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如何使用Google Gemini | 谷歌雙子座 | 100%免費的AI助手 | ChatGPT和Meta AI的競爭對手
Google Gemini 是 Google 的人工智慧聊天機器人,可以免費使用。它是 ChatGPT 和 Microsoft Copilot 的直接競爭對手。
只需一个提示,即可直接绘制和编写原型应用和网页,AFFiNE AI #ai #人工智能 #程序 #ai工具
📒本期笔记:https://luminous-mapusaurus-1aa.notion.site/Hayo-AI-App-c2f1aff6c112437bb94909be69c6ec1f?pvs=4 💗 加入99ai newsletter, 点链接看微信群:http://jjmgshop.com/ 🤖Jojo Ai 课: https://99ai.teachable.com/p/jojo-ai 👩‍🦰【干货】如何做数字人,1天克隆你自己://youtu.be/qjqk9CXQG98 数字人网站:http
以閒聊方式去回顧每月科技資訊(2024年1-4月)(下集),希望對你有用。 *———影片分類———* 科技新知系列|每月科技情報|科技生活知識|每月科技座談會 *———影片簡介———* 這個每月科技座談會會以閒聊方式去回顧每月科技資訊。由於科技一日千里,每天也有無數大大小小的科技新聞和消息,這次是2024年1-4月的科技資訊回顧,只節錄了一些比較重要和出名的消息,當然包括了我們要著眼的人工智能(AI)新聞。 PS: 因這次影片是新嘗試,不知道效果如何。歡迎留言提供意見。謝謝。 *影片分段:* 00:00 開
【懶人包】Google Gemini、Copilot Image Creator與DALL·E 3功能、效能大比拼!這部影片教你圖像生成AI如何選!結果讓人大跌眼鏡!
在這個快速發展的人工智慧時代,圖像生成AI技術以其驚人的創造力和應用廣泛性吸引了許多目光。 为此,我们準備了一場精彩的技術比拼,將Google Gemini、Copilot Image Creator與DALL·E 3三大圖像生成AI巨頭放在同一戰場上,進行一次功能、效能的全面比較! 透過直觀的範例和詳盡的分析,本影片將深入探討每個平台的獨特之處以及它們在實際應用中的表現如何。 無論您是科技愛好者、藝術創作者或商業人士,都能在這場比較中找到最適合您需求的AI工具。結局更是出乎意料,絕對讓你大吃一驚!
马斯克开源Grok-1,3140亿参数迄今最大。人工智能初创公司有福了 #ai #马斯克 #grok1 #人工智能
📒本期笔记:https://luminous-mapusaurus-1aa.notion.site/Hayo-AI-App-c2f1aff6c112437bb94909be69c6ec1f?pvs=4 💗 加入99ai newsletter, 点链接看微信群:http://jjmgshop.com/ 🤖Jojo Ai 课: https://99ai.teachable.com/p/jojo-ai 👩‍🦰【干货】如何做数字人,1天克隆你自己://youtu.be/qjqk9CXQG98 数字人网站:http
Natural Language to SQL with Google Gemma : A Comprehensive Guide
In this video, I show you how to fine-tune Google Gemma for your converting natural language question to SQL queries. Google Gemma is a family of open-source, large language models (LLMs) that are designed to be accessible and lightweight.This allows your
Running Gemma using HuggingFace Transformers or Ollama
Colab: https://drp.li/rfWhi Ollama: https://ollama.com/library/gemma Gemma CPP: https://github.com/google/gemma.cpp Code examples: https://ai.google.dev/gemma 👨‍💻Github: https://github.com/samwit/langchain-tutorials (updated) https://git hub.com/samwit/llm
Introducing Gemma - 2B 7B 6Trillion Tokens
3 個月前
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Model Card: https://www.kaggle.com/models/keras/gemma Code examples: https://ai.google.dev/gemma Technical Report: https://storage.googleapis.com/deepmind-media/gemma/gemma-report.pdf Getting started: https://ai.google.dev/gemma/docs/get_started 👨‍💻Github:
OpenAI did it again ... with SORA!
3 個月前
 • 44 次觀看
Sora is OpenAI'S text-to-video AI and it's simply crazy... Learn how to efficiently use ChatGPT & level up your productivity: https://acad.link/chatgpt 🖥️ Official Website & Courses https://academind.com/courses/ 💬 Academind Community https://academind.com
Gemini 1.5 Pro With 10,000,000 Tokens Is Absurd
3 個月前
 • 60 次觀看
check out my cool lil leaderboard website! https://leaderboard.bycloud.ai/ Gemini 1.5 Pro [Blog] https://blog.google/technology/ai/google-gemini-next-generation-model-february-2024/ [Technical Report] https://storage.googleapis.com/deepmind-media/gemini/ge
Google NEEDS This to Work
3 個月前
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Thanks to MANSCAPED for sponsoring today's video. Get 20% Off + Free International Shipping with promo code TECHLINKED or visit http://manscaped.com/techlinked ► GET MERCH: https://lttstore.com ► GET EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ON FLOATPLANE: https://lmg.gg/lttfloat
Google Bard Is Now Gemini Advanced | Gemini Ultra 1.0 Explained
Google Gemini Ultra is finally out: the most powerful iteration of the tech giant’s latest AI. Expected to compete with the ChatGPT and beat it, the most advanced version of Gemini is said to be the pinnacle of the current generation of artificial intellig
Google’s Bard Is Now Gemini - What’s New?
3 個月前
 • 18 次觀看
❤️ Check out Weights & Biases and sign up for a free demo here: https://wandb.me/papers You can try #Gemini here: https://gemini.google.com/app Their blog post: https://blog.google/products/gemini/bard-gemini-advanced-app/ Sources: https://x.com/mishaalrah
Gemini Ultra is Here! (Google's "ChatGPT Killer")
3 個月前
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In this video, we explore the brand new Gemini Advanced, which is also know as Gemini Ultra, not to be confused with Gemini Pro... But it's definitely not Bard! Discover More From Me: 🛠️ Explore hundreds of AI Tools: https://futuretools.io/ 📰 Weekly Newsle
🔴 Google Gemini ULTRA è finalmente disponibile!
3 個月前
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🙏 Se questo video ti è stato utile abbonati al canale o lascia un "super grazie" per supportarlo: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrebGs3b-Z7JLKQM2YOpUKA/join Ci siamo! Dopo averci fatto aspettare mesi dall'annuncio, Google ha finalmente rilasciato Google
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如何在Google Bard中使用Gemini,Google最強AI真的全面超越ChatGPT嗎?測試對比Gemini與GPT
Goolge發布了AI大模型Gemini,號稱史上最強AI,能力全面超越ChatGPT。 這隻視頻中我將解釋如何在Google Bard中使用Gemini,以及測試與ChatGPT的對比。 搭載了Gemini的Google Bard目前所支持使用的地區,可以參考官方提供的信息: https://support.google.com/bard/answer/14294096 登陸你的Google帳號之後,打開以下網址可以使用Google Bard: https://bard.google.com/chat 0