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Bats-Man vs Spiders-Man?! Comics Experiment | Absolutely Marvel & DC
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Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow Teaser - FULL AI + Deepfake
What will Milly Alcock look like when she plays Supergirl in James Gunn's new DC Studios universe? Check out my newest "DeepFake" and FULL A.I. Fan Art trailer concept and enjoy! #supergirlwomanoftomorrow #supergirl #millyalcock Full trailer: https://youtu
James Gunn Just DESTROYED Aquaman 2 | Tells DC Fans It Doesn't Matter, Box Office DISASTER
Get an incredible new custom or prebuilt PC from META PCs, use the code RKOutpost for a discount! https://www.metapcs.com/ref/rkoutpost/ Join my community on Locals! https://rkoutpost.locals.com/ Join Geeks + Gamers on Locals! https://geeksandgamers.locals
有關DC宇宙【藍甲蟲】#Blue Beetle 的漫畫起源故事 | 到底有多少代藍甲蟲?這個神秘聖甲蟲是什麽東西 #藍甲蟲 ,#DC,#jaimereyes
說到DC藍甲蟲就要先說這個聖甲蟲的歷史 它是宇宙掠奪種族Reach的統治武器 致遠族是一個非常古老的種族 事實上 他們是DC漫畫中第二古老的種族 唯一比他們更古老的種族是瑪律圖斯人(Maltusians) 也被稱為歐阿人(OAns) 也是綠燈俠的創始人 🔴 如果喜歡這頻道請記得訂閱:: https://www.youtube.com/c/MrHashTagChannel -------------------------------------------------- ------------------
Headache Cure Post Adipurush? | The Flash Movie Review | Extraction 2 Movie Review
With the absolute torture that was #adipurush , we thought of providing alternatives to you so that this weekend at the movies can be worth it! I saw #theflash and #extraction2 and both provided such enjoyable movie experiences despite their flaws. #bollyw
最新2023年閃電俠電影結局和片尾彩蛋 | | 你看懂了嗎 | 一部有關蝙蝠俠加超女加閃電俠 #ezramiller ,#DC,#flash
期待已久的真人版閃電俠電影終於上映了 這部電影擁有將近兩個半小時的片長包含了很多內容 這是意料之中的事 因為這部電影是對 DC 漫畫中的閃點故事改編 需要讓大家瞭解到當中的細節也必須照顧到那些沒翻閱過這部漫畫故事的觀衆 🔴 如果喜歡這頻道請記得訂閱:: https://www.youtube.com/c/MrHashTagChannel -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
|#烏合之眾也能拯救MCU|Marvel上月上映的MCU(Marvel Cinematic Universe)第5階段首作《蟻俠與黃蜂女:量子狂熱》評價好壞參半,...
|#烏合之眾也能拯救MCU|Marvel上月上映的MCU(Marvel Cinematic Universe)第5階段首作《蟻俠與黃蜂女:量子狂熱》評價好壞參半,正當大家以為Marvel開始顯露頹勢時,最近上映的《銀河守護隊3》卻一舉扭轉風評。作為「銀河守護隊」原班人馬的終章,今次電影由已經轉投DC的占士根執導,由火箭浣熊Rocket作為主角,因亞當術士的突襲而令Rocket身陷險境,由此揭開其悲慘身世。於是星爵帶領一班銀河守護隊成前往營救,一同對抗大反派「至高進化者」,固中隊員情誼令人感動,更加帶出對電影
銀河守護隊3/Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3/星際異攻隊3 終於,終於。打從《Avengers 4:Endgame》之後,漫威終於...
View this post on Instagram A post shared by 爆米花族🎬🇭🇰 (@popcornmoviehk)
星際異攻隊3 影評 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3【羅比】銀河守護隊3 /港譯
#星際異攻隊3 #銀河守護隊3 #銀河守護者3 #銀河護衛隊3 羅比頻道訂閱者募集中👉 http://goo.gl/4YzOjF 我的臉書粉專👉 羅比頻道 我的IG帳號👉 robbie_ins 成為我的line好友👉 https://lin.ee/ywu3eTz 商業合作邀請信箱👉 robbielintw@gmail.com 近期影片: 人選之人 造浪者 十大看點 Wave Makers【羅比】Netflix影集推薦 https://youtu.be/DrSIdSPfGzg 模仿犯 7-10 人物分析【羅比
What's on the New Mixtape in 'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3'?
