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[Eng Sub] | TVB Horror Drama |The Exorcist's Meter 降魔的 10/21 |Kenneth Ma Mandy Wong Hubert Wu |2016
TVB Full Episodes Drama 《The Exorcist's Meter》降魔的 (Kenneth Ma, Mandy Wong, Hubert Wu, Moon Lau) 【Turn CC Subtitles On!】: Night shift taxi driver MA KWAI (Kenneth Ma) who lost his parents during childhood has had multiple narrow escapes, which shapes his at
[Eng Sub] | TVB Horror Drama |The Exorcist's Meter 降魔的 09/21 |Kenneth Ma Mandy Wong Hubert Wu |2016
TVB Full Episodes Drama 《The Exorcist's Meter》降魔的 (Kenneth Ma, Mandy Wong, Hubert Wu, Moon Lau) 【Turn CC Subtitles On!】: Night shift taxi driver MA KWAI (Kenneth Ma) who lost his parents during childhood has had multiple narrow escapes, which shapes his at
[Eng Sub] | TVB Horror Drama |The Exorcist's Meter 降魔的 07/21 |Kenneth Ma Mandy Wong Hubert Wu |2016
TVB Full Episodes Drama 《The Exorcist's Meter》降魔的 (Kenneth Ma, Mandy Wong, Hubert Wu, Moon Lau) 【Turn CC Subtitles On!】: Night shift taxi driver MA KWAI (Kenneth Ma) who lost his parents during childhood has had multiple narrow escapes, which shapes his at
[Eng Sub] | TVB Horror Drama |The Exorcist's Meter 降魔的 08/21 |Kenneth Ma Mandy Wong Hubert Wu |2016
TVB Full Episodes Drama 《The Exorcist's Meter》降魔的 (Kenneth Ma, Mandy Wong, Hubert Wu, Moon Lau) 【Turn CC Subtitles On!】: Night shift taxi driver MA KWAI (Kenneth Ma) who lost his parents during childhood has had multiple narrow escapes, which shapes his at
[Eng Sub] | TVB Horror Drama |The Exorcist's Meter 降魔的 05/21 |Kenneth Ma Mandy Wong Hubert Wu |2016
TVB Full Episodes Drama 《The Exorcist's Meter》降魔的 (Kenneth Ma, Mandy Wong, Hubert Wu, Moon Lau) 【Turn CC Subtitles On!】: Night shift taxi driver MA KWAI (Kenneth Ma) who lost his parents during childhood has had multiple narrow escapes, which shapes his at
[Eng Sub] | TVB Horror Drama |The Exorcist's Meter 降魔的 06/21 |Kenneth Ma Mandy Wong Hubert Wu |2016
TVB Full Episodes Drama 《The Exorcist's Meter》降魔的 (Kenneth Ma, Mandy Wong, Hubert Wu, Moon Lau) 【Turn CC Subtitles On!】: Night shift taxi driver MA KWAI (Kenneth Ma) who lost his parents during childhood has had multiple narrow escapes, which shapes his at
Busking With G.Racie 王君馨 | 鍾嘉欣 Linda Chung | 中/ENG Subtitles
Hello everyone! Here‘s a little sweetness for you guys. It was an interesting night, I got off work early and my friend Grace Wong also did. We decided to go PLAY, be a kid again and do something spontaneous for no reason at all, but for our own pleasure a
譚嘉儀/馬國明 - 願留住你 (Can You Hear 廣東合唱版) Official MV
延續《Can You Hear》的傷感,《#願留住你》盼望這段關係永遠沒有結尾。 #譚嘉儀 (Kayee) 親自為大熱情歌《Can You Hear》譜上廣東歌詞,並邀請到男神 #馬國明 傾力合唱,打造萬眾期待的廣東合唱版《願留住你》。 今個冬日,你最想留住的人是誰? Single available on: iTunes: https://apple.co/36tmxf9 KKBOX: https://kkbox.fm/QSYhpt MOOV: https://bit.ly/35tDF4n JOOX: h
CCs not yet available. To add translations/subtitles in another language, go here: http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?v=5L9X_4is7ew&ref=share This is Kenneth Ma (馬國明), Natalie Tong (唐詩詠), and Ali Lee’s (李佳芯) interview at the dinner to watch the finale
CCs not yet available. To add translations/subtitles in another language, go here: http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?v=MFqsRy3XNb4&ref=share This is Kenneth Ma (馬國明) and Natalie Tong’s (唐詩詠) interview for the premiere of “Big White Duel” on Monday, Ju
【黃心穎 許志安】馬國明維護心穎:佢知自己做錯咗 │ 01娛樂
許志安與黃心穎昨日被爆出在車上激吻事件後轟動全城,二人受全城責罵之外大家更關心鄭秀文及馬國明的感受,4 月 17 日馬國明帶上 Cap 帽現身於 TVB 電視城為他主演的劇集《降魔的2.0》開工,現場若 30 名記者希望了解他現在的狀況,不過馬明表示等化完妝後再交代事情。 大概下午 5 時多馬明現身回應這次的事件:「其實呢件事我知道咗之後我好快已經冇咗嬲呢個感覺,我係好平靜,同埋我好快變成擔心,我好擔心呢件事牽涉入面嘅所有人,任何一個受到傷害我都係唔希望嘅,咁可能我唯一代表佢 (黃心穎) 講少少嘢,咁其實我
《馬國明街訪一天 x 降魔的》
6 年前
 • 13 次觀看
馬國明放假一天,約埋石精靈胡鴻鈞、肥仔三個著住情侶亂入銅鑼灣,仲講到明有魔都唔捉,專心玩爆路人! #地方的降魔師需要放假 # #好想同Hubert瘋狂唱K