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【懶人包】Google Gemini、Copilot Image Creator與DALL·E 3功能、效能大比拼!這部影片教你圖像生成AI如何選!結果讓人大跌眼鏡!
在這個快速發展的人工智慧時代,圖像生成AI技術以其驚人的創造力和應用廣泛性吸引了許多目光。 为此,我们準備了一場精彩的技術比拼,將Google Gemini、Copilot Image Creator與DALL·E 3三大圖像生成AI巨頭放在同一戰場上,進行一次功能、效能的全面比較! 透過直觀的範例和詳盡的分析,本影片將深入探討每個平台的獨特之處以及它們在實際應用中的表現如何。 無論您是科技愛好者、藝術創作者或商業人士,都能在這場比較中找到最適合您需求的AI工具。結局更是出乎意料,絕對讓你大吃一驚!
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📒本期笔记:https://luminous-mapusaurus-1aa.notion.site/Hayo-AI-App-c2f1aff6c112437bb94909be69c6ec1f?pvs=4 💗 加入99ai newsletter, 点链接看微信群:http://jjmgshop.com/ 🤖Jojo Ai 课: https://99ai.teachable.com/p/jojo-ai 👩‍🦰【干货】如何做数字人,1天克隆你自己://youtu.be/qjqk9CXQG98 数字人网站:http
Notion Calendar Review - I Love this Calendar App
2 個月前
 • 29 次觀看
✅ Try Notion: https://theinventar.com/recommends/notion/ In today's video, we are talking a look at the new Notion Calendar app. It was formerly Cron calendar. Notion calnedar is separate from the main notion app. If you enjoyed the content, please leave l
Notion Formulas 2.0: Creating Character Limits For Posts By Social Medium
Learn how to use the length(), lets(), empty() and ifs() Notion formula functions to create a responsive character limit for posts. You can set different character limits freely through a number property and by referencing different social mediums you can
The Next Generation of Notion Dashboards
2 個月前
 • 3 次觀看
In this video, I show you how to create a PersonalOS, the best way to bring all of your data into one place without interfering with the rest of your workspace. It uses the Perspectives Method, a novel way to build in Notion making everything feel like an
夢を実現するためのNotion(ノーション)活用方法を紹介! 中々結果が出ない、努力が続かないという方にぜひ見ていただきたいです! 動画で紹介する方法を実践することで迷いのない行動が取れるようになって、自己肯定感が何倍にも高まりますよ! ╋━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╋ 📲 フリーランス・法人向けサポート窓口 ╋━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╋ 💭 案件管理がうまく進められていない 💭 議事録や資料をいつも探している 💭 メンバー間の情報共有がうまくいっていない そんな方は
EVERYONE is Switching to Notion, Should You??
2 個月前
 • 10 次觀看
See more: http://www.jhelmuth.com Sign up for EARLY ACCESS to my newsletter: https://www.jhelmuth.com/newsletter Please don't forget to hit that like and subscribe button to help support a small YouTuber like me! It goes a long way... Get 2 extra months fo
what it's like being single on valentine's day
2 個月前
 • 6 次觀看
valentine's a wonderful day. but what about single people? welcome to me giving valentine's day advice as well as reading some funny valentine's reddit stories :) 🌱 BUY MY WALLPAPERS (thank you for supporting me 💓) ⋅ https://ko-fi.com/kainotebook 🌱 FOLLOW
本日、Notionから新しいアプリ「Notionカレンダー」がリリースされました!!!タスク管理で挫折して数ヶ月、モバイルでも確認できるNotionのカレンダー機能のアップデートをずっと待っていましたが、ついに念願叶う日が来てしまった…!要チェックです🔥 📍Notionカレンダーはこちら:https://www.notion.so/ja-jp/product/calendar 📍Notionはこちら:https://notion.grsm.io/rozwvoev3k2v ------------------
Notion Calendar: Integração do Notion ao Agenda, finalmente? | Sebastian Baltazar, Mago do Notion
Veio aí: Notion Calendar o novo Aplicativo da Notion que permite que você Centralize todas as suas agendas em um único lugar! Agora sim, temos uma integração entre google agenda e Notion! Nesse guia eu faço uma review e também te dou um guia para os primei
Will I switch from ClickUp & Vimcal to Notion Calendar?
In this video, Tom shares his first impressions about the new Notion Calendar and how good it integrates with Notion vs ClickUp vs Google Docs. 🚀✨ Our Productivity Courses: https://paperlessmovement.com/courses 👀 Follow us YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/
La nueva aplicación Notion Calendar se convertirá en tu calendario favorito | Tutorial en español
Así es la nueva aplicación de Notion, Notion Calendar, que junta lo mejor de Google Calendar con las bases de Datos en Notion para crear una aplicación de calendario casi perfecta. Espero que este tutorial en español te sirva para sacarle el máximo partido
Grosse annonce du côté de Notion : Cron devient Notion Calendar, et ouvre la possibilité d'afficher des entrées de bases de données dans son calendrier ! Je vous explique tout, et vous montre quelques utilisations que j'en fait déjà ✨ Le calendrier Notion
Notion Calendar: Notion's BIGGEST update yet
3 個月前
 • 14 次觀看
#notion #notioncalendar #notiontutorial Watch the Full Headquarters Tour video here ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faCYKpHYCPs&t=0s "Productivity Playbook" Free Email Course ✉️ https://notionsetups.gumroad.com/l/ProductivityPlaybook "Streamline your Wo
Notion Calendar : une révolution dans la gestion de ton temps
Ton temps est la ressource 𝗹𝗮 𝗽𝗹𝘂𝘀 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲 ! Notion a sorti une application : Notion Calendar. Je t'explique tout. Je vais ajouter rapidement un nouveau chapitre à ma Formation Gratuite Notion (https://krea.li/fgn) Notion est l'outil central de ton acti
Notion Calendar: Integrate Google Calendar & Zoom! (FREE Method)
👉 Get Productive Brain Notion Template: https://go.productivedude.com This comprehensive tutorial guides you through the process of connecting your Notion account to Notion Calendar and syncing it with your Google Calendar. Plus, discover how to add Zoom m
Introducing Notion Calendar
3 個月前
 • 47 次觀看
Cron Calendar is dead, and introducing the new Notion calendar? Get Notion Calendar: toolfinder.co/go/cron-calendar Welcome to Keep Productive. Your place to find and discover productivity tools. Our main mission is to help you find the perfect productivit
Notion’s New Calendar App is a Game-Changer
3 個月前
 • 19 次觀看
Notion just launched a full-featured calendar app. Here's everything you need to know! Start using Notion Calendar: https://notion.so/calendar 📚 NOTION FUNDAMENTALS (Free & Complete Notion Beginner's Course) https://thomasjfrank.com/fundamentals/ 🧠 ULTIMAT
Notion Calendar is Here! Your Full Guide To The New Notion App
Notion Calendar is here & it’s going to be huge! This video is your full guide to the new Notion app where I walk you through everything you need to know and share my favourite new features in two sections: 1: better calendar features than Google Cal, & 2.