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US Confirms Israeli Air Strikes on Iran Base Near 'Nuclear Energy Mountain'
JERUSALEM, Israel – Israel has reportedly struck targets in Iran in response to last weekend's unprecedented missile and drone attack against the Jewish state. The Iranian Tasnim news agency reported the assault took place in the southeastern part of the c
Iran BeWARE!!! Entire Fleet of Fully Armed US B-52 Nuclear Bombers Flown to Middle East❗
🔴 Please Turn On Subtitles for non-English Context or Information The B-52 Nuclear Bombers, accompanied by skilled aircrew from the 5th and 2nd Bomb Wing, embarked on an undisclosed mission. The air echoed with the thunderous roar of these aircraft as they
Putin promete castigar a Ucrania por ataques en el primer día de las elecciones rusas
El presidente ruso Vladimir Putin acusó este viernes a Ucrania de intentar perturbar las elecciones presidenciales de Rusia bombardeando territorio ruso y utilizando 2,500 soldados armados para intentar traspasar las fronteras de su país, y prometió castig
Putin sobre os EUA: 'o baile dos vampiros está acabando'
Guerra nuclear e baile de vampiros? 🧛🏻‍♂🇺🇸 Poucos dias antes das eleições russas, o atual presidente Vladimir Putin disse, na quarta-feira (13), que o país está tecnicamente pronto para uma guerra nuclear caso os EUA enviassem tropas militares à Ucrânia, e
【3.11から13年】危うい志賀原発等の再稼働 福島の教訓は生かされたか? 木野龍逸PRESENTS
■ライブ配信中のコメントはニコニコへ↓ https://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv344345861 東日本大震災 3.11 特集 https://ch.nicovideo.jp/311 今年1月1日に、また大規模地震が能登半島を襲いました。能登半島地震では、北陸電力志賀原発の重大事故時に避難経路となるはずだった道路が寸断、多くの家屋が倒壊し、これまでの避難計画について疑問の目が向けられています。また、今回の震源地となった石川県珠洲市には、かつて2つの原発計画があったことはあまり知
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missile launche from air #shorts #sfs #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #missile #rocket #gaming #ksp #spaceflightsimulator #space #trending #viralshort #viralvideo #trending #ytshorts #shortfeed #missilelaunch #shorts
【#国会中継】参議院 資源エネルギー・持続可能社会に関する調査会 原子力問題に関する件 ~令和6年2月14日~
■ライブ配信中のコメントはニコニコへ↓ https://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv344316555 本番組は二次創作利用を禁止しています。 原子力等エネルギー・資源、持続可能社会に関する調査 (「原子力問題に関する件」のうち、原子力規制委員会の活動状況) ・説明聴取 山中 伸介(原子力規制委員会委員長) (原子力問題に関する件) 質疑者 13:10-13:25 神谷政幸(自由民主党) 13:25-13:40 広瀬めぐみ(自由民主党) 13:40-14:20 鬼木誠(立憲民主・社民
Purepoint Uranium (TSXV:PTU) - Developing High-Grade Projects with Cameco and Orano
Interview with Chris Frostdad, President & CEO of Purepoint Uranium Our previous interview: https://www.cruxinvestor.com/posts/purepoint-uranium-tsxvptu-costs-reduced-portfolio-optionality-maintained-3525 Recording date: 26th January 2024 With uranium pric
Japan earthquake: cameras reveal panic as tremors strike | BBC News
A major search and rescue operation is underway in Japan after a powerful earthquake struck parts of the country. More than 100 tremors caused serious damage and fears of a tsunami. Tens of thousands of people were evacuated from high risk areas. The Prime
平昌韓燒特約|搭飛機輻射 勁過年飲福島污水?解構日本排核廢水驚啲乜?一片睇清來龍去脈!氚β射線=肝癌電療?|懶人包 https://channelchk.com/...
