
1 天內
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要坐上不老男神的寶座真是不容易 誰能一直維持顛峰狀態?
私房下流話podcast EP127:誰是永遠的男神? 歡迎關注: 臉書粉專:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064088833083 Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/private_dirtytalks/ 華語歌曲界創作歌手郭子郭蘅祈與同志頻道「跟老師上床」主持人Teacher Shen共同製作主持,兩個最有默契的大學同學分享私密故事,暢聊時下流行話題。延續「我愛崔苔菁」的幽默風趣談話方式,創造全新的節目內容。溫
[Eng Sub] 台灣同志性向探索的情境喜劇 演員本身是不是gay有關係嗎?#小菁與言言
Sleeping wIth Your Teacher EP256: "A Straight Actor Plays Gay" 跟老師上床第256集:直男演Gay像嗎? 歡迎欣賞小菁與言言:https://www.youtube.com/@SweetGA The purpose of the show is to compare the viewpoints of two generations of gay people. 有趣的同志談話性節目,比較兩個不同世代同志的看法。 This is a channe
健保給付的心理諮商? 台灣同志如何取得特殊醫療資源?
Sleeping wIth Your Teacher LIVE! 支持花蓮同志友善商家: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092558181476 The purpose of the show is to compare the viewpoints of two generations of gay people. 有趣的同志談話性節目,比較兩個不同世代同志的看法。 This is a channel that has zero tolerance
Riley's BISEXUALITY Confirmed in INSIDE OUT 2? #shorts #didyouknow
Did you Know in INSIDE OUT 2?? MOVIE - INSIDE OUT 2 FACT/S - So is Riley Bisexual?? The newest INSIDE OUT 2 Trailer was one of the best trailers I've seen in a long time. It shows a lot without showing a lot. Especially for the movie's fans this is a rolle
《自己人 2.0》環節:Gaily News 2024-02-24
2 個月前
 • 22 次觀看
《自己人 2.0》環節:Gaily News 2024-02-24 主播:Simon - 澳洲石綿污染範圍擴大 雪梨同志狂歡節取消 - 台灣剛宣布「消除M痘」成亞太第一! 馬上爆20歲男自中國大陸帶病返台 - 香港:房屋政策、遺產條例排除同志被裁違憲 政府申上訴至終院 ------------------ 🙇 課 金 應 援 SUPPORT US 🙇 ⭐ 自己人 PATREON:踴躍訂閱 👉 https://www.Patreon.com/WeAreFamilyHere 的尊貴用戶,可享以下內容 - 1/
同志藝人被迫用各種方式出櫃 這種惡劣的行為該停了吧?
Sleeping wIth Your Teacher LIVE! The purpose of the show is to compare the viewpoints of two generations of gay people. 有趣的同志談話性節目,比較兩個不同世代同志的看法。 This is a channel that has zero tolerance for internet gay bullying. Any comments that are unfriendly to the L
여사친과 간접키스
4 個月前
 • 29 次觀看
#웹드라마 #스케치코미디
i spent too much money on stickers!! 🤪 TeaBooksAndTazmyn
✨ full cassandra clare talk ✨ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQG9n6-Z65I&t=615s ✨ my details ✨ tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tazmynmei instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teabooksandtazmyn/ youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjQuXVURkIu1zXLWhydI
Recovery is never a straight line & that’s ok 🖤 #EverythingNow #sophiewilde #trailer
#netflix #shorts SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/29qBUt7 About Netflix: Netflix is one of the world's leading entertainment services with over 238 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, films and games across a wide variety of genres a
Egoist — New Gay #Movie
8 個月前
 • 66 次觀看
