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While The World Was Distracted By The Baltimore Bridge | THIS HAPPENED
💥Billions Distracted By Baltimore Bridge and THIS Happened 💥 💰🚀 Free Credit Repair Strategy Session 💰🚀 -- https://greatcreditfast.com/schedule-your-consultation/ Are you wondering how you can fix your credit in the shortest period of time possible? Perhaps
Bitcoin is SURGING Because of THIS! (How to Take Advantage NOW)
In today's video, we're speaking about why Bitcoin is surging and how you can Bitcoin before the 2024 halving...Enjoy! 🇨🇦 Open a Coinbase Account Today to Start Trading Bitcoin!: https://coinbasecreator.sjv.io/Py9eLq 📈 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 Get up to $1,550 in FREE Cash w
FED Warns of U.S. Crisis Ahead | China, UK, Germany & Japan Now in Recession
💥 FED Issues Dangerous Warning For Americans 💥 💰🚀 Free Credit Repair Strategy Session 💰🚀 -- https://greatcreditfast.com/schedule-your-consultation/ Are you wondering how you can fix your credit in the shortest period of time possible? Perhaps you want grea
Listen to Me Call an Agent About his Recently Flipped Home
Listen as I call an agent about his recently flipped home! I call this the "neighborhood flipper method" and I'm trying to find a cash buyer who's ALREADY done a deal in the same area as my deal! Talk to agents with my FREE scripts! http://agentofferscript
If You’re Not Utilizing Email For Your Business, You’re Missing Out On Money 💰
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Fed's Warning about the Alarming Trends in the Economy
Ken McElroy explores the valuable insights of the Beige Book, a Federal Reserve publication, crucial for making informed real estate investment decisions. It delves into the economic conditions across the 12 Federal Reserve districts, examining trends in r
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今天要跟大家分享 在富豪圈流行的旅遊選擇 叫「野奢度假」🙋‍♂️ 就是把自己置身在山野之外 又同時賦予奢華體驗⭐ 這樣的野奢酒店,在全世界已經蔚為趨勢 像是 &Beyond 、Singita這些豪華旅遊公司 在沙漠、火山口、喜馬拉雅山脈 經營各種個性化的高端酒店 為有錢人帶來獨特又難忘的居住體驗 如果你也住膩了傳統的五星酒店 今天這一間野奢VILLA「遊獵羊灣」 專為大人打造的度假會所🐎 台灣山林野奢度假,591帶你體驗! ※本集特別感謝 DEER CHASER 遊獵官網 https://deerchase
世界名師競技 中央公園景觀御邸|台中市西屯區-雍悦一方|水湳經貿園區|綠美圖|real estate|mansion|591看豪宅|591高檔住宅|ep.90
今天要介紹的建案🙋‍♂️ 生於百億打造水湳經貿園區 成長在金字塔尖端的「文商段」 建築凌空28層,立面近百米 搭配跳島宜居陽台,與20萬坪中央公園對話 獨步全台的雍容生活😍 台中「雍悦一方」,帶你一起感受 建案詳細介紹☛ https://591.com.tw/fYBQR #雍悦一方 #水湳經貿園區 #台中綠美圖 00:00​ 開場 01:12​ 周邊機能 03:31​ 社區規劃 04:33​ 空間格局 08:22​ 心得總結 ※免責聲明:影音文字內容僅供參考,不構成投資建議,也不代表591看豪宅贊同其觀點。
New Inflation Data JUST Released - 4.9% CPI & 5.5% Core Inflation
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多伦多看房 I 列治文山顶流新社区【天文台】五年前楼花的价格买今天的优质资产,超大面积半独立➕建商完成地下室
这个星期我们带大家来看一套位于列治文山天文台社区的半独立屋 📍房产位于Bayview和16街,地理位置极佳。紧邻 David Dunlap 纪念公园,自然环境非常优美。社区内部绝大部分都是高端的双车库独立屋。生活便利,开车5分钟可达列治文山著名私校 TMS 和 Richmond Hill Montessori Private School. 沃尔玛,Home Depot,Loblaws等大型商超,电影院,407高速,Hwy 7都在5-10分钟车程以内。重点是价格还很不错,以五年前楼花的价格即可购得现在的优质
The Banking Crisis Just Got Worse...AGAIN - PacWest & Western Alliance
Market Briefs - Get my free financial newsletter for investors: https://briefs.co/clips/join ✅ Check out my products: 1. Market Briefs - Get my free financial newsletter for investors: https://briefs.co/clips/join 2. Business Briefs - Get my free business
First Republic Bank Just Collapsed
1 年前
 • 50 次觀看
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Moody's DOWNGRADES 11 Banks And First Republic Bank CRASHES 50%
Market Briefs - Get my free financial newsletter for investors: https://briefs.co/clips/join ✅ Check out my products: 1. Market Briefs - Get my free financial newsletter for investors: https://briefs.co/clips/join 2. Business Briefs - Get my free business
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你知道嗎?走一趟靈魂療程,不需要遠行 在自家就能享受滿滿渡假感🙋‍♂️ 今天為大家開箱的是難得一見絕美天井別墅 173坪大尺度生活,擁有私家水池、健身房 位在台南前三大富人區👍 作為指名度最高的鍍金版圖 生活在這裡只有「愜意」兩字可以形容 準備好,文美學,一起打卡渡假囉! ※本集特別感謝 幸福家不動產的物件提供協助 觀眾朋友如果有興趣,想要進一步了解物件 歡迎聯繫銷售窗口:田祐昇 0908-802-151 物件詳細介紹☛https://591.com.tw/fYwiJ -------------------
2023富豪置產布局 豪宅?商辦?海外置產?|炎上房市|通膨升息|平均地權條例|real estate|mansion|591看豪宅|591新建案|ep.69
房市急凍!升息壓力加重!有錢人真的縮手了嗎? 2023年台灣豪宅市場開春就面臨嚴峻考驗,😲 2022年全台建物買賣移轉棟數為6年來首度衰退! 正當大家都在注意住宅的時候,商仲市場卻起風囉! 去年台北市商辦建照爆衝至80萬坪,相當於將新增7棟台北101,難道是「打住不打商」嗎? 富豪置產的下一步是什麼?還是那句老話,有錢人跟你想的不一樣!...🤭 #富豪置產布局 #平均地權條例 #豪宅 #商辦 #海外置產 《地產小學堂》從買房者角度出發由專業觀點切入,為您提供不動產相關知識,囊括選房攻略、買賣流程等。最專業、
新板特區最頂! CEO豪邸 270°視野|新北市板橋區-源邸|高鐵板橋站|大遠百|新板特區|real estate|mansion|591看豪宅|591新建案|ep.84
生命中許多美好風景,總像流星一樣劃過🌠 不過對豪宅而言,別人奢望的視野卻只是日常景色😲 今天介紹的豪宅🙋‍♂️ 正對萬坪運動場,前方視野永久淨空 抬眼就見新板特區華麗天際線 26%超低公設比,一層兩戶名門大宅 板橋「源邸」 一起打開豪景人生! 建案詳細介紹☛ https://591.com.tw/fYwTD #源邸 #大遠百 #高鐵板橋站 #新板特區 00:00​ 開場 01:05​ 周邊機能 03:30​ 社區規劃 04:59​ 空間格局 09:23​ 心得總結 ※影片中實品屋所呈現的裝修設計、設備品牌&
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What Do #DAO #stoicism #productivity & SPHYNX Have in Common? Challenges bring forth 🆕 Opportunities and birth 🆕 industries 🌠Can this #technology be the solution to Increase Productivity?🌠 Reducing barriers to entry, more inclusion, more opportunities for