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NATO Tanks 🎇 NOW in RUSSIA !!🇷🇺 2 AMERICANS on the scene outside MOSCOW! @moscowphotographer8365
Now NATO Tanks are in RUSSIA outside of MOSCOW! See how they got here with 2 AMERICANS that have been what the west would call, “Behind Enemy Lines” for almost 2 years during the special military operation under sanctions. Can the countries of the world ev
World Travel on Social Security Pension Retirement (Nomad Slow Travel Expats)
World travel on US Social Security Retirement Pension is possible. Retired nomad expat slow travelers Norm & Kat join us again today. We met with them two years ago as they traveled on $2200 a year. These Retired Nomad Expats that have chosen to slow trave
Foreigners and ExPats say you can retire like a king on 1000 USD a month in the Philippines
So many foreigners and ExPats say they Retire like a King in the Philippines on a 1000 USD a month In the Philippines. Even more say they have retired or live on a 1000 USD budget. 1000 USD is barely living here in the Philippines. 1500 is even a stretch.
Homeless Expats In Benidorm 🇬🇧🇪🇸
3 個月前
 • 22 次觀看
I spent a day with a saint in Benidorm Spain! #homeless #spain #benidorm #british #expat Join me as I spend the day with Jonny, a British expat living in Benidorm Spain. He is a professional musician, ex addict and formerly homeless. Jonny now dedicates hi
All 50 Countries in EUROPE Ranked WORST to BEST
5 個月前
 • 58 次觀看
Ranking EVERY Country in Europe from WORST to BEST! We Ranked the Top 50 Best AND Worst Countries to live in Europe for 2024, and while you know many of the popular places, like France, Italy, Germany, and Spain, there are 50 Countries on the continent in
Taiwan's Most Beautiful Hike - Jiaming Lake
11 個月前
 • 32 次觀看
One of the most beautiful summits I've made! Was a really special experience going hiking in a new country. I really hope to come back in the future. Thanks for having me Taiwan! Up next, New Zealand! Thank you again to Javier for helping me with planning,
跟大家分享我們兩年前的中秋節!那天我們教會有個烤肉活動。我們決定帶美式BBQ去跟我們支會的弟兄姊妹分享。因為在台灣很難買到美式烤肉的東西,所以只好去逛逛好市多看看。祝福今年的你們都有個美好的中秋節!願你們烤肉愉快❤️ Music: Bensound.com
Amazing Philippines Experience! BOHOL Got This One Right (SUP LOBOC)
SUP or Stand Up Paddle boarding is something we've been getting into more this year. So when we heard about a 4 hour journey along the Loboc river on paddle boards we jumped at the chance for another family adventure. We started at Fox and Firefly resor
Shanghai Covid-19 lockdowns push American family to leave after 16 years
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for free here: https://sc.mp/subscribe-youtube After living in Shanghai for around 16 years, American expatriate Heather Kaye and her family became part of a wave of residents leaving Shanghai. Due to crushing Covid-19 l
🔻Devine pourquoi je la réveille en pleine nuit?! - VLOG #792 | Le Corps La Maison L'esprit
🔔 Dans ce Vlog #792 on se réveille ensemble dans la maison du bonheur. On sort pour le dernier repas de Sunita et on lance un débat avec le chauffeur uber. Pour terminer cette journée, je réveille Audrey en pleine nuit pour une surprise. 👉 Où tr
🎰 Going Into a Pachinko For The First Time in Japan | Japan life | Vlog
In this vlog I try my best going into a Pachinko for the first time in Japan without knowing any Japanese and trying to play. I hope you enjoy this video and thank you for watching! About me: I am a Korean American living in Osaka and I love to travel.