平昌韓燒特約|搭飛機輻射 勁過年飲福島污水?解構日本排核廢水驚啲乜?一片睇清來龍去脈!氚β射線=肝癌電療?|懶人包 https://channelchk.com/a/13264 日本福島排放已過濾的核廢水,爭議未止;中國繼續全面封殺當地進口水產。東電排放氚等放射物質進海,究竟有何需要驚慌?乘搭2程長途飛機的輻射量,竟遠超飲用福島廢水1年?會否飲死人?氚的β輻射,與電療癌症的β輻射是否一樣?本片將深入淺出,為大家梳理這場爭議的來龍去脈。 平昌韓燒 由韓國人主理,與你共度歡樂今「燒」🔥 樂富店 電話:3904
【#PLive】日本福島核廢水今日排放 《我們的島》福島光與影系列報導
#福島 #Fukushima #ふくしまし #nuclear 日本政府宣布福島第一核電廠氚廢水,在今天正式排放。依照東京電力公司計畫,經過處理和稀釋的核廢水,會經過大約1公里長的海底隧道排放入海,排放時間達到30年,而第一次排放作業將會耗時17天,單日排放量是460噸。 《公視新聞網》與《 我們的島》準備系列專題,帶您一起了解日本福島排放核廢水的影響。 看更多#我們的島 系列報導 → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=um-kn4S-p20&list=PLXlYJoW7xXRv
【福島第一原発の処理水 海洋放出のトリチウム濃度分析結果を公表】東京電力 記者会見
■ライブ配信中のコメントはニコニコへ↓ https://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv342557316 東京電力は政府の方針に基づき、福島第一原子力発電所にたまるトリチウムなどの放射性物質を含む処理水を基準を下回る濃度に薄めた上で、24日午後1時ごろ、海への放出を始めました。 そして、放出後は速やかに海上でのモニタリングを実施し、25日午後にも結果を公表します。 東京電力による記者会見の模様を、終了まで生中継いたします。 【会見者】 福島第一廃炉推進カンパニー・広報担当 松尾桂介(ま
Oppenheimer cast reacts to Cillian Murphy in the movie | Etalk Interview
Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, Cillian Murphy and Christopher Nolan sat down with Lainey Lui to discuss ‘Oppenheimer,’ Matt and Emily’s relationship and why the world needed another nuclear war movie. #MattDamon #EmilyBlunt #CillianMurphy #ChristopherNolan #Oppe
Lukashenko says he could launch Russian nuclear weapons - BBC News
The President of Belarus has suggested that he could use tactical nuclear weapons, which are being deployed in his country by Russia. Alexander Lukashenko is a close ally of the Russian President Vladimir Putin and his country served as a launchpad for Rus
Even GRETA THUNBERG would APPROVE of this mining company! #esg #miningindustry #uranium
Watch the Full Interview: https://youtu.be/MEGC3iAwsFc William M. Sheriff, Executive Chairman of enCore Energy, spoke with BTV Business Television about the future of nuclear power and ongoing investor trends for uranium. Mr. Sheriff was a pioneer in the u
🔥 Juegos y Tarjetas Prepago Más Baratas https://www.eneba.com/?af_id=soki Buenas gente! NUEVO VIDEO DE CALL OF DUTY WARZONE 2.0! LA MEJOR RECOMPENSA GRATIS! LA TAQ V PESADILLA NUCLEAR! Espero que os guste! Like y sub para mas! :D ► VIDEOS Y CANALES RECOMEN
Putin warns UK over depleted uranium weapons - BBC News
Russia’s President Putin has warned that if the UK goes ahead with plans to supply Ukraine with shells containing depleted uranium, then Russia will be forced “to respond”. The warning came on the second day of a visit to Moscow by China’s President Xi. Vl
Why China is losing the microchip war
1 年前
 • 47 次觀看
And why the US and China are fighting over silicon in the first place. Subscribe and turn on notifications 🔔 so you don't miss any videos: http://goo.gl/0bsAjO In October 2022, the Biden administration placed a large-scale ban on the sale of advanced semic
USA vs China, The War You Can't See
1 年前
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The US and China are fighting a war. It's a weird one that's hard to see. Visit https://bit.ly/Scaler_JohnnyHarris to take the free live class. The US and China are fighting a war. It's a weird one that's hard to see. It's being fought in government office