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《Rebel Moon — 第 2 部:烙印之人》| 正式預告 | Netflix
《Rebel Moon — 第 2 部:烙印之人》將在 2024 年 4 月 19 日於 Netflix 首播。 《Rebel Moon — 第 2 部:烙印之人》將延續柯拉和倖存戰士們的史詩式傳奇故事:他們作好犧牲一切的準備,與無畏的碧草星人並肩作戰,共同捍衛昔日和平的村落,並讓此地成為因對抗母星而流浪的勇者新家園。戰鬥前夕,一眾戰士必須各自面對過去的真相,坦承為何而戰。當王國全力對付正在萌芽的叛軍勢力,眾人關係逐漸變得牢不可破,英雄亦嶄露頭角、成就傳奇誕生。 經過十年又十年的醞釀,薩克薜達 (Zack
《Rebel Moon — 第 2 部:烙印之人》| 正式前導預告 | Netflix
《Rebel Moon — 第 2 部:烙印之人》將在 2024 年 4 月 19 日於 Netflix 首播。 《Rebel Moon — 第 2 部:烙印之人》將延續柯拉和倖存戰士們的史詩式傳奇故事:他們作好犧牲一切的準備,與無畏的碧草星人並肩作戰,共同捍衛昔日和平的村落,並讓此地成為因對抗母星而流浪的勇者新家園。戰鬥前夕,一眾戰士必須各自面對過去的真相,坦承為何而戰。當王國全力對付正在萌芽的叛軍勢力,眾人關係逐漸變得牢不可破,英雄亦嶄露頭角、成就傳奇誕生。 經過十年又十年的醞釀,薩克薜達 (Zack
《Rebel Moon — 第 1 部:火之女》| 正式預告 | Netflix
12 月 22 日,一個嶄新宇宙即將降臨 Netflix。 經過十年又十年的醞釀,薩克薜達 (Zack Snyder) 執導的史詩級科幻鉅製《Rebel Moon》將分為上下兩部面世,繼《戰狼 300》、《超人:鋼鐵英雄》及《不死喪軍》之後又一力作。 柯拉(蘇菲亞寶堤拉 Sofia Boutella 飾)迫降宇宙遠方的某顆星球,在和平的農夫聚居地展開新生活,無人得知這位陌生人的神秘過去。然而,當暴君巴利薩留斯(弗拉菲 Fra Fee 飾)和他的殘忍特使艾提克斯諾伯上將(艾德史克林 Ed Skrein 飾)發
Echo 3 — Official Trailer | Apple TV+
1 年前
 • 91 次觀看
Luke Evans and Michiel Huisman star in Echo 3, a new series about a brilliant scientist kidnapped in Colombia, and her brother and husband who will stop at nothing to bring her home. From Mark Boal, Academy-Award winning writer of The Hurt Locker and Z
A Boy Called Christmas | Official Trailer | Netflix
An ordinary young boy called Nikolas sets out on an extraordinary adventure into the snowy north in search of his father who is on a quest to discover the fabled village of the elves, Elfhelm. Taking with him a headstrong reindeer called Blitzen and a loy
Kate Trailer #1 (2021) | Movieclips Trailers
2 年前
 • 100 次觀看
Check out the official Kate Trailer starring Mary Elizabeth Winstead! Let us know what you think in the comments below. ► Buy Tickets: https://www.fandango.com/kate-2021-225449/movie-overview?cmp=MCYT_YouTube_Desc Want to be notified of all the lates
The Red Sea Diving Resort | Trailer Resmi | Netflix
Terinspirasi oleh misi-misi penyelamatan nyawa luar biasa, THE RED SEA DIVING RESORT merupakan kisah menakjubkan tentang sekelompok agen internasional dan penduduk Etiopia pemberani. Di awal tahun '80-an, mereka menggunakan kawasan liburan yang terbengkala
The Red Sea Diving Resort Trailer #1 (2019) | Movieclips Trailers
Check out the official The Red Sea Diving Resort Trailer starring Chris Evans! Let us know what you think in the comments below. ► Learn more about this movie on Rotten Tomatoes: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_red_sea_diving_resort?cmp=MCYT_Yo
The Red Sea Diving Resort | Official Trailer | Netflix
Inspired by remarkable true life rescue missions, THE RED SEA DIVING RESORT is the incredible story of a group of international agents and brave Ethiopians who in the early 80s used a deserted holiday retreat in Sudan as a front to smuggle thousands of ref
《紅海深潛》 | 正式預告 | Netflix
4 年前
 • 40 次觀看
《紅海深潛》改編自偉大的真實救援任務,故事描述一群國際特工探員和勇敢的埃塞俄比亞人合作,在 80 年代初期透過蘇丹一個廢棄的度假勝地,將上千名難民暗渡至以色列。這個執行任務的臥底團隊是由深具魅力的艾里·奇德隆(Chris Evans 飾)和英勇的當地人卡貝德·彬若(Michael Kenneth Williams 飾)帶領。本劇卡士強勁,其他演員包括 Haley Bennett、Alessandro Nivola、Michiel Huisman、Chris Chalk、Greg Kinnear 及 Ben
State Like Sleep Trailer #1 (2019) | Movieclips Trailers
Check out the official State Like Sleep trailer starring Katherine Waterston! Let us know what you think in the comments below. ► Buy Tickets to State Like Sleep: https://www.fandango.com/state-like-sleep-215997/movie-overview?cmp=MCYT_YouTube_Desc
《陰宅異事》| 花絮:鬼魅道具 [HD] | Netflix
The Haunting of Hill House | Horror Shop Featurette [HD] | Netflix
Behind the ghosts of The Haunting of Hill House.
《陰宅異事》| 花絮:第 6 集製作特輯 [HD] | Netflix
《陰宅異事》第 6 集〈兩場暴風雨〉備受好評,創作者 Mike Flanagan 親自介紹製作過程,並解釋他為何決定採用一刀不剪的長鏡頭及電影攝製技巧。
The Haunting of Hill House | Featurette: The Making Of Episode 6 [HD] | Netflix
Mike Flanagan walks us through the making of the critically acclaimed "Haunting of Hill House" Episode Six, titled "Two Storms," and why he decided to do long, unedited shots and cinematography.
《陰宅異事》| 克蘭一家人 | Netflix
5 年前
 • 32 次觀看
The Haunting of Hill House | Meet the Crains | Netflix
Every family has its ghosts. The Crains are no exception..
The Haunting of Hill House | Directing Fear Featurette | Netflix
A behind-the-scenes look at director Mike Flanagan and the process of filming ghosts in The Haunting of Hill House.
《陰宅異事》| 詮釋恐懼(花絮)| Netflix
《陰宅異事》精彩幕後拍攝花絮,邀您一探導演 Mike Flanagan 如何掌握驚悚氣氛,拍攝靈異鏡頭。