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Korban Google Maps! Mobil Nyemplung ke Sungai Saat Jemput Penumpang
VIVA - Sebuah insiden yang menghebohkan warga terjadi ketika sebuah mobil terjun ke sungai di Klapanunggal, Bogor pada hari, Rabu 3 April 2024 sore. Momen mobil tersebut tercebur ke sungai terlihat melalui rekaman CCTV yang terpasang di lokasi, dengan wakt
2024國際露營展Viva la campo|最新露營品牌新品搶先看|[老史強在哪裡][廢柴俱樂部]
#2024國際露營展 #FaSlow #帳篷 #焚火台#躺椅 你沒看錯...我們又來晚了,繼2023年參加viva glamping的超爽體驗後,期待了一年的2024 Viva la campo終於登場,這次專注在跟大家介紹今年又有哪些新玩意參展...果然看到一堆超屌的新裝備... 全新上市韓國FaSlow科技棉系列產品:(結帳記得輸入廢柴俱樂部專屬優惠碼:3345678) 廢柴俱樂部將免費致贈專屬超值好禮回饋廢友喔!! https://www.waweditions.com/products/faslow
2024 VIVA 戶外露營展 車泊好物 超有型 OLD School 露營車 #露營車改裝 #露營 #台灣露營
這次來帶大家逛2024年的VIVA國際露營展,介紹適合車泊的好物,包含各露營周邊商品。 其實露營展也能買到車宿用品的,我們一起來看看,有什麼適合車宿用的吧 露營展超棒的!! 也請大家幫我們,按讚訂閱,開啟小鈴鐺 🤝【商業合作】 Mail : boonlin.friend@gmail.com LINE官方帳號:boon.lin 魚露游台灣fb:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555290616812&mibextid=ZbWKwL 車宿,駐車冷氣 電池,hi
【MOVIE】全程高能!带点脑子都看不懂!风流少主被机智奴婢救下 两人荒郊野岭情愫暗生竟然就开始...?#权谋 #古装 #宫斗
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Gogoro鍊條為什麼不能改原廠皮帶?改裝皮帶需要注意什麼? 此影片不是業配,請放心服用。 ——————————————————————————— G平方的FB https://www.facebook.com/G2lightspeed/ G平方的IG https://instagram.com/g2faster?igshid... G平方的TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@g2faster G平方的LINE https://line.me/ti/p/IipBTCNwXX ———
Gogoro VIVA無限加速器!破解30秒封印!不用自己按方格旗了...無私分享!G平方光速動力《電動車看世界》 @g2faster
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2023.4.22 清水エスパルス チャント集
BASEショップ「FOOTBALL FANATICS」 https://fbfanatics.base.shop/ 大勢の清水サポーターが大宮に集結。J屈指と言っていいレベルの圧倒的な声量でした。試合後は「王国清水」コールでお返し。 2023 J2 第11節 大宮アルディージャ vs 清水エスパルス 入場者数:9,316人
The Microsoft 365 Copilot AI Event in Less than 3 Minutes
March 16, 2023, we introduced Microsoft 365 Copilot—your copilot for work. It combines large language models with your data in the Microsoft Graph and the Microsoft 365 apps to turn your words into the most powerful productivity tool on the planet. Learn m
The Future of Work With AI - Microsoft March 2023 Event
A special event with Satya Nadella and Jared Spataro focused on how AI will power a whole new way of working for everyone. Learn more at: https://aka.ms/Aajnnys 0:00 - Satya Nadella announces new AI tool 4:50 - Introducing Microsoft 365 Copilot 9:45 - Copi
Introducing Microsoft 365 Copilot with Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote
Planning a grad party? Microsoft 365 Copilot has you covered. Learn how Microsoft 365 Copilot seamlessly integrates into the apps you use every day to turn your words into the most powerful productivity tool on the planet. Check out these highlights from t
Streamline business processes with Microsoft 365 Copilot
When you lead a sales team, building customer relationships and closing deals are key. Microsoft 365 Copilot can help lighten the load with next-generation AI. Learn how Microsoft 365 Copilot works across Teams, Viva Sales, and Power Automate to streamline
取自台灣音樂記錄片《Viva Tonal跳舞時代》(自配字幕). Mr. Kuo Chih-Yuen illustratives the singing way of the popular song. The chip is cut from the documentary film 《The Dance Age》.
Jokowi Disambut Riuh Suara Wartawan di KTT APEC
VIVA - Presiden Joko Widodo menghadiri KTT Kerja Sama Ekonomi Asia Pasifik (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) APEC ke-29 di Bangkok, Thailand, Jumat 18 November 2022. Kedatangan Jokowi disambut langsung Raja Thailand di Chakri Maha Prasat Throne Hall di H
ALAMAT - 'Aswang' (M/V Teaser)
1 年前
 • 35 次觀看
Teaser for the official music video of 'Aswang' by PPop boy group ALAMAT. 'Aswang' is one of the key tracks in Alamat's upcoming mini-album "PASULONG." Mini-album will be released on digital streaming platforms on the midnight of October 28, 2022.
RONNIE & MARIZ RICKETTS: Sinubok ng tadhana ang kanilang pagsasama bilang mag-asawa|| #TTWAA Ep. 112
Here's @Aster Amoyo 's exclusive interview with celebrity couple #RonnieRicketts and #MarizRicketts premiering Friday, September 30th at 12nn. ________________________________________ Don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell icon to not miss any of ou
LANGGA - Wilbert Ross (Official Music Video)
1 年前
 • 59 次觀看
The Official Music Video of "Langga" by Wilbert Ross. TV personality, singer and now legit songwriter Wilbert Ross, wasn’t kidding when he said that he’s serious when it comes to his own music. And now he’s here, again, with a new single to boot tit
BUKAN RUDAL! Senjata Militer Rusia Ini Bikin NATO-AS Lumpuh Total!
VIVA - Ada fakta terungkap tentang sebuah sistem persenjataan canggih milik Rusia yang mampu membuat kekuatan militer Amerika bahkan NATO lumpuh total. #VIVAnewsdaily Baca berita terbaru, terkini dan terpopuler disini https://www.viva.co.id/