
1 天內
1 週內
1 個月內
1 年內
Dairy News: Triple XP Week, Coins Only Task Event, and Golden Week
Best. Farm. Ever. Welcome to Hay Day, the most popular farming game on mobiles and tablets, number one in 122 countries. Get Hay Day ►► https://link.haydaygame.com/ Learn the lay of the land, tend to your crops, and trade goods with neighbors and friends.
It's really happy🤣🤣
1 個月前
 • 11 次觀看
I broke in tears when he was trying to rise his head asking for help while taking almost last breath
Napoleon was thrown from a car in a garbage bag, He was practically lifeless and breathing hardly, in a lot of pain, injury to his body, he couldn't move, his whole body was wet with a lot of cold, feces and urine in his hair... He was an elderly dog and h
Digital Circus Saved My Kitten *Crazy Pets Hacks And DIY House For Cats*
It's One Color House Challenge time! Me and my cat were left without a house. We need a new home. Me and a homeless guy will compete for the best cardboard house for our cats! The best life hacks for the home from rich and poor. Build your pet a cardboard
恵方巻を秒で食べる犬【関西弁でしゃべる犬】dog throwing beans#615#節分#恵方巻#鬼は外福は内#トイプードル#ミニチュアシュナウザー#shorts
愛犬の「ルーク」が関西弁でおしゃべりする おもしろ可愛い犬アテレコチャンネルです! 月曜・水曜・木曜・金曜・土曜・日曜の昼12時に動画を投稿してます。 Dog "Luke" talks in Kansai dialect It's a funny and cute dog post-recording channel! I post videos at 12:00 noon on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays.
Puppy Saved by GIANT Rubber Duck! #puppy #dog #funny #rubberduck #shorts
Cute puppy dog Indie is being chased by a giant, crazed rubber duck, and then is unexpectedly saved by an even more giant rubber ducky (20 ft tall to be exact!)
【你把我惹毛了】地表最療癒工作?幫毛孩華麗大變身!甜慾系寵物美容師寶7來了 Beauty | Pet Groomer
可以天天親近可愛的萌寵,幫牠們打扮美美帥帥,想必是最療癒的工作了🥰現在越來越多的人喜歡養寵物,平時除了要讓家中毛孩吃飽喝足,帶牠們去修剪毛髮做做美容造型肯定是不能少的,《你把我惹毛了》17日晚間6點,邀請正妹寵物美容師寶7和大家分享寵物美容相關知識,並揭露職業甘苦與工作秘辛。身材姣好的她也將出席1月26日的「TSE台灣寫真博覽會」,並搶先在此次直播化身「寵物女僕」性感出鏡,內容絕對精彩,千萬不要錯過。 1/26-28 「TSE台灣寫真博覽會」將與大家見面! 亞洲最大的國際寫真展,集結海內外的性感寫真女星 門
🔴【LIVE直播】超過「10隻貓店員」一秒攻陷貓奴 開箱新北療癒「貓中途餐廳」|2023.12.29|Taiwan News Live|台湾のニュース生放送| 대만 뉴스 방송
#寵物 #萌寵 #CAT #貓 位在新北市三重區的這間貓中途餐廳,收容了許多沒有家的流浪貓,餐廳請獸醫師悉心照料、恢復他們的健康後,希望透過這個平台,讓他們找到溫暖、有愛的家。這家餐廳同時是一間專為毛小孩打造的寵物餐廳,不強制毛小孩牽繩或關進寵物籠,是鏟屎官與毛小孩用餐休閒的好去處,更是貓奴大大們的天堂。那就跟著小編一起來逛逛吧! 🐶🐱🐼🐤寵物社團「📢你把我惹毛了⚡️」全新開張,歡迎奴才們加入✅ https://bit.ly/3iStYYT
5 個月前
 • 19 次觀看
本日の動画は・・・ぷっちのワクチン接種に行くお話と、ちるくんの心臓病検査のお話です。 チャンネル登録・フォローよろしくお願いします! 写真はtwitterによくアップしています。 Twitter:https://twitter.com/chirukun0421 ↓他動画はこちら↓ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvX3sg4S-S1BhPUll2aCdSHz4oNP7UOUz #キャバリア #dog #cavalier #動物 #animal #pet #わん
Oliver's 2023 Christmas livestream; opening his FIRST CHRISTMAS PRESENT of the season!
