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#metgala Sydney還是Billie?第一眼認錯的+1🙋
#MetGala 這是 #SydneySweeney 不是 #billieeilish ,第一眼也認錯的舉手 #metgala2024 【VOGUE QUIZ】大S&具俊曄夫妻、搭檔默契考驗會過關嗎? ► http://bit.ly/3g9Xatr 【人生歌單】蔡依林、青峰等歌王歌后人生必聽歌單 ► https://smarturl.it/d5xody 【經典造型回顧】陳美鳳、賈靜雯、等明星回顧經典造型 ► http://bit.ly/3Ecj5rR 【7 Days 7 looks】超模、明星一週OOTD找
【澳洲自由行 2024】墨爾本🇦🇺 必食推介 | 澳洲頂級全血和牛 墨爾本No1人氣牛角包 | 睇企鵝重要資訊 墨爾本兩大市場比拼 詳盡行程懶人包 | Melbourne 澳洲墨爾本自由行 EP 8
⭐️🇦🇺 📣終於嚟到澳洲行程最後一集,🔥墨爾本真係超多美食, 帶你去多間特色人氣餐廳,仲有購物熱點,💥一條片睇晒墨爾本吃喝玩樂,🙏🏼衷心感激大家支持澳洲自由行2024,下個旅程再見🙌🏻 📌St Paul's Cathedral, Melbourne https://maps.app.goo.gl/yqQk4ZQVxBsRUVzN7 📌Lune Croissanterie Melbourne CBD https://maps.app.goo.gl/J3wC1dEseyB4oCn38 📌Penguin Para
[KPOP IN PUBLIC] TWICE (트와이스) "ONE SPARK" Dance Cover // Australia // HORIZON
[KPOP IN PUBLIC] TWICE (트와이스) "ONE SPARK" Dance Cover // Australia // HORIZON One spark baby 🎆 We’re so happy to finally cover TWICE’s most recent comeback 💖 We had a lot of fun preparing the outfits for this cover and we hope you all enjoy 🎉🤩 DANCERS: Nay
#VastLife #OOTD 城市漫遊穿搭!街頭潮流兼顧機能防曬
#VAST立體格紋Logo短袖上衣 白/綠 以揉和復古與現在為設計發想,背部圖樣透過濃郁復古感配色及立體印花字體,搭配現代感強烈的俐落線條;與前胸活潑的VAST Script Logo,有著鮮明又亮眼的對比效果。 #VASTXRWBXIn4mation聯名桂冠葉長袖上衣 海軍藍 由 VAST X 著名保時捷改裝名廠Rauh-Welt Begriff X 夏威夷經典潮流品牌In4mation三方攜手聯名重磅打造出的長袖上衣,袖擺印花以獨特動感的桂冠葉圖樣設計呈現,搭配前胸顯眼的RWB標誌、背面印有簡約的In4
#VastLife #OOTD 超Chill親子出遊穿搭!機能防曬系列火辣上市中
#VASTNeonRevolt防曬機能衝浪T 將潮流系的桃紅色漸層揉合了渲染手法,不受性別設限的中性款式。以 VAST 專利環保彈性服飾科技Aqua Terra取代萊卡纖維, 利用DOBBY編織技術,打造出凹凸立體網紋效果的內裡,讓布料不易黏身,展現更好活動度。 #VAST漸層雙面漁夫帽 將潮流系的桃紅色漸層揉合了渲染手法設計的漁夫帽,不受性別設限的中性款式,無論男女都能輕鬆穿搭的單品,且有著多元的佩戴風格。 #VAST水陸兩用水桶帽 黑色/迷彩/水藍色 快乾、透氣的材質且有效遮陽,非常適合從事戶外運動,頭
Sydney Sweeney Addressing Romance Rumors and Affair Allegations
Sydney Sweeney's SNL Monologue
如果预算不是问题,买什么相机和镜头,才是旅行拍摄的顶配,这个视频跟大家分享一下。。。。。。视频录制于我卖掉a7cr买a9iii之前~ 我的设备清单: 最常用的相机:https://amzn.to/3cgfE9h 最喜欢的镜头:https://amzn.to/3aJuMeQ 室内录制相机:https://amzn.to/3Ptsujr 室内录制镜头:https://amzn.to/3uSHBdX 常用麦克风:https://amzn.to/3aMLEBG 我的淘宝店:摄影师顾俊,专营摄影配件和周边,联系客服,
[KPOP IN PUBLIC] RIIZE (라이즈) "Get A Guitar" Dance Cover // Australia // HORIZON
[KPOP IN PUBLIC] RIIZE (라이즈) "Get A Guitar" Dance Cover // Australia // HORIZON #RIIZEis7 Remember those dun dun dun steps that twisted both our legs and brains? Let us rewind to RIIZE’s debut track, grab yourself a guitar to sing or dance along with and e
【🇦🇺澳洲食玩推介】觀眾推介我去這裡,距離悉尼一小時的美景|💸 吃了頓昂貴但值得的晚餐|KOI Dessert Bar|Palm Beach|澳洲生活 Vlog EP55
【🇭🇰 廣東話|附有中文字幕】 今集帶大家北上,去距離悉尼市中心大概一小時車程的燈塔海灘 Palm Beach,風景十分美麗! 然後再帶大家食好西,到訪位於悉尼市中心的 KOI Dessert Bar,體驗非常難忘! 請去片吧! #澳洲vlog #生活 #悉尼 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 如果你地鐘意呢條片嘅話, 不如俾個Like同Subscribe我吖
IN FULL: NSW Police provide update after reports of stabbing at Bondi Junction Westfield | ABC News
NSW Police are speaking after reports multiple people were stabbed to death inside a shopping centre at Bondi Junction. Subscribe: http://ab.co/1svxLVE ABC News provides around the clock coverage of news events as they break in Australia and abroad. It's n
