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Terremoto mortal en Papúa Nueva Guinea 💀🚨 Hay 600 personas sepultadas
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Terremoto de magnitude 4.8 assusta Nova York, sem relatos de vítimas ou danos
Um terremoto de magnitude 4.8 atingiu nesta sexta-feira (5) Nova York e Nova Jersey, segundo informações do Centro Sismológico Euro-Mediterrânico. Não houve relatos de destruição ou vítimas, embora as redes sociais tenham recebido muitos posts sobre sustos
Japão: vídeo mostra colisão entre avião com 379 passageiros e aeronave militar em Tóquio
Cinco tripulantes de um avião da guarda costeira do Japão morreram, após uma colisão com um avião comercial da Japan Airlines no aeroporto internacional de Haneda, em Tóquio. Os 379 passageiros da outra aeronave sobreviveram.
Tsunami no Japão: meteorologista da CNN explica alerta | LIVE CNN
O meteorologista da CNN Derek Van Dam explicou como está situação da costa oeste do Japão em meio ao alerta de tsunami após um terremoto de magnitude 7,5 na Escala de Richter. #CNNBrasil Inscreva-se no canal da CNN Brasil no YouTube. ACOMPANHE A CNN BRASIL
1485 Earthquakes per Day, due to magma flows under Fagradalsfjall Volcano, Iceland.
#NDNews: Natural disasters news every day. Disaster November 11. Live news live about bad weather. Earth's pain will cleanse the Planet from the humanity. In the world in a day about severe nature. Catastrophes are here and now. Global warming is not far o
12 villages are destroyed and thousands are injured! Earthquake M6.3 in Herat, Afghanistan
12 villages are destroyed and thousands are injured! Earthquake M6.3 in Herat, Afghanistan Natural disaster 7 October 2023. The 6.3 magnitude quake devastated at least 12 villages near the city of Herat on Saturday. There were powerful aftershocks, survivo
Two M6.3 Earthquakes! Millions are Fleeing! And 5 more aftershocks in Herat, Afghanistan.
#NDNews: Natural disasters news every day. Disaster October 7. Live news live about bad weather. Earth's pain will cleanse the Planet from the humanity. In the world in a day about severe nature. Catastrophes are here and now. Global warming is not far off
TERREMOTO EN TURQUÍA I Indio y Akira, los perros argentinos que rescataron a 3 personas
Indio y Akira pertenecen a la Brigada de Búsqueda y Rescate Urbano de la Policía Federal Argentina y viajaron junto a sus guías a Turquía. Daniel Iglesias - Comisario "Son perros entrenados para entrar en espacios muy pequeños donde un rescatista no puede
México registra nuevo sismo en 19 de septiembre
Un sismo de magnitud 7,4 sacudió este lunes el centro de México justo en el día de los aniversarios de los terremotos del 19 de septiembre de 1985 y de 2017.
Buildings Crumble Today As 7.6M Earthquake Hits Mexico 🇲🇽 September 18 2022 sismo Michoacán
A 7.6 magnitude earthquake hit Michoacán, Mexico today, on September 19th 2022. Buildings were evacuated, as walls moved due to the force of the tremors. Tremors were felt in many parts of the country, including Mexico City. In rural areas, landslides
Major earthquake of 7.5 magnitude shakes Mexico today
A magnitude 7.5 earthquake has struck near Mexico’s central Pacific coast, shaking buildings and setting off earthquake alarms in the capital on the anniversary of two earlier devastating tremors. #earthquakemexico #mexiconews #earthquake
Tsunami Warning Today As 6.9M Earthquake Hits Taiwan 🇹🇼 September 18 2022 台湾地震
A 6.9 magnitude earthquake hit Taiwan today, on September 18 2022. Buildings and structures were destroyed, as walls crumbled. Landslides were seen in rural areas, blocking and destroying roads, causing further disruption. A strong aftershock measuring 5
10分以上揺れ続けた 関東大震災 / 地震波到達シミュレーション / 緊急地震速報、津波警報、NHKニュース、首都直下地震
大正12年(1923年)9月1日(土) 11時58分31.6秒に神奈川県で発生した巨大地震で、約10万5000人が亡くなった日本史上最悪の震災を、関東大震災と呼びます。 字幕の表示をお勧めします。 防災教育にご利用ください。 商用利用はお断りしています。 2023年現在、首都直下地震として懸念されているのはM8クラスの関東大震災レベルではなく、その下のM7クラスになります。 JUMP 0:00 Top 0:33 注意事項 1:32 シミュレーション 1:44 緊急地震速報(本震)M7.9~8.1 2:57
NHK - 2018年9月6日 3時8分ごろ 北海道胆振地方中東部 / Sismo 6.7 Sapporo Japon 05/09/2018
Momento donde la alarma de sismo se activa en NHK por el sismo 6.7 en Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japon