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The Bitcoin of Artificial Intelligence
4 天前
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Bittensor TAO, dubbed the Bitcoin of artificial intelligence, has the potential to become the next trillion-dollar opportunity in crypto, meaning this coin could go 350x from here. We explore how this is possible. Timestamp: 00:00 The Bitcoin of Artificial
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Sanctuary’s New PHOENIX 7 AI Robot Demo Stuns Entire Industry With This Tech (ASTRIBOT S1, VIDU)
The world's fastest and most precise humanoid robot is unveiled with the release of S1 from Astribot, plus the new 7th generation of the Phoenix robot is unveiled by Sanctuary AI. AI Marketplace: https://taimine.com/ Deep Learning AI Specialization: https:
The future of AI in video MUST SEE #aivideo #ailookbook #ai
#aivideo #ailookbook #ai #lookbook #ai #beauty #aiart #aimodelfashion The future of AI in video (MUST SEE) Welcome to my youtube channel ai model fashion! Please feel free to like, subscribe, and share our content. Enjoy our videos, relax, and make yoursel
AI Creates My YouTube Videos The Future of Content Creation #aivideo #aianimation
#ailookbook #lookbook #ai #beauty #aiart #aimodelfashion AI Creates My YouTube Videos The Future of Content Creation Welcome to my youtube channel ai model fashion! Please feel free to like, subscribe, and share our content. Enjoy our videos, relax, and ma
Apple demandada en EEUU, la IA de Google en el iPhone, iOS 17.4.1 y más noticias Apple
🛜 Protege tu información en internet con Incogni. Usando este link tienes un 60% de descuento: https://incogni.com/manzana ¡No te pierdas las últimas noticias y rumores sobre Apple! En este recopilatorio semanal, te contamos todo sobre los inminentes lanza
8 分鐘完整掌握 NVIDIA GTC 2024 老黃主題演講 | Blackwell 名稱的由來是?
#gtc #nvidia #blackwell 嗨!大家好,我是給旅,一名機器學習工程師。 這部影片將和大家聊聊 GTC2024 老黃的 Keynote 重點! - GTC 報名網址:https://www.nvidia.com/zh-tw/gtc/ - 黃仁勳 Keynote:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2F8yisiS6E ==== 0:00 開場 1:14 NV 與 AI 1:53 Blackwell 4:50 數種應用場景 5:32 機器人 6:16 Green
30X the Performance!?
1 個月前
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Nvidia Blackwell... MONSTER 512-bit 5090 GB202 for Mining?
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Grok-1: Fully Opensource and Uncensored! Largest Opensource LLM!
In this video, we delve into the groundbreaking release of Elon's Grok-1, the largest open-source language model with a staggering 314 billion parameters. Join us as we explore the impact of this game-changing model on AI development and its potential appl
Grok-1: The Open Source Mixture of Experts Model by x.AI
Hello, everyone! In today’s video, I dive deep into the exciting release of Grok-1, the cutting-edge 314 billion parameter Mixture-of-Experts model developed from scratch by xAI. Grok-1 is not just another language model; it's a leap forward in AI technolo
Grok أصبح مفتوح المصدر! أول تحليل للكود
غوص عميق في بنية جروك (Grok) 🤖 ألقِ نظرة متعمقة على ملف النموذج (model.py) الخاص بهذا النموذج اللغوي الضخم مفتوح المصدر الذي يبلغ حجمه 314 مليار معلمة، والذي يأتي بدون أي قيود. رابط النموذج: https://github.com/xai-org/grok-1 هذا ملخص لمحتويات ملف model.py
🔮Can Media Forecast Markets & the AI Revolution📈
#Markets #Crypto #Sentiment #Medai #Headlines #FutureofMedia #AI #X 👋 JOIN THE FAMILY: http://www.patreon.com/investanswers 📈 IA MODELS: http://www.investanswers.io 📬 IA NEWSLETTER: https://investanswers.substack.com 🪙 IA CRYPTO COMPENDIUM: http://investan
Grok-1 Open Source: 314B Mixture-of-Experts Model by xAI | Blog post, GitHub/Source Code
We'll have a look at the release of Grok-1 and the GitHub repository - model architecture and interesting parts Blog post: https://x.ai/blog/grok-os GitHub: https://github.com/xai-org/grok-1 Weights: https://academictorrents.com/details/5f96d43576e3d386c9b
Les héroïnes africaines de l’intelligence artificielle • FRANCE 24
Et si l'intelligence artificielle développée sur le continent était plus riche ? Native de la Côte d’Ivoire, Charlette Désiré N'guessan enrichit les données agricoles disponibles en Afrique, tout comme Jessica Nono, originaire du Cameroun. Distinguée par l
No, Anthropic's Claude 3 is NOT sentient
2 個月前
 • 10 次觀看
No, Anthropic's Claude 3 is not conscious or sentient or self-aware. References: https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-family https://twitter.com/_akhaliq/status/1764673955313459560?t=gkBx2uTXfrxLl-5_mL7Btg&s=09 https://twitter.com/idavidrein/status/1764
Claude 3: The AI That FINALLY Beats ChatGPT?
2 個月前
 • 22 次觀看
Claude 3 just came out. Let's play with it! Discover More From Me: 🛠️ Explore hundreds of AI Tools: https://futuretools.io/ 📰 Weekly Newsletter: https://www.futuretools.io/newsletter 😊 Discord Community: https://futuretools.io/discord 🐤 Follow me on Twitte
Benchmarks Say Claude 3 is Better than GPT-4, But is It?
Anthropic has released a new version of its Claude Large Language Model. The new LLM, called Claude 3, comes in 3 versions. According to the benchmarks, Claude 3 Opus is better than GPT-4. But do the real-world tests show the same thing? Let's find out. --
AI Never Sleeps: This Week's News That Shook the AI World!
This week's AI news features Chrome's "Help me write" tool, Adobe's AI for document assistance, and Google's app recommendations. Learn about Groq's AI processing speeds, Apple's AI developments, and the impact of ChatGPT and Google Gemini. Stay informed o