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What Could The Future Of Bitcoin Custody Entail? Find Out In This Month's Bitcoin Brainstorm!
Rick Schonberg from Coinbase envisions a future where assets and digital assets merge seamlessly. However, he suggests that achieving this will require substantial scaling and resolving complexities for digital assets like bitcoin. Learn more in Bitcoin Br
1 個月前
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8 Vital Tips Before You Stake Your Crypto!
1 個月前
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✴︎Sign Up Here for the CT Club! https://learningcrypto.com Has your favorite crypto been audited? https://de.fi/audit-database/ Analyze any crypto: coingecko.com Want to try Rabby Wallet? https://rabby.io/rabby-points?code=CRYPTOTIPS ✴︎Trezor hardware wall
4 Reasons Why Bitcoin is PUMPING Right Now
2 個月前
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Söllner: "KI-Aus?!" Super Micro 1.000 %, Bitcoin, Nvidia, Quant-Verdoppler, Tesla, Rheinmetall, BYD
Florian Söllner, leitender Redakteur bei DER AKTIONÄR, blickt jede Woche auf die spannendsten Entwicklungen im Tech-Sektor. Heute geht es um folgende Werte: Nvidia, Microsoft, Super Micro Computer, D-Wave, Partec, Palantir, Rheinmetall, Hensoldt, Ceotronic
Fintech currently 'a stock picker's sector,' analyst says
Despite consumer credit concerns, Benchmark Managing Director Mark Palmer initiated coverage on five fintech stocks — one of which is Block (SQ) — with Buy ratings. Palmer joins Yahoo Finance Live to discuss why fintech is "a stock picker's sector" right n
Bitcoin Just Reached $50,000!
2 個月前
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✴︎Sign Up Here for the CT Club! https://learningcrypto.com ✴︎Trezor hardware wallet 👉 https://shop.trezor.io/?offer_id=10&aff_id=10937 ✴︎Buy Gift Cards with Your Crypto! 👉 https://www.bitrefill.com/signup?code=47y2uwl4 ✴︎Begin Trading with Tradingview 👉 ht
Söllner: "2. Welle startet" Super Micro, AMD, Nvidia "Blutbad" PayPal, Apple, Tesla, BYD, Bitcoin
Florian Söllner, leitender Redakteur bei DER AKTIONÄR, blickt jede Woche auf die spannendsten Entwicklungen im Tech-Sektor. Heute geht es um folgende Werte: TripAdvisor, Intel, Samsung, Alphabet, AMD, Microsoft, Nvidia, Super Micro Computer, Aixtron, Baidu
Rabbit R1, Apple vs. Epic, Vision Pro Flop? | The Brainstorm EP 31
Did the Apple Vision Pro flop? This week, Autonomous Technology and Robotics Director of Research Sam Korus and Associate Portfolio Manager Nick Grous discuss Rabbit R1, Apple vs. Epic Games court case, and a potential Apple Vision Pro Flop. If you know AR
The Bitcoin ETF Is FINALLY APPROVED! This Is What Happens Next 🚀
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Why NOBODY Is Saying This About The ETF
3 個月前
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Opciones de INVERSIÓN en 2024 #shorts
3 個月前
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Manolo y Omar comparten algunas estrategias interesantes para este 2024, comienzan por mostrar los Bonos que puedes encontrar en Cetesdirecto. 📊 ¿Quieres empezar a invertir y no sabes cómo? Únete a nuestro taller intensivo de 8 horas sobre inversiones (100
3 個月前
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✴︎Sign Up Here for the CT Club! https://learningcrypto.com ✴︎Trezor hardware wallet 👉 https://shop.trezor.io/?offer_id=10&aff_id=10937 ✴︎Buy Gift Cards with Your Crypto! 👉 https://www.bitrefill.com/signup?code=47y2uwl4 ✴︎Begin Trading with Tradingview 👉 ht
💻 Wayne 黃耀文:XREX 共同創辦人|從資安跨區塊鏈的佛系駭客,成立首家成功拿到新加坡支付執照的台灣加密幣交易所【塞掐 Side Chat】E197
*有 CC 字幕,可以在畫面右下角選項開啟* 同步上架各大 Podcast 平台,趕快追蹤起來:https://bit.ly/3fcoZO7 本集邀請 XREX 共同創辦人 Wayne 黃耀文,和我們分享創辦 XREX 的初衷,以及申請新加坡支付執照的曲折經歷。Wayne 從小熱愛資安、分析病毒,博士畢業後順勢用論文 IP 申請專利、創辦阿碼科技,公司剛成立不懂行銷,卻靠實力受到美國企業賞識並收購。在節目中他與我們分享一路以來的創業歷程,以及他對佛法的研究與熱愛,最後他也將分享生成式人工智慧未來發展的深刻見
【豬豬在線】投資實績 (持續更新)
4 個月前
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觀察台灣金融創新的投資方式許久,大多打著普惠金融的口號,希望能提供普羅大眾一個公平、方便的形式參與,創新金融科技目前屬於經濟部管轄非金管會所管,所以這些類金融投資又常讓一般投資者霧裡看花,摸不著頭緒,如果常爬文看dcard、ppt等,就會發現大部分人都抱持著賭看看的心態,實在是資訊不夠透明所致,所以還是希望業者能盡量開放資訊,方便打開這扇投資之門。 早在2022年底,imB P2P債權平台開始出現債權兌付展延(票貼)或是債權自動延長(不動產)的情況,除了顯示景氣對於企業的影響外,也顯示P2P平台業者的管理可
Bitcoin Reaches $42,000+ But Can It End 2023 With A BANG?
✴︎Sign Up Here for the CT Club! https://learningcrypto.com ✴︎Trezor hardware wallet 👉 https://shop.trezor.io/?offer_id=10&aff_id=10937 ✴︎Buy Gift Cards with Your Crypto! 👉 https://www.bitrefill.com/signup?code=47y2uwl4 ✴︎Begin Trading with Tradingview 👉 ht
🌐 Kordan 歐曜瑋:KryptoGo 創辦人|不准在 web3 壞壞!打造區塊鏈實名制【塞掐 Side Chat】E191
*有 CC 字幕,可以在畫面右下角選項開啟* 同步上架各大 Podcast 平台,趕快追蹤起來:https://bit.ly/3fcoZO7 本集我們邀請到 KryptoGo 創辦人 Kordan 歐曜瑋深入對話。他將分享 KryptoGo 如何解決區塊鏈監管痛點,成為 web3 的一站式開店平台,幫助企業推出合規應用。我們也將探討台灣金融科技協會的未來目標。最後,他將分享對「將極簡主義套用在公司經營上」的想法。 本集來聊: 📍 03:35 用過幾百個錢包,沒有一個滿意 📍 16:29 web3 的錢包就等
Massive ATTACK On Binance! What You NEED To Know
5 個月前
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✴︎Sign Up Here for the CT Club! https://learningcrypto.com ✴︎Trezor hardware wallet 👉 https://shop.trezor.io/?offer_id=10&aff_id=10937 Kraken and Coinbase vs SEC:https://twitter.com/Orlando_btc/status/1726750676309712970 Binance $4 Billion Penalty: https:/
Bitcoin Spot ETF is FAST Approaching- Newest Updates from Blackrock
✴︎Sign Up Here for the CT Club! https://learningcrypto.com ✴︎Trezor hardware wallet 👉 https://shop.trezor.io/?offer_id=10&aff_id=10937 ✴︎Buy Gift Cards with Your Crypto! 👉 https://www.bitrefill.com/signup?code=47y2uwl4 ✴︎Begin Trading with Tradingview 👉 ht