Chris Pratt and Karen Gillan spill what's on the new mixtape in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3! Watch the full interview: https://youtu.be/W6pPhNrft7I #shorts ► Buy Tickets for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: https://www.fandango.com/guardians-of-the-galax
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 | Out of the Theater Reaction
Here is my out of the theater reaction to Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3. FIND ME ONLINE INSTAGRAM @seantalksabout TWITTER @kirkneverdied FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/seanchandlertalksabout Patreon https://www.patreon.com/seanchandler FIND THE SEAN CHA
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 FIRST REACTION
1 年前
 • 48 次觀看
This is my Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 Movie Reaction and small Review, where I give my immediate reaction to the new Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 movie, featuring Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, and more. I was able to attend one of the first Premieres
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: I am groot. #shorts #groot #marvel #comics
Actions speaks louder than words; I am groot. #shorts #groot #marvel #comics
(SUB) 가오갤3 배우들이 듣는 숨듣명이 뉴진스 OMG라면 어쩔라우? / [문명특급 EP.288]
#가디언즈오브갤럭시3 #크리스프랫 #카렌길런 #폼클레멘티에프 총괄 기획/하현종 진행/이은재 기획/이규희 구성/이은재 이규희 이지흔 촬영/다올미디어 동시녹음/소리를 그리다 브랜드디자인/김하경 CG/김하경 윤하선 행정/박다미 이수아 마케팅/홍솔비 자막/윤예빈 번역/김윤지 외부 편집/이한솔 김찬미 조연출 · 편집/권나영 정영서 연출/홍민지 제작지원/월트디즈니 컴퍼니 코리아 제작/SBS디지털뉴스랩 크리에이티브 사업부문
Peter's Tender Moment Interrupted in NEW Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Clip
Peter's tender moment to Gamora was interrupted by him accidentally broadcasting the entire conversation to everyone...oops! #shorts ► Buy Tickets for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: https://www.fandango.com/guardians-of-the-galaxy-vol-3-2023-228959/movie-
Guardians of the Galaxy 3 Early Reactions Are In! #shorts
The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3's early reactions and reviews are in, and they are universally positive! Are you excited for Guardians 3? Do you think it will be as great as the critics say, or another post endgame disappointment? Let us know in the com
[電影製作花絮] Marvel Studios《銀河守護隊3》製作花絮 – 最後旅程 (中文字幕)
【🎥製作花絮 – 最後旅程🪐】#銀河守護隊 由初登場時嘅一班雜牌軍,到親如家人嘅宇宙最爆團隊,經歷近10年嘅旅程即將去到終點!導演、監製及一眾演員都非常不捨,但又為團隊感到驕傲!約定大家,喺大銀幕最後一次同佢哋打爆宇宙! Marvel Studios《銀河守護隊3》5.3(三) 絕世一戰 #MarvelStudios #銀河守護隊3 #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 #JamesGunn
和《#星際異攻隊3》好好說再見!大夥跳舞超可愛!首爾+巴黎首映完整全記錄 |【爆米花看電影】23-04-24
#guardiansofthegalaxy #Marvel #gotgvol3 🍿喜歡影片的話,可以用YouTube「超級感謝」功能支持爆米花喲❤️ 🍿每月49起,幫助爆米花創作更多影片 https://pressplay.cc/popcorn 🍿訂閱【爆米花看電影】頻道影片:https://popcornmoviestw.pros.is/littlebell 🍿Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PopcornMoviesTW/ 🍿IG:https://www.insta
DC宇宙【藍甲蟲】#Blue Beetle 觀看電影之前須知信息 | 到底這位新少年英雄是誰?這個來自外宇宙神秘的物品會提供什麽能力 #藍甲蟲 ,#DC,#jaimereyes
最新藍甲蟲電影預告片已經出來了 那麼如果你對這個角色有點陌生的話 那麼今天這個影片將會適合你 因為今天我會為各位介紹一下有關DC最新藍甲蟲的一切還有預告片中的彩蛋 🔴 如果喜歡這頻道請記得訂閱:: https://www.youtube.com/c/MrHashTagChannel -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - 請大家也不要忘記Fo