Twitter : twitter.com/lovepelangi21 Instagram : instagram.com/lovepelangi21 Telegram : https://t.me/lovepelangi21 Discord : https://discord.gg/GUSNT2H3PM Notes : Please leave a kind and polite comment. I will upload twice or thrice a week, unless I'm busy
BAGGAGE CLAIMED - Episode 4: Unclaimed Baggage | New Queer Web Series #lgbt
Episode 4 - Unclaimed Baggage Jake's roommates Cee Cee and Elsie are not letting this Bryan character off the hook. Kelsey starts to feel the effects of walking in on Sara, and Amber just can't seem to catch a break. 🖤🤎❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 BAGGAGE CLAIMED WEB SERIES: W
2023按讚分享必看最夯話題~新北男檢察官秀「女裝穿搭」辣翻天老婆小孩都支持他! 台大學生政見引爆歧視怒火連廖輝英老師都被惹毛? #性別平權 #台大 #新聞挖挖哇#兩性#新聞挖挖哇2023 #性別平等 #lgbtq #lgbt 冠名資訊 : https://www.funwoo.com.tw/abroad #FUNWOO #德載國際不動產 #美加置產首選 ⭐2024總統大選神預言誰有總統命?►https://youtu.be/Rsjb93yCwWs ⭐高中生命案大翻盤!夏姓地政士父子全身而退?►https:
▌5/17國際不再恐同日LGBTQIA+ 到底是什麼? LGBTQIA+分別代表不同性傾向或性別身分認同的性少數群體,全部加在一起,就是一個「性小眾」的總稱,而「+」有持續增加中的意思,也代表在未來還有更多元的可能性!
▌5/17 #國際不再恐同日 LGBTQIA+ 到底是什麼? LGBTQIA+分別代表不同性傾向或性別身分認同的性少數群體,全部加在一起,就是一個「性小眾」的總稱,而「+」有持續增加中的意思,也代表在未來還有更多元的可能性!
Sleeping wIth Your Teacher LIVE The purpose of the show is to compare the viewpoints of two generations of gay people. 有趣的同志談話性節目,比較兩個不同世代同志的看法。 This is a channel that has zero tolerance for internet gay bullying. Any comments that are unfriendly to the LG
Kismet - Lesbian Short Film
1 年前
 • 35 次觀看
Kismet is a romantic comedy that asks the question: does fate bring us together? Heartbroken Jessica meets the charismatic Jada one fateful day. Reluctant to give anyone new a chance, even Jessica had to admit that there was something to how they kept meet
從上班族到 go-go boy 自由教練 餐廳老闆 馬克的生活真精采
Sleeping wIth Your Teacher EP194: "Career Change of a Gay Man" 跟老師上床第194集:寫真明星的斜槓人生 Please follow Mark: https://instagram.com/mark.gucci?igshid=gmytaslo28pl 食光餐廳: https://instagram.com/food.light214?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= The purpose of the show is to compare
為了傳宗接代走上傳統婚姻的路 你有這樣的壓力嗎?努力扮演異性戀的結果是什麼?
Sleeping wIth Your Teacher EP193: "Gay Who Married a Woman" 跟老師上床第193集:和女生結婚的男同志 The purpose of the show is to compare the viewpoints of two generations of gay people. 有趣的同志談話性節目,比較兩個不同世代同志的看法。 This is a channel that has zero tolerance for internet gay bul
時尚編輯法力無邊 男模如何逃?真能飛上枝頭當鳳凰?
Sleeping wIth Your Teacher EP191: "The Hidden Rules" 跟老師上床第191集:時尚圈的潛規則 Please follow Duke: https://www.instagram.com/dukelinnn/?hl=zh-tw The purpose of the show is to compare the viewpoints of two generations of gay people. 有趣的同志談話性節目,比較兩個不同世代同志的看法。 This
🏳️‍🌈What are YouTube Shorts' Pronouns? @YouTube #LightUpYourShorts #shorts #lgbtq #pronouns
🌈Follow Me on YouTube!🙌 @adesso.laurenzo 🤩 Become a YouTube Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-m6Xbz0NFPdpNJkuCTDM0Q/join 🔗All other links here: https://linktr.ee/adesso.laurenzo #shorts #lgbt #lgbtq #queer #nonbinary #pronouns #agen