Sydney Shocker: Stabbings, Gunfire In Busy Mall| Horror In Visuals| 1st Photo of Attacker Out
A shopping centre in Sydney's east has been evacuated amid reports of multiple stabbings and potentially a number of deaths. Watch the horror #sydneyshocker #sydney #sydneyhorror #timesnow #latestnews Times Now - Times Now News channel examines news with i
Bondi Junction stabbing: seven people dead in Australia and baby injured in Sydney knife attack
At least seven people are dead, including the attacker, as a result of a stabbing spree at Westfield Bondi Junction, a six-level shopping centre in Sydney’s east. A lone man walked through the shopping mall wielding a knife, stabbing people apparently at r
Witnesses report multiple deaths at Westfield Bondi Junction shopping centre | ABC News
There are reports of potentially multiple deaths following several stabbings inside a shopping centre in Sydney's east. A critical incident is unfolding inside Westfield Bondi Junction where police were called just before 4pm, after reports of several peop
How the Westfield Bondi Junction stabbing unfolded
A man was shot dead after going on a deadly stabbing spree at Westfield shopping centre in the Sydney suburb of Bondi Junction on Saturday. The attacker was chased by a lone police officer who was on duty on an unrelated matter. Six people have been killed
Six killed, knifeman dead in attack at Sydney's Bondi Junction
A man armed with a knife has killed at least six people in a horrific afternoon attack at Sydney’s busy Westfield Bondi shopping centre. #breakingnews #sydney #news Connect With news.com.au Online ► [https://www.news.com.au] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Fol
Westfield Bondi Junction stabbing: six people killed, knife attacker shot dead in Sydney, Australia
Police have confirmed five people are dead and several others, including a baby, are in hospital after a stabbing incident at Westfield shopping centre in Bondi Junction in Sydney's east. Police shot a man dead on the scene, who they believe acted alone, a
【顾俊】索尼a9 iii,极其强大,也依然小众~~
有些相机,闻名不如见面,有另一些相机,见面不如闻名~ a93上手体验目前都非常良好,比我想象中好~~~ 后续会有长期使用报告~~~ 关注我的第二频道:顾俊开箱,可以看到我做的其他数码类产品的视频,嘿嘿嘿~~~ 我的微博:http://weibo.com/sydneygujun 我的Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/jungu_sydney/ 我的设备清单: 最常用的相机:https://amzn.to/3cgfE9h 最喜欢的镜头:https://amzn.to/3aJ
【顾俊】899的富士镜头确实有点离谱了,唯卓仕XF 56mm f1.7!
现在大家的选择真的是越来越多了。。。便宜的镜头真的是越做越强了。。。离谱。。。 我的设备清单: 最常用的相机:https://amzn.to/3cgfE9h 最喜欢的镜头:https://amzn.to/3aJuMeQ 室内录制相机:https://amzn.to/3Ptsujr 室内录制镜头:https://amzn.to/3uSHBdX 常用麦克风:https://amzn.to/3aMLEBG 我的淘宝店:摄影师顾俊,专营摄影配件和周边,联系客服,暗号“顾俊”,会有折扣,嘿嘿嘿嘿~~~ 关注我的第二频
Sydney Opera House Switches Off Lights for Earth Hour | Subscribe to Firstpost
Sydney Opera House Switches Off Lights for Earth Hour | Subscribe to Firstpost The iconic Sydney Opera House in Australia switched off all its lights to mark the Earth Hour. Places like the Sydney Harbour Bridge too joined the initiative. The Earth Hour is