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Lady Mariko demands respect. #Shōgun
1 週前
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FX’s #Shōgun is now streaming on Hulu.
Ryo Saeba Mokkori Dance | City Hunter 2024 Funny Moments
冴羽獠のもっこりダンスシティーハンター Netflix live action movie Ryo funny dance in front of Kaori Makimura, Kaori want Ryo to avenge his brother's death. Ryo entertain the bar visitors with his super skill. #Netflix #RyoSaeba #CityHunter
簡介: 本劇迎來的最大的高潮。鞠子跟隨樫木薮重和按針來到大坂城,她帶著虎永的使命,那便是紅天計劃(緋紅天空)。爲了逼迫石堂承認自己非法扣押了所有人,鞠子不惜以自身性命為賭注。按針在最後關頭選擇理解鞠子,兩人終於重歸舊好。然而石堂派出的忍者卻打亂了一切,爲了保住同伴的性命,不讓紅天計劃功虧一簣,鞠子選擇犧牲自己···· ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
【影評】幕府將軍 - 終於有權力遊戲等級的史詩 | 超粒方 | Shogun
慶祝頻道破百萬訂閱,特別找來Pixel Jeff設計限量「超粒方宇宙」T恤周邊! https://www.u-signal.store/categories 我的桌遊店: https://www.facebook.com/GrowLifegameshop?mibextid=LQQJ4d 加入我的FB/IG吧! (99% 電影迷因,1% 電影新聞): https://www.facebook.com/tessereq/ https://www.instagram.com/tesscube/ 加入頻道會員補貼我
ドジャース始球式に真田広之氏登場!キャッチャー山本由伸⁉。大谷翔平選手二塁打!ドジャース勝利 #shoheiohtani #dodgers #SHOGUN
【海外の反応】「この流れはハリウッドを変える!」SHOGUN 将軍を作る真田広之のやり口がアジア人俳優を発狂させる理由?
『SHOGUN 将軍』がポリコレに勝利していることに対する海外の反応を紹介。 チャンネル登録もお願いしますね♪ http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-HTzi10uFo3dqqC3v_x5xw?sub_confirmation=1 【素材】 VOICEVOX:ずんだもん VOICEVOX:もち子さん(cv明日葉よもぎ) VOICEVOX:猫使ビィ イラスト素材:blueberry VOICEVOX:四国めたん VOICEVOX:春日部つむぎ VOICEVOX:白上虎太郎 VOI
LOS RONIN EN JAPÓN DE 1600 #shogun #shorts #curiosidades #ronin #samurai
¿Qué es un Ronin en la cultura japonesa? Todas las curiosidades de Shogun 2024, la nueva serie de Disney Plus con Hiroyuki Sanada y Cosmo Jarvis! #UCAMStars Creador de contenido para UCAM Tokiers. Disfruta de un 10% de descuento con el código: MAESTROCIEGO
W追影劇_幕府將軍第一季第5集(Shōgun S105, しょうぐん)_重雷心得
🌟Himalaya有聲書平台也有幕府將軍德川家康喔! https://www.himalaya.com/mPm2H 只要透過W這邊的專屬連結連完成註冊⬆️ 就可以享受有14天免費放飛聽覺的無限體驗喔~ 免費福利限時領取,一起來發掘更多好書吧! 幕府將軍,要來說一下生與死只是一線之隔的第5集, 處於箭在弦上緊張關鍵時刻,沒有想到文太郎沒死, 場面變得非常尷尬時,竟還有大地震來湊熱鬧! 一起來看看東軍進入備戰,西軍也將進入新的局面… 我的FB粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.com/cine
🔥史詩級神劇再現!幕府將軍的櫻與刀之歌! 🔥4大劇情線詳解!你不知道的日本史與世界史! 🔥伊麗莎白一世大戰德川家康?天主教對決武士刀?新影片一次告訴你! 快去訂閱:https://pse.is/LessonsfromMovies1 自從《冰與火之歌》播畢以來,全世界的影迷都不斷地探問,到底什麼時候下一部同時具備了龐大的世界觀、迷人的角色、極為精良的製作水準、令人屏息的劇情轉折,甚至是毫無遮掩的情慾與血腥場面的史詩影集才會再次出現。而在看了由FX製作,Disney+上獨家播出的《幕府將軍Shogun》之後,我
W追影劇_幕府將軍第一季第1-2集(Shōgun S101-02, しょうぐん)_重雷心得
幕府將軍,內外交迫局勢動盪的史詩篇章第1、2集, 故事說的是德川家康為原型,登上幕府大將軍之路, 另一邊則是外國來傳教士的覬覦,不懷好意, 來看看一級棒!極高好評的這一部劇情在演什麼呢? 我的FB粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.com/cinema.vievoyage W看電影_沙丘:第二部_重雷心得2 https://youtu.be/NBLqqHRVpfc W看電影_沙丘:第二部_重雷心得 https://youtu.be/RwZJnKcSElo
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T1 vs SGB - Day 1 LoL MSI 2022 Group Stage | T1 vs Saigon Buffalo full game
MSI 2022 SBG vs T1 Lol eSports Mid-Season Invitational 2022 Groups - T1 vs Saigon Buffalo. MSI 2022 SBG vs T1 VOD. 2022 MSI full playlist: https://bit.ly/3y0VZAK League of Legends Season 12 Mid-Season Invitational in Korea. First game of the d
銀魂 マスター起きろ、焼酎切れちゃったよ「340」
☆ヽ(∇⌒ヽ)Like, subscribe, comment, and enjoy.(ノ⌒∇)ノ☆ Gintama News Promoting Gintama Since 2010. Gintama by the people, to the people, for the people! Feel free to inbox me with your fav scene, I'll do my best to comply. As long as it's under 25s
銀魂 気分が悪いんで保健室へ行ってきていいですか?「209」
☆ヽ(∇⌒ヽ)Like, subscribe, comment, and enjoy.(ノ⌒∇)ノ☆ Gintama News Promoting Gintama Since 2010. Gintama by the people, to the people, for the people! Feel free to inbox me with your fav scene, I'll do my best to comply. As long as it's under 25s
銀魂 面倒だから「209」
2 年前
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☆ヽ(∇⌒ヽ)Like, subscribe, comment, and enjoy.(ノ⌒∇)ノ☆ Gintama News Promoting Gintama Since 2010. Gintama by the people, to the people, for the people! Feel free to inbox me with your fav scene, I'll do my best to comply. As long as it's under 25s
銀魂 不良の高杉が疑われる「209」
2 年前
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☆ヽ(∇⌒ヽ)Like, subscribe, comment, and enjoy.(ノ⌒∇)ノ☆ Gintama News Promoting Gintama Since 2010. Gintama by the people, to the people, for the people! Feel free to inbox me with your fav scene, I'll do my best to comply. As long as it's under 25s
銀魂 冷血硬派 高杉くん「209」
2 年前
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☆ヽ(∇⌒ヽ)Like, subscribe, comment, and enjoy.(ノ⌒∇)ノ☆ Gintama News Promoting Gintama Since 2010. Gintama by the people, to the people, for the people! Feel free to inbox me with your fav scene, I'll do my best to comply. As long as it's under 25s
銀魂 大きくぶ厚く 重くそして 大雑把過ぎる「335」
☆ヽ(∇⌒ヽ)Like, subscribe, comment, and enjoy.(ノ⌒∇)ノ☆ Gintama News Promoting Gintama Since 2010. Gintama by the people, to the people, for the people! Feel free to inbox me with your fav scene, I'll do my best to comply. As long as it's under 25s