
1 天內
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1 年內
我爲我爸安排了壹個筆名人間大安排#苟宋 #美食制作 #大份量美食 #shorts
做美食我是認真的,“沒有創作瓶頸,只有生命瓶頸”I'm serious about food. "There's no creative bottleneck, there's only a life bottleneck."
普吉島的夏天永不停歇#shorts #扮裝 #情感 #可爱 #學生
總會有人看懂妳的朋友圈 There will always be people who understand your circle of friends 愛人的眼睛是第八大洋 A lover's eyes are the eighth ocean 留壹個忘不掉的姓名吧縮寫也行———欣欣ye Leave a name can not forget the abbreviation is also OK -- Xin Xin ye
被艾特的人三年親不上嘴#情感 #扮裝 #可爱 #學生 #cosplay #shorts
總會有人看懂妳的朋友圈 There will always be people who understand your circle of friends 愛人的眼睛是第八大洋 A lover's eyes are the eighth ocean 留壹個忘不掉的姓名吧縮寫也行———欣欣ye Leave a name can not forget the abbreviation is also OK -- Xin Xin ye
三個月沒聚了,吃完這頓又得緩三個月#苟宋 #美食制作 #大份量美食 #好友聚會
做美食我是認真的,“沒有創作瓶頸,只有生命瓶頸”I'm serious about food. "There's no creative bottleneck, there's only a life bottleneck."
我們同學吃完這頓以後,可能就要常來了#苟宋 #美食制作 #大份量美食
做美食我是認真的,“沒有創作瓶頸,只有生命瓶頸”I'm serious about food. "There's no creative bottleneck, there's only a life bottleneck."
記好了肘子配方啊!還有,我爺說暫時不缺奶...#苟宋 #美食制作 #大份量美食 #肘子
做美食我是認真的,“沒有創作瓶頸,只有生命瓶頸”I'm serious about food. "There's no creative bottleneck, there's only a life bottleneck."
長這麽大第壹次聽說臘八粥放土豆的...#苟宋 #美食制作 #大份量美食 #臘八節
做美食我是認真的,“沒有創作瓶頸,只有生命瓶頸”I'm serious about food. "There's no creative bottleneck, there's only a life bottleneck."
最近做美食總是翻車,感覺房子風水不太行,准備換個房子#苟宋 #徒步搬家#shorts
做美食我是認真的,“沒有創作瓶頸,只有生命瓶頸”I'm serious about food. "There's no creative bottleneck, there's only a life bottleneck."
大年初壹那天我奶生日,做了壹桌我奶愛吃的,吃到今天#苟宋 #美食制作 #生日快樂#奶奶86歲了
做美食我是認真的,“沒有創作瓶頸,只有生命瓶頸”I'm serious about food. "There's no creative bottleneck, there's only a life bottleneck."
第壹次創業,買了30個老椰子自制椰子油,結局大反轉了#苟宋 #美食制作 #大份量美食 #椰子油
做美食我是認真的,“沒有創作瓶頸,只有生命瓶頸”I'm serious about food. "There's no creative bottleneck, there's only a life bottleneck."
石磨磨出來的香油會比瓶裝的香嗎?怒磨16個小時,今天在家試壹試#苟宋 #美食制作 #大份量美食 #石磨香油
做美食我是認真的,“沒有創作瓶頸,只有生命瓶頸”I'm serious about food. "There's no creative bottleneck, there's only a life bottleneck."
(EN) 玄彬《哈爾賓》海外拍攝,李棟旭爆這裏無人認出他們,玄彬快帶孫藝珍去旅遊😂Hyun Bin Lee Dong Wook in Latvia, no one recognized them?!
終於有一點玄彬的消息了,話說他1月底去了拉脫維亞拍新戲《哈爾賓》,同行的還有李楝旭、全汝彬等演員。李楝旭最近在一個YOUTUBE頻道的節目中,提到這次的拉脫維亞之行,他說在那裏,和玄彬走在街上也沒人認出他們呢,聽聽他怎麼說? Finally, there is some news about Hyun Bin. He went to Latvia to film the new movie "Harbin" at the end of January. Other co-actors like Lee Do
【黑龍江我來了最終回】哈爾濱再見了//冷到松花江都結冰了❄️Harbin, Heilongjiang II玉米交換日記#39
拍攝日期:2019.11.28 是最後一天在哈爾濱了😭 去了白天的索非亞教堂真的超美 還有去松花江也是好壯觀喔❤️ 真的人生必來一次👍 要回長沙了~整個感傷了起來🥺 - 哈囉大家好我是玉米妞,我是從台灣去湖南長沙的湖南大學交換生。 喜歡記錄生活還有到各地旅遊!如果你對大陸
China Heilongjiang - Harbin & Mohe City 中國哈爾濱及漠河市
Trip to China with my childhood friend, we knew each other since age 5, this is the first time we traveled together, a very memorable trip. 12/14: 從廣州機場出發飛往哈爾濱,哈爾濱酒店靠近中央大街 12/15:俄羅斯小鎮 - 市中心 - 再逛一下中央大街,到哈爾濱站搭
Harbin - Old Town Walking Tour / 哈爾濱市徒步之旅, 中央大街, 哈爾濱猶太歷史文化博物館, 索菲亞廣場, 俄羅斯東正教大教堂的聖索菲亞, 哈爾濱市斯大林公園
Video report of a walking tour of Old Harbin with images of the Holiday Inn, Central Avenue, a dumpling restaurant, a hot pot restaurant, the Harbin Museum of Jewish History and Culture (former synagogue), Sophia Square with people feeding pigeons, the
HARBIN: Where Russia Meets China
6 年前
 • 75 次觀看
Getting a taste of Russia in Harbin, in the north east of China, and taking in a night market, Harbin beer, fried bugs and sausage! The perfect combo. FOLLOW AND SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE CHINA VIDEOS Twitter: http://twitter.com/chinacomedystu Weibo