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免費的基礎AI課程及銀髮族適用AI教學 這基礎課程 適合銀髮族、初學者! 教學 ChatGPT3.5免費版 | ChatGPT APP
歡迎來到GOGO的基礎AI課程及銀髮族 ChatGPT AI 教學,在本集中,我將深入介紹人工智能的基礎知識,回答我在無遠弗界教學教室官方LINE帳號上收到的一些最常見問題。許多人一直在問有關基礎AI課程的推薦,以及什麼樣的學習材料適合銀髮族。顯然,沒有人想在這個快速發展的AI世界裡被落下。 經過廣泛的研究,我意識到許多現有的課程相當昂貴,並不一定適合初學者。因此,我決定將我在一家傳統公司進行的一次受到好評的講座轉化為這個教學影片。我的目標是幫助你節省基礎課程的費用,並使你能夠在本影片中使用智能手機進行實操
【北農精彩演講】GOGO的基礎AI課程及銀髮族適用AI教學 這基礎課程 適合銀髮族、初學者! 教學 ChatGPT3.5免費版 | ChatGPT APP
歡迎來到GOGO的基礎AI課程及銀髮族 ChatGPT AI 教學,在本集中,我將深入介紹人工智能的基礎知識,回答我在無遠弗界教學教室官方LINE帳號上收到的一些最常見問題。許多人一直在問有關基礎AI課程的推薦,以及什麼樣的學習材料適合銀髮族。顯然,沒有人想在這個快速發展的AI世界裡被落下。 經過廣泛的研究,我意識到許多現有的課程相當昂貴,並不一定適合初學者。因此,我決定將我在一家傳統公司進行的一次受到好評的講座轉化為這個教學影片。我的目標是幫助你節省基礎課程的費用,並使你能夠在本影片中使用智能手機進行實操
I am absolutely NONPLUSSED by Devin! Here's why!
1 個月前
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Apple Vision Pro: The $3,600 Revolution in Tech & VR!
Episode 009: Roberto (https://www.instagram.com/rpnickson) and Kallaway (https://www.instagram.com/kanekallaway) explore quality vs quantity, aspirational role models, where to put effort, personal brand, obsession years, the Apple Vision Pro, and more! Li
Did Gemini just dethrone GPT4? My first thoughts on Google DeepMind vs OpenAI and their future
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/daveshap (Discord via Patreon) Substack: https://daveshap.substack.com/ (Free Mailing List) LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dave-shap-automator/ GitHub: https://github.com/daveshap
OpenAI is Imploding - What does this mean for the future of AGI? Here are my thoughts...
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/daveshap (Discord via Patreon) Substack: https://daveshap.substack.com/ (Free Mailing List) LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dave-shap-automator/ GitHub: https://github.com/daveshap
OpenAI Agent Swarm: Let's build an autonomous agent swarm Pt 1: AGENTS THAT BUILD AGENTS
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/daveshap (Discord via Patreon) Substack: https://daveshap.substack.com/ (Free Mailing List) LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dave-shap-automator/ GitHub: https://github.com/daveshap
ChatGPT + Filmora 剪輯不露臉、文字轉AI語音,快速完成Youtube百萬點閱影片作法,初學者輕鬆掌握影片剪輯!
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Llama 2 and Q&A... - LifeArchitect.ai LIVE
9 個月前
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The Memo: https://lifearchitect.ai/memo/ Llama 2: https://lifearchitect.substack.com/p/the-memo-special-edition-llama-2 ==== Links: Demo: https://www.llama2.ai/ ==== Read more: https://lifearchitect.ai/ https://lifearchitect.ai/models/ Dr Alan D. Thompson
Why Llama 2 Is Better Than ChatGPT (Mostly...)
9 個月前
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Today we look at the first REAL contender to ChatGPT 3.5 that has been released by Meta AI: Llama 2. What does it do better and why should you care? Let's find out. Try Llama 2 here: https://llama.perplexity.ai/ https://llama2.ai/ https://llama2demo.stream
散熱產業散不了的火熱行情! 雙鴻、奇鋐以外的AI散熱大黑馬? 萬在、建準如何在水冷和氣冷兩大應用上爭奪市場?|產經希引力 EP.67| 劉姸希| CC
AI功能越來越強大, 在電腦算力持續放大的同時, 運轉所產生的廢熱也跟著一起放大! 雙鴻、奇鋐以外的AI散熱大黑馬… 這集的重點節錄: 00:00 序-AI散熱議題持續火熱 01:22 散熱在AI伺服器的重要性 02:54 液冷-4543萬在 05:40 氣冷-2421建準 08:03 本集重點總結 👇更多頻道精彩影片: AI伺服器供應鏈中的冷門產業,兩間專業導軌廠-川湖、南俊國際 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5cShZwuOoY&t=80s 新世代HBM高頻寬記憶體實
NVIDIA'S HUGE AI Chip Breakthroughs Change Everything (Supercut)
Highlights from the latest #nvidia keynote at Computex in Taiwan, home of TSMC and is the world's capital of semiconductor manufacturing and chip fabrication. Topics include @NVIDIA's insane H100 datacenter GPUs, Grace Hopper superchips, GH200 AI supercomp
History Repeats Itself! Top AI Stocks to Buy Now
10 個月前
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⚠️ Get up to 17 FREE stocks & $100 bonus cash with Moomoo (limited time): https://tickersymbolyou.com/moomoo There’s so much hype surrounding generative AI tools like #chatgpt by #openai and mixed-reality thanks to #applevisionpro by #apple ( AAPL stock ).
OpenAI Tutorial #1 - Intro & Setup
11 個月前
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In this OpenAI tutorial series you'll learn the basics of how to leverage AI to make a small application that generates text and images. 🚀🥷🏼Get early access to this entire course now on Net Ninja Pro: https://netninja.dev/p/openai-tutorial-the-basics 📂🥷🏼 A
NVIDIA'S HUGE AI Breakthroughs Just Changed Everything (Supercut)
Highlights from the latest #nvidia keynote at Computex in Taiwan, home of TSMC and the world capital of semiconductor manufacturing and chip fabrication. Topics include generative AI for robotics, chip design, media, leveraging #chatgpt by #openai and many
The AI War Has Begun! Every Google I/O AI Announcement (Supercut)
Highlights from the latest #google I/O keynote presentation, featuring competitor technologies to #openai #gpt4 #chatgpt and many reveals across the entire suite of Google ( GOOG stock ) products and services. Highlights include Google PaLM, Google Gemini,
🔴 Nuevo Google Bard vs ChatGPT ¿Qué IA es mejor AHORA?
Bard y ChatGPT ahora mismo son los dos grandes chatbots en el mercado. ¿Pero cuál es mejor? Aprovechando la reciente actualización de Bard a PaLM 2, hoy los vamos a poner prueba para comparar sus capacidades generando texto, programando y procesando inteli
Is ChatGPT Still Best?
11 個月前
 • 47 次觀看
Google Bard is now publicly available, Bing Chat launched a while ago - and ChatGPT introduced the "AI age". 💪 But which chatbot is best? Does Google Bard beat ChatGPT? Is Bing Chat better? They all have their strengths (e.g., web search access) - but also