Please join us on Sunday 3 December at 11 am Pacific time for Oliver's Christmas livestream! You can watch as he opens his first Christmas present! Let's celebrate the holidays together! If you live in the United States and would like to buy a copy of Oliv
💁‍♂️오빠를 너무 좋아했어요 | 마사지 받다가 Zzz | 강아지 췌장암 | 2021년 9월 | 보고싶다💌 #shorts
#펫로스증후군 #말티즈 #강아지췌장암 🐶2013/3/5ㅡ생일🐶 ⛔️2022/6/18ㅡ십자인대 단열 수술 ⛔️2022/7/8ㅡ자궁 난소 절제 수술 &유선 종양 제거 ⛔️2023/8월초ㅡ쿠싱증후군 치료중 ⛔️2023/8월초ㅡ발목 종양 제거 수술 ⛔️2023/10/1ㅡ췌장암 말기&담도 폐쇄증 ⛔️2023/10/8ㅡ무지개 다리 건넘 (11살)
댕서들의 TOP티어 싸움, 스트리트 댕서 파이터ㅣTOP Tier Doggos' Dance Off, STREET DOGGO DANCE FIGHTER
춤 좀 춘다 하는 댕서들이 모였다 스트릿 댕서 파이터! #집에서함께애니멀봐 #애니멀봐강아지 #DOG ------------------------------------------------- 애니멀봐와 한배타고⛵ -유튜브: https://goo.gl/WL9mGy -페이스북: https://www.facebook.com/sbstvanimal -인스타그램: https://www.instagram.com/sbsanimal -트위터: https://twitter.
07/03 松鼠白博美 Pomeranian -公幼犬-日新犬舍
日新犬舍(台灣)https://www.ptpet.com 日新犬舍(香港)https://hk.ptpet.com 日新犬舍(中國)https://cn.ptpet.com 日新犬舍微博http://www.weibo.com/twpet 日新犬舍(粉絲團)https://www.facebook.com/twpet
07/03 松鼠白博美 Pomeranian -母幼犬2號-日新犬舍
日新犬舍(台灣)https://www.ptpet.com 日新犬舍(香港)https://hk.ptpet.com 日新犬舍(中國)https://cn.ptpet.com 日新犬舍微博http://www.weibo.com/twpet 日新犬舍(粉絲團)https://www.facebook.com/twpet
07/03 松鼠白博美 Pomeranian -母幼犬1號-日新犬舍
日新犬舍(台灣)https://www.ptpet.com 日新犬舍(香港)https://hk.ptpet.com 日新犬舍(中國)https://cn.ptpet.com 日新犬舍微博http://www.weibo.com/twpet 日新犬舍(粉絲團)https://www.facebook.com/twpet
06/20 松鼠白博美 Pomeranian -母幼犬-日新犬舍
日新犬舍(台灣)https://www.ptpet.com 日新犬舍(香港)https://hk.ptpet.com 日新犬舍(中國)https://cn.ptpet.com 日新犬舍微博http://www.weibo.com/twpet 日新犬舍(粉絲團)https://www.facebook.com/twpet
Cute girl kicks cat to protect it🐱🐱
9 個月前
 • 59 次觀看
This Puppy Didn't Slack In Music School
9 個月前
 • 37 次觀看
Puppy Jay's passion for music began with the classic music... Then he discovered light synth pop for, but as you know, it all ended like always hard rock 🤣 I hope you enjoy my new cute & funny dachshund dog shorts video! And... Try not to laugh! ----------