
1 天內
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1 年內
Ukrainian drone blasts set Russian oil refinery ablaze in Ryazan
A Russian #oil refinery was set ablaze after being struck by suspected Ukrainian drones, the region’s governor said. The oil refinery in Ryazan was hit by drones overnight, causing a fire, the Russian Telegram news channel Astra reported. A source told the
Israel security minister praises officer for shooting dead 12-year-old | BBC News
Israel’s national security minister has congratulated a border officer who shot dead a 12-year-old Palestinian boy playing in the street, calling him a “hero” who deserved an award. Rami al-Halouli was setting off a firework with friends outside his home i
Ramadan begins in Israel without a ceasefire | Israel-Hamas war
Scuffles have marked the start of Ramadan with warnings that violence could spread across the West Bank during the Muslim festival. Tensions were high around the al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, one of the holiest sites in Islam. US President Joe Biden had exp
Shoreditch stabbing: Man knifed to death in suspected Boxing Day murder near Tube station
Four people have been arrested on suspicion of murder after a 49-year-old man was stabbed to death in east London. The Metropolitan Police said officers were called to reports of a stabbing in Cranwood Street, Hackney, near to Old Street Underground Statio
Can Celtics win a title with Jaylen Brown and Jayson Tatum? | NBA | SPEAK
The Boston Celtics and Jaylen Brown have agreed to a 5-year, $304M supermax extension this offseason. Joy Taylor, Ric Bucher, LeSean McCoy, and T. J. Houshmandzadeh react to the deal and debate if the Celtics can win a title with Brown and Jayson Tatum. #S
Giannis on Bucks playoff elimination: ‘It’s not a failure… you don’t always win’ | NBA | SPEAK
The Milwaukee Bucks became the sixth one-seed to be upset in the first-round last night after a 128-126 overtime loss to the Miami Heat. Emmanuel Acho, Joy Taylor, LeSean McCoy, and Ric Bucher react to the series upset and discuss Giannis Antetokounmpo’s c
Does Jimmy Butler get enough respect around the NBA? | NBA | SPEAK
The Miami Heat beat the Milwaukee Bucks 119-114 in Game 4 to take a 3-1 series lead. Jimmy Butler led Miami’s offense with a career-high 56 points. Emmanuel Acho, LeSean McCoy, Joy Taylor, and Ric Bucher debate if Butler gets enough respect around the leag
Celtics blowout Kyrie Irving & Nets by 43 Pts, Boston holds top spot in the East | NBA | UNDISPUTED
Jayson Tatum dropped 31 points last night as the Boston Celtics cruised to a 139-96 win over the Kyrie Irving led Brooklyn Nets. Jaylen Brown added 26 points for Boston while Kyrie Irving was the Nets leading scorer with 20. The Celtics' Robert Willi
LeBron & Giannis named captains of 2023 NBA All-Star Game in Salt Lake City, Utah | NBA | UNDISPUTED
The NBA All-Star Game starters were announced yesterday. LeBron James was the captain out of the West with Zion Williamson, Nikola Jokic, Steph Curry and Luka Doncic joining him. Giannis Antetokounmpo will be the opposing team captain and the four o
