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NVIDIA & AMD CEOs: Related!
4 天前
 • 13 次觀看
Did you know CEOs Lisa Su and Jensen Huang are related?
Nvidia輝達搭AI成長特快車 股價飆不停 黃仁勳從一兆男變兩兆男 躋身Top20富豪榜 新AI晶片性能猛 科技大廠搶用|全球聊天室 #鏡新聞
GTC大會上,Nvidia輝達執行長黃仁勳,端出最新AI晶片Blackwell,模擬應用於各產業效能佳。搶吃AI大餅的廠商無一不和輝達合作。黃仁勳也受惠於AI浪潮身價狂升,31年前創業的苦,如今甜美收獲。 #Nvidia #輝達 #JensenHuang #黃仁勳 #富豪 #Blackwell #AI #人工智慧 #機器人 #GTC (鏡新聞已上架86台,若無法收看,請洽詢當地系統台) -- 鏡新聞官方網站👉https://www.mnews.tw/ 鏡新聞Facebook👉https://www.face
30X the Performance!?
1 個月前
 • 29 次觀看
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Nvidia's Breakthrough AI Chip Defies Physics (GTC Supercut)
Highlights from the latest #nvidia keynote at GTC 2024. Topics include @NVIDIA's insane Blackwell B100 GPUs, the Grace Blackwell GB100 superchips, NVIDIA's new AI supercomputer and AI factories, and how they will power generative AI technologies like #chat
Nvidia & Tesla = This Changes Everything
1 個月前
 • 12 次觀看
Nvidia & Tesla = This Changes Everything How much money you need to quit your job free workshop https://www.fejeremy.com/retire-ytm Looking to join my Private Group? I invite you to apply here: https://www.fejeremy.com/2024-app-ytm 🚨 Stocks I'm Buying this
Nvidia Revealed Project GROOT and Disney Bots at GTC
At the NVIDIA GTC (GPU Technology Conference) 2024, NVIDIA showcased a range of innovations spanning from gaming and creative applications to generative AI and robotics, reflecting the company's deepening involvement in these cutting-edge technologies. One
NVIDIA CEO LEAVES Audience SPEECHLESS With Robot Announcement!
Check out Jensen's full keynote here - https://www.youtube.com/live/Y2F8yisiS6E?si=-9OiJ1OCXNXDIO8U The Robots Are Coming https://www.farzadmesbahi.com/merch FREE One Year Supply of Vitamin d3+k2 and 5 AG1 Travel Packs ➡ https://drinkAG1.com/farzad Get fit
@NVIDIA: Fun facts you might not know 💭 #shorts
1 個月前
 • 14 次觀看
Ever wonder how Nvidia got its name? Ahead of Nvidia's (NVDA) annual GTC conference, Yahoo Finance anchors Brad Smith and Seana Smith share fun facts about the tech giant. The segment is from March 15, 2024. #yahoofinance #finance #news #youtubeshorts #you
NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang Leaves Stanford SPEECHLESS (Supercut)
Highlights of #nvidia Founder and CEO Jensen Huang speaking at Stanford Graduate School of Business. Highlights include why Jensen Huang founded NVIDIA, almost losing the company, what happened when NVIDIA stock ( #nvda stock ) dropped by 80%, and why NVID
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2024中美經濟 股市分析!有什麼投資機會?美股後市如何?
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股市不斷漲!2000年泡沫重演?要開始注意了!#NVDA #SMCI #magnificent7 #美股七雄 #Groq
💰了解更多【選股五部曲】線上課: https://www.chiefpapa.com/ - ✅60分鐘免費十倍股公益課 https://www.chiefpapa.com/10X-class ▶︎公開【如何在股市長期安心超級贏利💰】(限時公開、附中英字幕)https://www.chiefpapa.com/10X-class ■-------------------------------------------------- 影片主題介紹: 英偉達公布亮麗業績,股價創新高,市值單日暴增2.1萬億,現在美股
【飆股】NVDA現在該買還是賣?最新業績 我的分析!AI人工智能|英偉達 Nvidia|黃仁勳 Jensen Huang 輝達|芯片 晶片 半導體
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@NVIDIA: $0 to $1,000,000,000 in 60 seconds #shorts
2 個月前
 • 21 次觀看
Nvidia (NVDA) is one of the world's leading AI chip companies. In 2023, the company generated nearly $27 billion in revenue, and its market value is well over $1 trillion. Here is a closer look at what led to Nvidia's boom with Beyond the Ticker, where we
60萬進股市到股票資產6500萬元的退休教師謝士英,意外搭上AI熱,2023年暴賺1450萬,2024年看好這檔!|峰哥 ft.謝士英|Smart智富.投資的一千零一夜139
2023年的AI熱, 存股達人、退休教師謝士英 竟也意外搭上這股熱潮, 股票市值進而大增1450萬元! 究竟是怎麼一回事? 本集《投資的一千零一夜》特別邀請 謝士英老師來為我們好好詳述 這段「天上掉下來的禮物」的故事…… 節目中他也不藏私的公開自己的核心持股, 有4檔累積超過100張, 其中有一檔甚至更高達450張…… 快點影片進去看看吧! 若喜歡我們的影片, 也別忘了為我們按讚、訂閱還有分享喔!^_^ ◎延伸學習 存股遇熊市,該如何操作?年領股利逾200萬的退休教師謝士英買這4檔股票,這檔他加碼到419張
Nvidia 輝達,掌握了人類的未來?從迷路的顯卡小弟,到每次都站對風口的AI巨頭,輝達破萬億的成王故事!
#Nvidia #輝達 #半導體 在晶片設計界,有一家公司,總是莫名其秒站對了科技界風口。不管是電腦遊戲,虛擬貨幣,人工智能,雲服務,電動汽車等等最先進的科技. 它總是比別人快一步,站在了最前排的位置,賺到最多的利潤。它現在的市值排在全球第六位,高達1萬4690億美元!這家會未蔔先知的公司,就是大名頂頂的Nvidia。今天就來說說Nvidia的開掛故事吧!
I'm Buying Nvidia Stock (NVDA) After INSANE Earnings - Here's Why
#nvidia stock ( #nvda stock ) could one day be the biggest company on the stock market and one of the best tech stocks in history. Ever since #openai and #chatgpt took the world by storm, @NVIDIA's most recent earnings call made it clear that they're set t
NVIDIA Changed Generative AI Forever (SIGGRAPH 2023 Supercut)
Highlights from the latest #nvidia keynote at SIGGRAPH 2023, one of the biggest conferences for computer graphics and AI research. Topics include Nvidia's H100 datacenter GPUs, upgrades to the Grace Hopper Superchips and the GH200 AI supercomputers, adding
NVIDIA'S HUGE AI Chip Breakthroughs Change Everything (Supercut)
Highlights from the latest #nvidia keynote at Computex in Taiwan, home of TSMC and is the world's capital of semiconductor manufacturing and chip fabrication. Topics include @NVIDIA's insane H100 datacenter GPUs, Grace Hopper superchips, GH200 AI supercomp