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Surprisingly Good Range! - 2024 Tesla Model Y RWD (US Spec) 70mph Highway Range Test
Tesla referral link to purchase a Tesla product and get 3 months of free FSD and other exclusive benefits. http://bflasch.com/tesla Best floor mats for Teslas or any other car: 3DMats Mats (Use code: FLASCH3D10): https://3dmatsusa.com/collections/custom-fi
Gogoro ($GGR) and Taiwan Semiconductor Company Launch New Clean Energy GoStations Across Taiwan
Gogoro (Nasdaq: GGR), a global technology leader in battery-swapping ecosystems, and Taiwan Semiconductor Company have announced new initiatives in Taiwan to promote clean energy. The companies are introducing 15 GoStations across Taiwan powered by 100% cl
Can Your EV charger Handle Solar Energy?
3 個月前
 • 5 次觀看
Join Joe Hammond as he delves into the capability of EV Chargers to harness energy generated by solar panels. Additionally, we'll showcase the innovative waEV Charge EV charger, demonstrating its ability to charge your vehicle with solar energy through the
Lordstown Goes Bankrupt; Tesla Should Start Its Own Finco - Autoline Daily 3597
Autoline reports breaking global car news, with great insight and analysis. Also, top auto executive interviews. We cover electric vehicles (EV), autonomous vehicles (AV) and internal combustion engine technology (ICE), as well as car sales & financial ear
Tesla Stock To The MOON: +150% In 2023 And Counting…
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Nissan Ariya 1,100km長征實測續航力及充電時間.Gin早前揸住佢架Ariya由英國去法國旅行,實測呢架車嘅實際續航距離有冇官方講嘅咁遠(附設中文字幕)|#駕輛過料 #駕輛UpCar
好多人都覺得電動車嘅續航力終於唔及汽油車咁遠,充電站又唔及油站多,叉電時間仲要比入油慢一大截,所以唔適合穿州過省揸長途。為咗證明呢個想法係誤解抑或屬實,Gin早前就揸住佢架Ariya由英國去法國旅行,實測一吓呢架車嘅續航力有冇官方講嘅咁遠,可唔可以喺預計時間內到達1,100km以外嘅目的地呢?佢仲順道簡介一吓用Eurotunnel橫越英倫海峽嘅方法同收費,鍾意自駕遊嘅朋友要留意喇! #駕輛 #upcarhkg #駕輛過料 #Gin #法國長征 #Nissan #Ariya _________________
2023 BYD Seal ( Black ) in-depth Walkaround
1 年前
 • 103 次觀看
2023 BYD Seal ( Black ) in-depth Walkaround 1 just 1-minute car video😉 BYD, a Chinese electric vehicle manufacturer, is making a significant impact in the car industry and giving competitors like Tesla a run for their money. The company's reputation in the
特斯拉在家充電的三種方式 | Three ways to charge your Tesla at home
#Tesla #特斯拉 特斯拉壁掛充電座 Tesla Wall Connector 很漂亮!但是我後悔花大錢安裝它了,原因是… 在家充電方法 1. 特斯拉壁掛充電座 Tesla Wall Connector 2. 隨車附贈的 110v 家用插座轉接頭 3. 烘衣機插座 Tesla Wall Connector Color Matched Faceplate 面版 https://bit.ly/380nt0F Tesla Gen 2 NEMA Adapters 充電轉接頭 https://shop.tesla