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进阶!ROS+旁路网关,打游戏不卡、刷短视频飞快。抛弃 主、旁路由 套娃互指,精准控制科学权限。稳定、可控、专业。
虽然说这期捣鼓的DHCP自定义功能,在openwrt或者爱快或者其他企业级路由器系统里,都能找到相同的设置,但是ros的路由系统支持命令行操作,支持不同型号的ros路由器忽略硬件配置使用同一个配置文件共享恢复部署,甚至从入门路由到企业路由全部支持链路聚合,理论来说这台刷了ros的wr330也可以做链路聚合当成2G交换机来使用。这些更为进阶的路由器功能ROS完全不设限制,对于爱折腾的玩家可以从ros路由器管中窥豹,进一步从原理上了解到更底层的网络知识。 WR330刷ros教程;https://www.righ
New Arduino, Pi and Adafruit, ChatGPT Codes Arduino, and More!
#Arduino #raspberrypi #Maker #diyelectronics #electromaker Welcome to the Electromaker Show episode 101! This week we look at new products from Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and Adafruit, as well as look forward to some upcoming online Maker events! ▬ Support us!
工程師如何選擇 Mac or Windows? 軟體開發作業系統這樣選!! | 在地上滾的工程師 Nic
回顧了我曾經用 Mac / Windows 的經驗 關於軟體開發領域,到底要選擇哪一台電腦作業系統比較好? 為什麼國外的 Conference 或矽谷的開發人員似乎都擁有一台 Macbook? 雖然直接使用 Linux 開發更接近 Production 環境 但總體來說可能會限制了一般生活使用場景 這支影片會和你分享我目前的工作環境、公司同事所使用的設備 其中包含我自己對於作業系統的一些看法 歡迎留言和我分享你目前熟悉的作業系統哦 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🙆‍♂️ 成為頻道會員的好處❓ ✔ 影片、
Fedora patent trolls itself, RIP Stadia, PopOS goes yearly - Linux & Open Source News
Start your free trial of KernelCare Enterprise and prevent server downtime: https://bit.ly/3Sh1rIZ Grab a brand new laptop or desktop running Linux:https://www.tuxedocomputers.com/en# 👏 SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Get access to a weekly podcast, vote o
駭客只用一張圖片!! 搬走你的錢? 技術全解析!! | 在地上滾的工程師 Nic
我的資安都是駭客教的,不是我自己主動學的 XD 但也因為「被教」 反而引起了我想追根究底的渴望 前一支關於資安漏洞的影片迴響不錯 所以繼續把當年對其他漏洞的研究 拍成一支影片和大家分享啦 快來看看,駭客如何用一張圖片,搬走虛擬貨幣交易所的錢! ☁️ 我在用的 Linode 租機器推薦碼 https://linode.gvw92c.net/niclin 🛒 購買 T-Shirt【開會專家】 https://shopee.tw/product/15975226/16477002844/ 🗝️ Reverse S
ElementaryOS закроют? Новый PopOS 22.04. MX Linux. Firefox 100
Обучающий сервис YODO: https://go.yodo.im/linux-devops-34d6bc В этом видео мы поговорим про новые релизы дистрибутивов PopOS 22.04 и MX Linux 21.1, посмотрим на юбилейный
💻 WINDOWS 11 vs UBUNTU 22.04 Linux ¿Cual es mejor opción? // Español 2022
🎨Fotor: https://bit.ly/3vIEQLO Fotor es un editor de fotos muy útil con el que podremos editar y crear imágenes con mucha facilidad en Windows, macOS, navegadores web y dispositivos móviles. Integra herramientas para crear diseños impresionantes r
What Valve isn't telling you about the Steam Deck. (Saying the quiet part out loud)
Why did Valve *actually* make the Steam Deck? Why did they make SteamOS? It's pretty simple: they care about keeping the PC ecosystem open. My second channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnuvP0behGQMR5Wd3l80IWg Support the Show * Patreon: http
The ONE operating system to rule them all.
2 年前
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Here is why Fedora is one of the best Linux Distros for people, whether you're a beginner or pro to Linux! Thank you to our sponsor, LocalMonero - a P2P Monero trading platform, visit them to use Monero safely: https://localmonero.co/ ---- References:
Новинки: Ubuntu Budige, MATE, Kubuntu, Studio. KDE в телефоне. Панель в Chrome. Claws Mail для L
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15 Things to Do After Installing Ubuntu 22.04
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Visit https://brilliant.org/AverageLinuxUser/ to get started learning STEM for free, and the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium subscription. Tex version: https://averagelinuxuser.com/ubuntu-22-04-after_install/ Better Microsoft Off
Easily moving Linux installs
2 年前
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Are you tired of having to reset all your app settings on a new install? Using a simple tool you will never have to reconfig your app settings again. Also adding new apps and programs are extremely simple and intuitive. Stop wasting your time and start us
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Ubuntu 22.04: An Excellent Linux Distro
2 年前
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Ubuntu 22.04 review, including installation and demo of this latest version of the popular Linux Distro. You can download Ubuntu 22.04, otherwise known as the Jammy Yellyfish, from https://ubuntu.com/ If you like this video, you may also find useful my e
Linux Tutorial for Beginners in Hindi 🔥| Full Linux Course With Commands
Linux Tutorial for Beginners in Hindi 🔥| Full Linux Course With Commands 👉 Free Ethical Hacking Full Course - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rgvzt0D8bR4 👉 How do Hackers Hack passwords? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fQ_CyEmQnM 👉 Andro
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS: What's New?
2 年前
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We look at Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, the latest long-term support release of Ubuntu Linux. This update features a sizeable crop of changes, including GNOME 42, new UI accent colours, new dock options, and Wayland as default display server. This video gives an
You Don't Choose Your Linux Distro. It Chooses You!
The one question that every Linux user asks when beginning their Linux journey is: "Which Linux distro should I choose?" In my opinion, you don't really choose a distro. The distro chooses you! WANT TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL? 💰 Patreon: https://ww
2 年前
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Ежегодная сводка дистрибутивов, которые я советую как новичкам, так и более продвинутым пользователям. Что выбрать из дистрибутивов, какой
三个外国💪肌肉男挑战中国的美食“臭豆腐” 😂谁胜谁负?
欢迎👏大家订阅❤️和点赞👍我的频道哦,并且记得点按旁边的小铃铛🔔,有新视频会第一☝️时间通知到您哦,谢谢🙏大家的支持,你们的支持就是我前进的动力哦。谢谢大家。 中国人喜欢的美食“臭豆腐”在外国肌肉男的眼里就是挑战😂😂😂 (告知:视频来自网络分享,可能有