【Live Cam】東海岸即時影像- 加路蘭遊憩區 | Jialulan | 加路蘭休憩区 2160p
臨界山海之間的海岸休憩區 加路蘭擁有一大片寬廣的草坪、休憩涼亭、解說站以及觀景台,不但提供了東海岸旅行的最佳休息站,這裡美麗的海岸景觀與獨樹一格的裝置藝術,成為熱門的拍照景點,旅人們可在海邊散步聽浪聲、吹海風,一邊迎著和煦陽光渡過悠閒時光,或是夜晚拜訪毫無光害的加路蘭,仰望浩瀚無垠的星空。 地理位置:加路蘭 (22.8065, 121.197) 地址:臺東縣台東市 台11線155公里處 https://goo.gl/maps/5hQExfh7JCUXZzJR6 更多旅遊資訊: 🚩完整旅遊攻略就要看官網👍 h
【Live Cam】東海岸即時影像- 綠島柴口浮潛區 | Chaikou Snorkeling Area | 柴口スノーケリングスポット 2160p | 台東綠島 | Green Island
柴口浮潛區 | 綠島的潛水天堂!! #scuba #diving #GreenIsland #Taitung # EastCoast #Taiwan #台灣 #東海岸 #台東 #綠島 #潛水 #浮潛 綠島主要的浮潛區有二處,分別為柴口與石朗,而柴口不僅十分適合新手來體驗浮潛,也是每年6-8月強勁的西南風吹臨綠島時,位在避風面的柴口是絕佳浮潛區。柴口以壯麗的石珊瑚景觀著稱,海水深淺變化具有層次感,讓人能夠盡情享受瑰麗的海底景觀。 柴口潛水區近海與大礁石間的潮間帶,海域變化層次多,海底礁石林立,近岸海底和大礁石
【Live Cam】東海岸即時影像 -大石鼻山 | Dashshibi Hill | 大石鼻山 2160p
©本即時影像由 東部海岸國家風景區管理處 建置 大石鼻山位於磯崎海濱遊憩區南端,為一突出海岸線的小山,由於地貌多為巨大岩塊,突出海岸的地理位置似「鼻」、山形似龜背,因此稱謂「大石鼻山」或「龜庵山」。 東部海岸國家風景區管理處在此地沿山勢興築「大石鼻山步道」,全長750公尺,南北端各設置有出入口,亦設置公廁及停車場。登山步道規劃相當完善,沿途設有里程指標及涼亭,階梯大部分為枕木及石頭,階距起伏不大,走起來相當舒適,不到一小時便能走完全程。天氣晴朗時,行走步道期間,沿途可見牧草、刺蔥、七里香、野百合等林相,十分
【Live Cam】東海岸即時影像- 石梯坪 | Shitiping | 石梯坪 2160p
石梯坪擁有經風力和海水雕刻而成的特殊岩岸風景,潮間帶上豐富的自然生態資源:螃蟹、海星、海參、寄居蟹、色彩斑斕的魚群,等待觀察力敏銳的人來一探奧秘。夜晚在海蝕平台上方的石梯坪露營區搭營,隔天就能在營帳前迎接美麗的晨曦,看清晨的陽光破雲而出將海面映照得金黃燦爛。 世界級的戶外地質教室 石梯坪位在花蓮縣豐濱鄉石梯灣的南側尾端,整個區域是一個面積極大的海岸階地,海蝕地形十分發達,海蝕平台、隆起珊瑚礁、海蝕溝、海蝕崖等舉目皆是,尤其是壺穴景觀堪稱台灣第一。 來生態賞鯨吧 石梯坪也是個充滿生命力的港口,漁船每日捕撈新鮮
【Live Cam】東海岸即時影像- 三仙台 | Sanxiantai | 三仙台風景区 2160p
位於 #台東 縣成功鎮東北方的三仙台,東海岸最熱門的風景區,是由離岸小島和珊瑚礁海岸所構成,三仙台島的地質屬於都巒山集塊岩,原來是一處岬角,因海水侵蝕逐漸斷了岬角頸部,而成了離岸島。 登上三仙台許願島 步道全長:約1.57公里 健行時間:來回約2小時 三仙台全島面積約22公頃,最高點海拔約77公尺,設有環島步道,悠閒瀏覽約需2小時。島的四周珊瑚礁環繞,由於強烈的風化和海蝕作用,讓島上除了仙劍峽、合歡洞等與三仙台故事有關的天然奇景外,還且散佈著海蝕溝、壺穴、海蝕柱、海蝕凹壁等海蝕景觀,登島遊覽頗富尋幽訪勝之趣
冰島天空之鏡 Vestrahorn Vlog / 拍攝北極光 / 人像攝影 / 風景攝影 / #粵語無字幕 / 4K
冰島天空之鏡 Vestrahorn Vlog / 拍攝北極光 / 人像攝影 / 風景攝影 / #粵語無字幕 / 4K 今個冰𡷊旅程我一共到了四次 Vestrahorn 蝙蝠山,這個地方是我今個旅程第二最想去拍攝的地方,因為之前去過四次都未見過晴天下的天空之鏡,所以今個旅程我希望投放更多時間希望可以親眼
Ukraine War: Behind Russia’s abandoned lines, ammo, clothes and wrecked trucks found
Sky News has seen the evidence of Russia's hasty retreat in eastern Ukraine - abandoned weapons, wrecked trucks and supplies. Izyum was recaptured from the Russians earlier this week, with the Kraken Regiment playing a key role in the battle. Sky's Debo
Ukraine’s artillery attacks Russian forces in south - BBC News
Six months after Russia invaded Ukraine it controls much of the east and south of the country. The war has become a slow and grinding battle for land, with long-range shelling playing a key part. Reeta Chakrabarti presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Q
North Korea’s Covid-19 problem: from zero to millions in a matter of weeks
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for free here: https://sc.mp/subscribe-youtube For two years, North Korea has said it has kept Covid-19 at bay. But on May 12, 2022, leader Kim Jong-un announced the country’s “first” outbreak. Within a matter of wee
Israeli forces attack funeral of veteran journalist Shireen Abu Aqla - BBC News
There’s been international condemnation of Israel’s security forces after they attacked mourners and pall bearers at the funeral of the Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Aqla in Jerusalem. The Al Jazeera reporter died after being shot in the