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家族的業力是共創的,互為因果,解綁家族業力,讓人生更順遂,如何做到擺脫家族業力?|家族業力|家族覺醒 #zen
【隨喜結緣,福報共修】zen·wisdom·meditation 隨緣加入會員,福慧齊升:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR6nWir0-wTTaqvuRedYXqQ/join ------------------------------------------------------- 🎬播放列表看更多影片 ▶修心思維◆Mind cultivation thinking https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7nq1nnrbAe
💛 Transformative Paths: Ancient Wisdom to Personal Growth (Yamsox Live Mar April 23th, 2024)
Dive into a profound journey spanning ancient rituals, personal refinement, and the essence of contentment with 'Embracing Transformative Paths: From Ancient Wisdom to Personal Growth.' This stream meticulously unfolds with setting spiritual intentions, ex
Activate 3rd Eye 🦋 Connect With Source Energy 🩷✨ Powerful Guided Meditation
Unlock your full potential and tap into the limitless power of the universe with this life-changing guided meditation! Experience the transformational power of activating your third eye and connecting with source energy in this powerful guided meditation s
GOOD MORNING MUSIC - Powerful Positive Energy | Peaceful Morning Meditation Music For Wake Up, Relax
Welcome to your daily dose of positivity! Start your day right with our uplifting morning meditation music designed to help you wake up happy and stress-free. Let this soothing music guide you towards relaxation, healing, and a peaceful state of mind. Join
🔴 Relaxing Zen Music 24/7, Stress Relief Music, Sleep Music, Meditation Music, Study, Calming Music
Enjoy our latest relaxing music live stream: youtube.com/yellowbrickcinema/live Relaxing Zen Music 24/7, Stress Relief Music, Sleep Music, Meditation Music, Study, Calming Music – Are you into meditation, just looking to relax or hoping to enjoy a yoga ses
Deep Sleep Healing: Full Body Repair and Regeneration at 432Hz, Positive Energy Flow #17
Deep Sleep Healing: Full Body Repair and Regeneration at 432Hz, Positive Energy Flow #17 Welcome to new relaxing music broadcast live on Healing Active channel. They can leave the video at a low volume and start doing any task such as studying, working, re
7.83 Hz Schumann Resonance, 432 Hz Healing Frequency, Boost Positive Energy, Meditation Music
7.83 Hz Schumann Resonance, 432 Hz Powerful Healing Frequency, Positive Energy, Meditation Music, Binaural Beats, Boost Your Aura, Aura Cleansing. Schumann resonances are electromagnetic resonances of our planet. They can be found in the space between the
BEAUTIFUL MORNING MUSIC - Boost Positive Energy | Morning Meditation Music For Waking Up, Relaxation
Start your day with a burst of positive energy and relaxation with our beautiful morning music! In this video, immerse yourself in soothing melodies designed to lift your spirits and enhance your morning routine. Discover the power of morning meditation mu
【隨喜結緣,福報共修】zen·wisdom·meditation 隨緣加入會員,福慧齊升:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR6nWir0-wTTaqvuRedYXqQ/join ------------------------------------------------------- 🎬播放列表看更多影片 ▶修心思維◆Mind cultivation thinking https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7nq1nnrbAe
獲得智慧 提升認知 弘揚經典 傳承文化 隨緣隨喜
每天都生活中晴天里的秘密 ~大圣老师聊修仙
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Easter Eggs, Adorable Bunny - Relaxing Piano Music, Stress Relief, Gentle Melodies for Deep Sleep.
Easter Eggs, Adorable Bunny - Relaxing Piano Music, Stress Relief, Gentle Melodies for Deep Sleep. #sleepmusic #music #piano #insomnia #stress #anxiety Hello! Dreams Adrift here! Immerse yourself in a world of tranquility with " Easter Eggs, Adorable Bunny
人生總是充滿挑戰和困難,保持正面固然好,但有時盲目的正面會讓人無法釋放壓力,變成陽光抑鬱症。我們需要做的是了解挑戰困難的真正本質,為什麼他們要出現﹖宇宙安排我們面對種種難題到底有什麼目的﹖當我們發現難關背後的真相,我們就能學習從另一角度去思考和應對。 片尾亦和大家分享了一個身心靈活動: 【🌊第十屆 療愈藝術節 - 尋遇完整之旅,直抵心靈開闊🏔️ 】 今個復活節假期療愈藝術節將於與山海相連的 #麗豪航天城酒店 舉行2️⃣天盛大生命慶典。一個匯聚藝術、療愈和靈性的盛會,為繁忙的都市人提供追尋內在平靜和創造力的寶
周五「天赦日」💥三招添福補運🌟奪得好彩頭秘笈|超強改運秘法,接收你的財富能量|謹記兩大禁忌,避免觸犯神明|天赦日拜拜禁忌、供品準備與補財庫秘訣|分享朋友 功德無量 福報滿滿 #般若思維
「天赦日」就要到了。這是一個難得的轉運大吉日,招財改運特別靈驗。尤其是今年犯太歲的朋友,更是一個改運招財的特別機會。 今天,讓我與你分享,三個招財的秘訣,幫助你提升財運。同時,請你謹記兩個禁忌,以免觸犯神明。讓我們一起迎接這場財富與好運的盛宴吧! #般若思維 #正能量 #智慧 #天赦日 #改運 #添福補運 #補運 #玉皇大帝 #幸運色 #拜拜禁忌 #犯太歲 #補財庫 #財富能量 #成長 #禪 #思考 #能量 #修行 #覺醒 #開悟 #福報 #風水 #運勢 #命理 #佛教 #心靈雞湯 #心靈成長 #medit
ご相談を受け付けるための 運気覚醒チャンネル 銀の公式LINEをスタートしました!! ↓ ↓ ↓ https://lin.ee/NoOfe2G あなたの開運のお手伝いをする銀の 「運気覚醒の部屋」 30日間無料体験できます!! ↓ ↓ ↓ http://gin-feng-shui.com/fortune-awakening-room/ 【天赦日×寅×雷神×一粒万倍日】3月15日は180年に1回の吉日。開運行動4つ。暦を風水で解説。 3月15日は 私たちが生きている間には もう来る事がない吉日が いくつも重な
【隨喜結緣,福報共修】zen·wisdom·meditation 隨緣加入會員,福慧齊升:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR6nWir0-wTTaqvuRedYXqQ/join ------------------------------------------------------- 🎬播放列表看更多影片 ▶修心思維◆Mind cultivation thinking https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7nq1nnrbAe
Close Your Eyes & Feel the STRONG ENERGY of Lord SHIVA Through This MAGICAL Mantra
#shiv #mahadev #mahashivratri2024 #bholenath #shiva Welcome to Religious India – a sacred space where spirituality meets modern life. Dive deep into the realms of devotion with our enriching content, featuring soul-soothing chants, insightful reflections,
Rose Quartz Crystalline Angelic Light Transmission
In this transmission we invoke Angels of Rose Quartz Crystalline Light through the Crystalline Grid of Gaia into your space. The transmission begins into the base chakra and from there into the bones and blood. Then into the sacral chakra and from there in
Next Level Manifestation Meditation 🧲⚡️ Become Incredibly Magnetic, The Power of Citrine 💛
Welcome to the ultimate manifestation meditation using the powerful energy of Citrine! This guided meditation will take you to the next level of manifestation, helping you become incredibly magnetic to the things you desire. Citrine is known as the "Mercha