com/svnaverse?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= twitter: @euns30s tiktok: @euns30s supplies i use can be found in my ca
Korean Superior Seventeen fancams and random svt videos
// T I M E S T A M P S 00:00 Intro 00:00 Seven Forever // N E E D S O M E D I S C O U N T S ? ✨ https://ys.style/2GtW1C8I0fb CODE: ALIKERS3600 // F O L L O W 🍉 Differently Alike | http://instagram.com/differently.alike 🍉 Özlem | http://instagram.com/xoz1em
JISOO - ‘꽃(FLOWER)’ M/V TEASER reaction
1 年前
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#jisoo #jisooblackpink #jisooflower // T I M E S T A M P S 00:00 Intro 01:31 Flower teaser 11:25 Seven Forever 13:59 When you forget to end the video // N E E D S O M E D I S C O U N T S ? ✨ https://ys.style/2GtW1C8I0fb CODE: ALIKERS3600 // F O L L O W 🍉 D
发工资了,计划聚餐结果遇到加班,工地灶上回锅肉安排也不错!【塔吊于野】 哈喽,大家好! 我是塔吊于野,一个纪录塔吊上的生活的平凡人! 本频道为塔吊于野的唯一官方频道,其他频道与我相关的视频,均为盗版行为,没有获得任何授权。 恐高的也不要怕,很安全的。 一位来自生
Dreamcatcher(드림캐쳐) 'VISION' MV
1 年前
 • 90 次觀看
Dreamcatcher(드림캐쳐) 'VISION' MV 🎧 Pre-save/add 🔗 https://7dreamcatcher.lnk.to/FollowUs ▶ Dreamcatcher(드림캐쳐) More Information - Dreamcatcher YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/dreamcatcherofficial - Dreamcatcher Twitter : https://twitter.co
#marrymechallenge #TWICE #psy #Dreamcatcher #AleXa #davidsiwonchoi
Best one? 🕺 ************************************************************************** RÉSEAUX SOCIAUX: - 📱Sur Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/danae.capo/​ - 📱Sur Tik Tok : https://www.tiktok.com/@danaecapo​ - 🔥Me Soutenir : https:/
Native American Flute Music, Healing Music, Astral Projection, Shamanic Meditation, Relaxing
Full video here: https://youtu.be/3qG2oosi5Pg Native American, the sound of this flute can take you into a state of deep meditation. It helps to slow down brain frequencies. To reach a state of deep relaxation we recommend listening to it for at least 15
【咘站-獨家】MA簽售 裕賢ver. 有紅酒 有好歌 那就要配美人 裕賢好美好美好美! - 來源/老咘 咘站出品 未經授權禁二改 禁商用 禁塗抹logo cr.: Bubucatcher Do
【咘站-獨家】MA簽售 裕賢ver.有紅酒 有好歌 那就要配美人 裕賢好美好美好美!-來源/老咘咘站出品 未經授權禁二改 禁商用 禁塗抹logocr.: Bubucatcher Do not use without permission/Do not paint the logo#드림캐쳐 #Dreamcatcher #유현 #YOOHYEON pic.twitter.com/JyH
第一次聽lyrics spoiler就腦補了一部狗血劇(? - - - #dreamcatcher#드림캐쳐#dreamcatchermemes#memes#d...
View this post on Instagram A post shared by 阿冷的捕夢網梗圖站 (@ahleng_dc.memes)
【MV】Dreamcatcher - BEcause (韓/中/羅馬拼音/Color Coded)
中譯:雞蛋的泡菜驛站 https://egg1511.pixnet.net/blog/post/405511651 2021.07.30 紅 - JiU, 紫 - SuA, 橘 - Siyeon, 橄欖 - Handong, 綠 - Yoohyeon, 藍 - Dami, 桃 - Gahyeon 꼭꼭 다 숨기고서 잘 살았네요 아직 그댄 날 잘 몰라요 사람들은 착한 아인 줄 알겠지만 진짜
[Dreamcatcher認人]*♥ Si Yeon 始娟 ♥*(內有海量圖片請注意自身網路流量)
認人文會使用大量的飯拍,這邊要感謝各個粉絲站的漂亮圖片 Thank you for those beautiful pictures 모든 사진의 출처는 로고입니다, 예쁜 사진을 찍어줘서 감사합니다. 時隔多年的團體認人文系列,這次的內容會跟前面幾團不太一樣,因為Dreamcatcher已經有太多介紹影片了,所
New Movies On Demand in March 2021 | Movieclips Trailers
Here are the top trailers for movies coming to home video in March 2021! What will you watch? Watch All the Best New Trailers from February 2021: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLScC8g4bqD45m3Lv3VWJA8r29WKN6dPJG&cmp=MCYT_YouTube_Desc 00:00
New Trailers This Week | Week 3 (2021) | Movieclips Trailers
Check out the top new trailers released this week that you've gotta see! Let us know what you think in the comments below. ► Sign up for a Fandango FanAlert or Buy Movie Tickets: https://www.fandango.com?cmp=MCYT_YouTube_Desc Want to be notified of a
[最愛豆排名] 2021年1月韓國女團人氣排行榜
最愛豆一月韓國女團排行榜出爐啦~ 100%由全球最愛豆的使用者投票選出! 投票分數計算期間:12月17日至1月15日 分數計算方式: 第一名-100分 第二名-99分 第三名-98分 以此類推⋯⋯ 一月韓國女團人氣排行榜 第十名:MAMAMOO (下跌一位) 總分數:2733分 第九名:ITZY (上升一