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Surface Pro 8 Hands-on Review + Updates to the Surface 2-in-1 Lineup
Surface Pro 8 is designed to be the most modern expression of the purpose-built, class-defining Surface 2-in-1, now designed for Windows 11. Dave Mitchell, from the team that engineers and designs Surface 2-in-1s, gives an in-depth, hands-on tour of the
Car tracking: Apple AirTag v Samsung SmartTag+ v GPS comparison review: Which is best?
If you have old cars like I do, or perhaps newer cars without any inbuilt tracking features, you may be looking at an Apple AirTag, a Samsung Galaxy SmartTag+ or a GPS unit with LTE to keep track of your car in case it's stolen. But, how well do each of th
Garmin Forerunner 945 LTE: análisis de novedades y opinión.
En este vídeo tenéis un resumen de lo que podemos hacer con la nueva conectividad LTE del Garmin Forerunner 945 LTE. Además de traer un cambio de tamaño, el nuevo Forerunner 945 LTE permite usar la funciones de seguridad y comunicación con el live
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