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4月26日[日本株]Dailyワンポイント市況解説~【岩井コスモ証券】 岩井コスモ証券投資調査部が日本株の市況、注目のニュース・銘柄、本日のイベントなどをお伝えします。ぜひ、ご視聴ください。 講師:投資情報センター 課長 嶋田 和昭 講師プロフィール 1982年生まれ、埼玉県出身、早稲田大学卒。旧岩井証券入社後、日本株のディーリング業務に12年間従事。債券部・投資調査部国際課を経て現職に至る。ディーリングで培った相場観を武器に、幅広い視点で相場を分析する。 岩井コスモ証券株式会社 ◆コーポレートサイト ht
[24년 4월 26일 금] 미국 3월 PCE, 기대인플레이션/마이크소프트·구글·스냅 어닝 서프라이즈?/인텔, 실적 예상 하회/일본, 금리 동결 - 오선의 미국 증시 라이브
보다 빠른 속보/정보 그리고 스마트폰 알림까지?!? 멤버십: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_JJ_NhRqPKcIOj5Ko3W_3w/join #미국주식 #비트코인 #해외선물 #테슬라 #엔비디아 [매일 평일 밤 9시~ 5시 실시간 방송중] 블룸버그, CNBC, 로이터, WSJ, FT 등 주요 해외 뉴스 및 이슈, 속보 관련 라이브 방송 중입니다. 22시에 만나요~! ^^ 구독, 알림설정! 네이버카페: https://cafe.n
PCE Breakdown and an AI Blowout | Bloomberg Podcasts
Watch Tom and Paul LIVE every day on YouTube: http://bit.ly/3vTiACF (http://bit.ly/3vTiACF). Bloomberg Surveillance hosted by Tom Keene and Paul SweeneyApril 26th, 2024 Featuring: Neil Dutta, Partner at Renaissance Macro Research, reacts to PCE, yesterday'
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Stream Alerts, Stock & options Bootcamp: http://bit.ly/2UQlZif Nightly Watchlist/main channel with tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ghs3iKzWa-Y&ab_channel=TradingFraternity Become a Member and get a badge: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsfp0zw
Meta and Google's AI Partnership
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In this clip of Market Mondays, hosts Rashad Bilal and Ian Dunlap delve into the recent groundbreaking partnership between two tech giants, Meta and Google. The discussion opens with an overview of the collaboration, specifically focusing on its competitiv
[24년 4월 25일 목] 미국 1분기 GDP, PCE/마이크로소프트, 구글, 인텔 실적발표/마이크론, 61억 달러 보조금 확보 - 오선의 미국 증시 라이브
보다 빠른 속보/정보 그리고 스마트폰 알림까지?!? 멤버십: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_JJ_NhRqPKcIOj5Ko3W_3w/join #미국주식 #비트코인 #해외선물 #테슬라 #엔비디아 [매일 평일 밤 9시~ 5시 실시간 방송중] 블룸버그, CNBC, 로이터, WSJ, FT 등 주요 해외 뉴스 및 이슈, 속보 관련 라이브 방송 중입니다. 22시에 만나요~! ^^ 구독, 알림설정! 네이버카페: https://cafe.n
Bruce Kasman Talks March PCE | Bloomberg Talks
Bruce Kasman, chief economist and head of global economic research at JPMorgan, says, “there’s both a story here about the economy holding up very well with high interest rates, as well as inflation pressures being persistent,” as he examines the core pers
Meta is not showing investors enough to justify VR spending sprees, says Rob Sanderon
Rob Sanderson, managing director at Loop Capital, joins CNBC's 'The Exchange' to breakdown Meta earnings.
Meta Bets Even Bigger On Nvidia-Powered AI – Meta and NVDA Stock April 2024
This video delves into Meta's latest earnings report, focusing especially on the guidance for CapEx on AI systems. It appears the market is starting to fret over the "Nvidia tax." Despite the initial market panic over Meta's stock price drop, the company i
Tesla FSD V12 is a “ChatGPT Moment”
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Elon Musk is betting on Tesla's autonomous future. The company is going all out to perfect its FSD technology and launch a Uber competitor/ride-sharing app later this year. After hearing Elon's excitement on FSD V12, on the conference call, mentioning the
布林肯訪華 未講數先丟金融大核彈?|美銀中心大崩盤 銀主盤六年貶值64%|撻訂成風?首季宗數急增72.8% 甘比賣灣仔壹環損手170萬|財經recap
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Stream Alerts, Stock & options Bootcamp: http://bit.ly/2UQlZif Nightly Watchlist/main channel with tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chkgVor-Tck&ab_channel=TradingFraternity Become a Member and get a badge: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsfp0zw
Meta would be a big beneficiary of a TikTok ban, says MNTN CEO Mark Douglas
Mark Douglas, CEO and president of MNTN, joins CNBC's 'The Exchange' to discuss Meta's ad revenue, the impact of a potential TikTok ban, and more.
Buy META on the dip: panel reacting to Meta's Q1 earnings
The bar was high for META's earnings, and investors expected more, says Brent Thill, Analyst, Jefferies. Despite the weak revenue guidance, investors have nothing to be concerned about, says Thill. Buy on the dip, says Thill. Thill joined Tim Regan, Managi
美起草援俄制裁措施,中資行迎金融核彈?黃金拖累黃金股,特斯拉關鍵時刻到來! | 北京仍能獲得英偉達AI晶片,漏洞在哪裡?【財經早報】
內容提要: 特斯拉關鍵時刻即將到來 瑞銀擱置推出中國共同基金業務計劃 瑞銀下調美國6大科技股股價評級 大陸黃金價格一夜跌14元,拖累黃金股回調 北京仍能獲得英偉達AI晶片,漏洞在哪裡? 美起草援俄制裁措施,中資行迎金融核彈? 茶百道香港IPO 掛牌首日股價暴跌近4成 準備干預匯市?日本發出迄今最強警告 💟捐助我們 ►https://donorbox.org/soh-tv 🌻🎈尊敬的觀眾朋友,請留下您的電子郵件,以便有需要之時我們於聯繫您:https://landing.mailerlite.com/webf
Tesla Q1 2024 Earnings CRUSH! Cybercab coming soon 👀🤖🚖
Tesla Q1 2024 earnings are hot off the press! Tesla crushes it with a surprise $1B+ GAAP profit, strong guidance and and absolutely legendary conference call. Tesla is going all in on FSD with the new V12 rewrite, and its Robotaxi event on 8/8, where it lo
阿里王子否認新加坡招手 與沈運龍反面?|紙餐具軟對抗 叙福樓黃傑龍索性唔做外賣|茶百道新上市 曾急插三成每手賬面輸過千|財經recap
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