女子羽毛球世界冠军为何选择在成都读博士?|Chengdu Plus
湖北宜昌人赵芸蕾是世界羽毛球历史上唯一一位女双、混双双项全满贯选手,现在是湖北省羽毛球协会的主席,也在成都体育学院就读博士研究生。获得了不少荣誉和奖杯的她,为何选择来到成都继续深造?她未来有什么打算? 🔗 Follow us on ➡️ Facebook: https://www.facebook.co
WEEK AT HOME: YOUTUBE ADSENSE TAX INFO + WFH (grocery, unboxing, cooking) || Irish (Dubai Vlogs)
Hola mga Sissy! Working from home plus updating my tax info for Youtube! Brow Studio Dubai Cluster U, Lake Level, JLT Look for Stella for 20% discount for ALL semi-permanent services 054 401 6658 Supporting Local OFWs Coycoy's Happy Tummy IG: Mon
【加长福利版】2021牛年新春,拜仁慕尼黑球星给中国粉丝拜年了!|Chengdu Plus
牛年新春,“拜”贺中国,千呼万唤的拜仁终于来了!2021牛年新春来临,Chengdu Plus联手拜仁慕尼黑足球俱乐部,共同呈现国际球星的拜年祝福!穆勒倾情献唱中文经典老歌,戴维斯自拍表情包迭出,鸡哥大秀中国书法,世界足球先生莱万、门将诺伊尔派“替身”现身中国成都街头!这次拜年的“仁”是认真的!! 想知道拜仁球星们对中国球迷们有什么祝福?戳进来看4分钟加长版拜仁拜年祝福! 🔗 Follow us on ➡️ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xiwangchengdu ➡
聖誕節的美妙|The Magic of Christmas|新聖誕歌的音樂視頻!美國人為什麼慶祝聖誕節|有中文字幕,可以一起唱!美國人自己翻譯的哈哈哈
這首歌是筱雪的媽媽寫的,鋼琴是筱雪編曲的。歌聲都是筱雪的家人!中翻是我們自己做的,敬請諒解任何錯誤喔! 聖誕節快樂! This song is written by Melissa's mother, and Melissa arranged the piano. The singing is all done by Melissa's family! Merry Christmas!
【一起出發吧 #1】在日本打高爾夫球、吃飯和泡溫泉 (日本高爾球場規則及費用、日本生活、ExpatLife)
#高爾夫球場規則 #高爾夫球初學者 #日本高爾夫球場 今天要帶大家跟著我們一起在日本打高爾夫球。 日本有許多很棒的高爾夫球場,打球價格比起其他國家,也相對較親民,非常適合大家來體驗看看。但是日本高爾夫球場有一些特別的規則,我們也會在影片中分享,希望大家有機會到日本
【酥炸軟殼龍蝦套餐】一次吃到五種龍蝦料理 | 倭庵黑石 | 龍蝦生魚片 | 海老御膳 | 伊勢美食 | 日本生活
#倭庵黒石 #軟殼龍蝦 #GoToイート #伊勢美食 #日本生活 #幻の脱皮伊勢海老御膳#龍蝦生魚片 #龍蝦料理 #伊勢神宮美食 -介紹倭庵黒石店內環境以及店內招牌餐點 -介紹脫下來的硬殼和剛脫殼的軟殼龍蝦差異 -介紹酥炸軟殼龍蝦套餐的九個品項 -介紹單點,冬天最美味的河豚白子 -介紹
#あつた蓬萊軒 #鰻魚飯うなぎ #名古屋美食 #日本生活 #外派生活 今天用2分鐘跟大家分享名古屋美食---鰻魚三吃 あつた蓬萊軒的餐點口味真的很細緻 雖然價格偏高,但是有機會大家一定要去試試喔! ===(題外話)=== 自從錄完"介紹御節料理"聽到自己生硬的旁白後, 這是第二次鼓起勇
【兔子島】700隻兔子、島波海道霜淇淋、八朔大福 | 日本生活
#大久野島 #兔子島 #多多羅大橋 位在廣島縣的大久野島,因為島上有700隻兔子,所以又叫做兔子島。 要去兔子島找兔子玩,一定要搭船才到的了。 跟我們一起搭船去找兔子玩,然後再和我們一起去喝咖啡吃島波海道限定版霜淇淋吧! 1)忠海港-大久野島船班時刻表 http://rabbit-isl