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一射千金 Pxxxhub 的故事 影評 Money Shot【羅比】要被黃標了嗎?
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Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story | Official Trailer | Netflix
Jimmy Savile was one of the United Kingdom’s most beloved TV personalities. Shortly after his death in 2011, an investigation prompted more than 450 horrific allegations of sexual assault and abuse, with victims as young as 5. The documentary examines,
Lead Me Home | Official Trailer | Netflix
2 年前
 • 96 次觀看
500,000 Americans experience homelessness every night. Lead Me Home is a documentary short by Jon Shenk and Pedro Kos that captures the experience from multiple perspectives. This immersive, cinematic film personalizes the overwhelming issue by telling
Dance Dreams: Hot Chocolate Nutcracker | Official Trailer | Netflix
Every year, students at Debbie Allen Dance Academy perform a genre-busting, cutting edge rendition of The Nutcracker ballet called Hot Chocolate Nutcracker. This documentary follows legend Debbie Allen and her students as they prepare for the showstopping
André & his olive tree | Official Trailer | Netflix
André & his olive tree, an intimate documentary following the life of Taiwan’s first Michelin-starred chef-restaurateur André Chiang, will be available on Netflix (outside of Singapore) globally starting December 8, 2020. Subscribe: https://bit.ly/39caHHE
《初心》by 江振誠 | 正式預告 | Netflix
Netflix上首部以台灣創作者為主角的紀錄片《初心》將於 12 月 8 日於全球(除新加坡外)獨家上線。本片首次公開國際名廚江振誠個人與職業生涯的私密紀錄,以及主廚為何選擇在米其林二星餐廳 Restaurant André 即將攻頂的巔峰之時結束營業,返回家鄉台灣重拾初心的動人歷程。 訂閱: https://bit.ly/39caHHE 關於 Netflix: Netflix 是全球首屈一指的串流娛樂服務事業,在逾 190 個國家與地區擁有超過 1.95 億名付費會員,內容包括影集、紀錄片與劇情長片等,橫
《貓不可殺不可辱:網絡殺手大搜捕》| 正式預告 | Netflix
神秘男子殺害兩隻貓貓的影片在網上曝光,全球網民誓言找出行兇者。然而,殺手因自己的一夕成名大受鼓舞,繼而在網上放上更多殘忍的影片,甚至引發謀殺。《貓不可殺不可辱:網絡殺手大搜捕》為《The Imposter and Silk Road》製作團隊最新力作,將於 12 月 18 日在 Netflix 上線。 關於 Netflix Netflix 是全球首屈一指的串流娛樂服務事業,在逾 190 個國家與地區擁有超過 1.58 億名付費會員,內容包括影集、紀錄片與劇情長片等,橫跨多種類型和語言。會員可以透過任何配備上
Don't F**k With Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer | Official Trailer | Netflix
When a video is posted online of a mysterious man killing two kittens, internet users across the world leap into action to find the perpetrator. Encouraged by the attention he's receiving, the killer continues posting ever more disturbing videos, eventuall
The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix
A detailed look at the disappearance of 3-year-old Madeleine McCann, who vanished while on holiday with her family. The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann. Only on Netflix March 15th.
《Madeleine McCann 失蹤懸案》| 正式預告 [HD] | Netflix
三歲的 Madeleine McCann 與家人度假時人間蒸發,《Madeleine McCann 失蹤懸案》仔細研究箇中細節。本影集將於 3 月 15 日上線,Netflix 獨家。
《麥卡恩失蹤懸案》| 正式預告 [HD] | Netflix
三歲的瑪德蓮·麥卡恩與家人度假時人間蒸發,《麥卡恩失蹤懸案》將帶您細探此案始末。本影集將於 3 月 15 日上線,Netflix 獨家。
Making A Murderer Part 2 | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix
The convictions were only the beginning. The worldwide phenomenon continues October 19th, only on Netflix.
Ugly Delicious | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix
You'll eat this up. UGLY DELICIOUS. Coming to Netflix 23 February.
Ugly Delicious | Ali Wong and David Chang | Netflix
We accept the pho we think we deserve. UGLY DELICIOUS. February 23.